To develop an elderly diet food that can easily be chewed and swallowed, we manufactured elderly diet food using chicken breast meat with various amounts (0.9, 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5 g) of gelatin used as a viscosity agent, and evaluated their physico-chemical and sensory properties. As the amount of gelatin decreased, the lightness were increased, but the redness and yellowness were decreased. In the texture profile analysis, hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness were significantly increased with increased amounts of gelatin, but adhesiveness gradually decreased. Cohesiveness was no significantly difference. Free amino acid contents in elderly diet food using chicken breast meat did not show trend to increase or decrease, but the tyrosine contents were significantly decreased with increased amounts of gelatin. The sensory evaluations including taste, flavor and color were not significantly different. However, the texture and overall acceptance of elderly diet food using chicken meat containing 1.3 g of gelatin had the highest acceptance.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the nutrient intake status of elderly dementia patients. We surveyed the dietary intake of 50 demented elderly patients receiving a regular diet, who were hospitalized in a geriatric hospital in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. The average age of the subjects was 79.6 土6.5 for the males and 80.5 土6.3 for the females. The average heights were 169.5 土6.0 cm (males) and 154.6 土5.2 cm (females), and the average weights were 58.5 土7.4 (males) and 51.7 土8.9 kg (females). Depending on the type of dementia, the male patients showed significant differences in their intakes of vegetable protein, fiber, total iron, and non-heme iron between the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the vascular dementia (VD) groups, and the female patients showed significant differences in their intakes of total protein, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin B6 between the two groups. The male patients showed significant differences in their intakes of animal-source calcium and carotene according to ability to self-feed. According to physical activity, the male patients showed significant differences in vegetable fat and vitamin A intake, and the females showed significant differences in their intakes of total protein, animal protein, fiber, ash, total calcium, vegetable-source calcium, animal-source calcium, phosphorous, total iron, non-heme iron, heme iron, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin C, folate, and potassium. We found that the patients consumed excessive protein, but low amounts of calcium, vitamin B2, and folate. Also, the patients’ physical activity abilities appeared to affect their nutrient intakes.
Green Tea consists of 15-30% catechins (a type of polyphenol), which act as super antioxidants, inhibitory action against aging process. Antioxidants fight radical-free oxygen, an agent which can begin the process of cancer by damaging essential body chemicals and harming DNA. This study was peformed to develop the elderly diet using Green Tea as an inhibitory action against aging process. Nokchaborijook (Baley gruel added rice powder and Green Tea) was manufactured by various levels of Green Tea(1, 4, 7%) and the grinding period(15, 30, 45 sec). The optimum levels of added Green Tea and grinding periods on Nokchaborijook were determined with the results of sensory evaluation by response surface methodology and analysis of composition. The Anti-oxidant Vitamin A, C, E and Flavonoid were increased with increased levels of Green Tea and grinding periods be decreased. As the levels of Green Tea and grinding periods were increased, the green color and penetrated force became stronger. Among the sensory attributes, Bitterness, Green Tea Flavor and Hashness were greater depending on increasing Green Tea. Jujube flavor was greater relying on decreasing Green Tea. Greenness and spreadability of particles were increased as both the amounts of Green Tea and the grinding period were increased. This result was used to determine the optimum conditions of adding levels of Green Tea and grinding periods. The optimum conditions of Nokchaborijook was established as adding of 5.8% Green Tea grinded for 15 seconds.