To analyse and review the fishing performance and species composition according to the size of the entrance and mesh of the pot in the southern coastal waters (Tongyeong, Gyeongsangnam-do and Yeosu, Jeollanam-do), the experiment in this study caught one class, eight orders, 17 families, 23 species, 662 fishes, and 99,833 g. The largest number of fish species was Conger myriaster (301 fishes caught) accounting for 45.5%, followed by Octopus vulgaris (152) accounting for 23.0%, Charybdis japonica (45) accounting for 6.8%, Sebastiscus marmoratus (43) accounting for 6.5%, and Parapercis sexfasciata (42) accounting for 6.3%. Conger myriaster, Octopus vulgaris, Charybdis japonica, Sebastiscus marmoratus, and Parapercis sexfasciata accounted for 88.1% of the total catch. For other fish species, 68 fishes of 18 species were caught, accounting for 12.5% of the total. As a result of the total catch survey, the catch rate of Conger myriaster was the highest at 50.9% in B. 22 mm/280 mm. In addition, the average total length per fish increased as the entrance size increased. The weight ratios of Conger myriaster, Octopus vulgaris, and other fish species based on the total weight caught in each pots of the six species of test fishing gear are as follows. A pots 66.6%, 26.5%, 6.9%, B pots 57.2%, 24.5 %, 18.3%, C pots 43.2%, 31.5%, 25.3%, D pots 7.4%, 56.7%, 35.9%, E pots 43.6%, 0%, 56.4%, and F pots 5.0%, 79.6%, 15.4%.
This study was conducted to analyze fishing capacity and bycatch by mesh size and entrance size of spring net pot conductedby water tank and field experiment. The water tank experiments were conducted by using traps with mesh size of 22 mm and entrance size of 120 mm and 140 mm, respectively in the water tank of NIFS. The field experiment was conducted using 5 kinds of spring net pot with mesh sizes of 20 mm, 22 mm, 35 mm and entrance size of 120 mm, 130 mm, 140 mm, 360 mm by coastal trap fishery vessel operating around the area of Geoje island. In the result of water tank experiments, the catch of conger eel was 1.5 times higher when using trap with entrance size of 140 mm than that of 120 mm. In the field experiment, when using same mesh size, the larger the entrance size, the higher amount of conger eel catch, bycatch and number of bycatch species. When using the same entrance size, the larger the mesh size, the lower amount of conger eel catch and number of bycatch species, whereas the amount of bycatch showed increasing trend.
본 연구는 2015년 3월부터 9월까지 충청남도 공주시, 금 산시, 부여군, 충청북도 영동군, 옥천군 일대에 입구의 크기 별로 제작한 인공둥지(150×150×250mm, 입구지름 40mm; 250×250×350mm, 입구지름 70mm; 300×300×400mm, 입 구지름 100mm)를 설치하여 조류의 번식생태를 연구하고, 입구의 크기가 조류의 번식생태에 미치는 영향을 알아보고 자 수행하였다. 연구기간 동안 인공둥지에서 번식이 확인된 조류는 참새 (Passer montanus), 박새(Parus major), 곤줄박이(Parus varius), 파랑새(Eurystomus orientalis), 소쩍새(Otus sunia), 원앙(Aix galericulata) 총 6종이였다. 입구의 크기 별 로 살펴보면 지름 40mm에서 참새, 박새, 곤줄박이, 70mm 에서 박새, 곤줄박이, 파랑새, 소쩍새, 100mm에서 박새, 곤 줄박이, 소쩍새, 원앙이 각각 번식하였다. 특히, 법정보호종 (천연기념물)은 원앙과 소쩍새 2종이 번식하였다. 최초 번 식시기는 박새와 곤줄박이 등 소형의 삼림성 조류가 가장 빨랐으며, 상대적으로 참새, 소쩍새, 파랑새, 원앙이 늦었다. 번식성공률은 종별로 차이가 있었으며, 다양한 실패요인이 확인되었다. 주요 번식실패요인으로 박새는 곤줄박이와 원 앙에 의한 둥지강탈, 곤줄박이는 원앙에 의한 둥지강탈, 소 쩍새는 미부화, 원앙은 사람에 의한 인위적인 방해로 둥지 포기가 확인되었다. 상대적으로 크기가 작은 조류는 입구의 크기가 큰 둥지를 선택하였을 때 대체로 번식에 실패하였으 며, 같은 시기에 번식장소를 선택하는 조류에 있어서 종간 경쟁이 상당히 치열했다. 특히, 원앙의 경우에는 상대적으 로 경쟁력이 높았으며, 소형조류가 둥지 내부에 이끼를 이 용해 산좌를 깔아놓은 곳을 강탈하거나, 또는 알을 훼손하 고 둥지를 차지하였다. 그러나 원앙은 민가와 인접한 지역 에 둥지를 트는 경우가 많아 인간에 의한 갑섭이 크게 작용 하였다. 연구결과, 각종 개발과 도로건설로 인하여 산림 및 나무 의 훼손이 수반되어 자연생태계에는 조류가 산란할 장소가 부족한 것을 알 수 있었으며, 짧은 번식기간 중 조류의 종간 및 종내 경쟁은 치열했다. 특히, 시간이 지남에 따라 경쟁에 서 뒤쳐지는 소형의 조류는 번식실패와 개체수 감소가 심화 될 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 입구의 크기를 달리 제작한 인 공둥지를 설치함으로 다양한 야생조류의 대체 산란지를 제 공하고 생물다양성 증가에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된 다.
Recently, Fishermen have required to expand the circumference of trap entrance for conger eel because it was difficult to take the catch out as well as to put the baits into. A series of fishing experiments was carried out in coastal areas of Tongyoung, Korea in 2008 and 2009 using the traps to describe the effect of the entrance size on the catch. The experimental traps (five types) were used in filed experiments with four types circumference size traps (140, 180, 220 and 260mm) with mesh size 22mm and another type was used the same one usually using in filed with mesh size 35mm (750mm circumference). The experiment results were, the conger eels of total length 35mm more or so were caught 85, 93, 142 and 176 individual by the experiment traps with mesh size 22mm as increase circumference size from 140mm to 260mm, respectively. And the small conger eels of the total length below 35mm to be prohibited to catch by law were caught 145, 160, 288 and 304 individual according to increase the circumference size of trap, respectively. In addition, in case of the trap with mesh size 22mm, bycatches were 230 - 260 individuals and much more than bycatches of the trap with mesh size 35mm. In conclusion, when we expand the circumference size of trap according to fishermen's requirement, we should review not only economic of fishery but also increasement the bycatch of non-target fishes and small size fishes.