
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The number of snowfall and the amount of snowfall are gradually increasing, and due to the characteristics of Seoul, which has a lot of traffic, it is difficult to respond quickly with a snow removal method that relies on snow removal vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an IoT based eco-friendly snow removal system that can respond to unexpected heavy snow in winter. In this study, the low temperature operation and snow removal performance of the IoT road condition snow removal detector and the snow removal system using CNT and PCM are evaluated in the climatic environment chamber. METHODS : To make artificial snow, it consists of an climatic environment chamber that can simulate a low temperature environment and equipment that can supply compressed air and cold water. Depending on the usage characteristics of the climatic environment chamber, use an air-water type snow maker. In order to make artificial snow, wet temperature, which takes into account the actual air temperature and the amount of moisture in the air, acts as the most important variable and is suitable for making snow, below –1.5 ℃. The lower the water temperature, the easier it is to freeze, so the water source was continuously supplied at 0 ℃ to 4 ℃. One of the two different pipes is connected to the water tank to supply water, and the other pipe is connected to the compressor to supply high-pressure air. Water is dispersed by compressed air in the form of many small droplets. The sprayed microscopic water particles freeze quickly in the low temperature environmental climatic chamber air and naturally fall to the floor, forming snow. Based on the KS C IEC 60068-2-1 cold resistance test standard, an integrated environmental test procedure was prepared to apply to IoT-based snow removal systems and performance evaluation was performed accordingly. The IoT based eco-friendly snow removal system is needed to in winter, so visual check and inspect the operation at the climatic chamber before setting up it to the actual site. In addition, grid type equipment was manufactured for consistent and reliable snow removal performance evaluation under controlled environmental conditions. RESULTS : The IoT-based eco-friendly snow removal system normally carried out the task of acquiring data and images without damaging the appearance or freezing in a low temperature environment. It showed clear snow removal performance in areas where PCM and CNT heating technology were applied to the concrete slab. This experiment shows that normal snow removal tasks can be carried out in low temperature environments in winter. CONCLUSIONS : The integrated environmental test procedures and grid type evaluation equipment are applied to low temperature operation and snow removal performance evaluation of snow removal systems. In the climatic environment chamber, where low temperature environments can be simulated, artificial snow is created regardless of the season to derive quantitative experimental results on snow removal performance. PCM and CNT heating technology showed high snow removal performance. The system is expected to be applied to road site situations to preemptively respond to unexpected heavy snow in winter.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The use of nuclear materials for nuclear power generation is increasing worldwide, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has signed an agreement with countries using nuclear materials to prevent using military purpose through the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) for the management of nuclear materials. Accordingly, all member countries manage nuclear material and equipment facilities under the treaty and are obligated to conduct safety measures such as inspection, containment, and surveillance in accordance with safety standards. The equipment used in the inspection basically consists of a Scintillator type and a semiconductor detector type, and is mainly used for portable equipment to ensure the integrity of the equipment. In general, the operating environment of the detector guaranteed by the manufacturer is -10 degrees to 40 degrees due to poor resolution and electrical problems. However, in the case of an outdoor environment other than a laboratory environment, it is difficult to maintain the above temperature conditions. In particular, the internal temperature of the vehicle used for transport rises to more than 50 degrees in Korea, making the detector stored therein vulnerable. In this study, a storage chamber for extreme environments was developed. The developed chamber compared the internal temperature by heating the external temperature. In addition, the performance before and after heating was compared by heating the radiation detectors HPGe, CZT, and NaI from -20 to 70 degrees Celsius while using the storage chamber. Our proposed chamber can play a key role in applications with good performance in complex environmental adaptability in their design.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : High concentrations of particulate matter (PM) are emitted or generated from vehicle emissions in urban roads with dense transient populations. To reduce the effect of PM emission on bus stop users at roadsides, a plan to reduce PM emitted from the roadside must be devised. In this study, an atmospheric environment at a roadside is simulated in a large-scale environment chamber, and a test for reducing PM around the bus stop is conducted by installing a bus stop adapted to a PM reduction system. METHODS : Exhaust gas is injected into the experimental and reference chambers using diesel and gasoline vehicles for roadside airquality simulations. The two vehicles are operated in an idle state without an acceleration operation to emit exhaust gas uniformly, and the initial conditions are achieved by injecting car emissions for approximately 40 min. The initial condition is set to 1 ppm of NOx concentration in the environment chamber. Between the two environment chambers, a bus stop adapted to the PM reduction system is installed in the experimental chamber to conduct a PM reduction experiment pertaining to the air quality around the roadside. The experimental progress is set as the start time of the experiment based on the time at which the initial conditions are achieved; simultaneously, the PM reduction system in the experimental chamber is operated. After the simulation is commenced, the PM concentration, which changes over time, is measured using a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) without additional injection of car emissions or pollutants. The HR-ToF-AMS measures the chemical composition of non-refractory PM1.0 (NR-PM1.0) in real time. RESULTS : The NR-PM1.0 compound (organic aerosol (OA), NO3 -, SO4 2-) increases by 160% compared with the simulated initial concentration up to T90min in both environmental chambers; this is speculated to be due to secondary formation. The reference chamber indicates a slight decrease or a steady-state after T90min, whereas the experimental chamber indicates a gradually decrease as the experiment progresses. The bus stop adapted to the PM reduction system reduces the amount of black carbon in the experimental chamber by 37% at 200 min. This implies that the PM emitted from the roadside is filtered via the PM reduction system installed at the bus stop, and cleaner air quality can be provided to passengers. CONCLUSIONS : The PM reduction system evaluated in this study can be detached from and attached to the outdoor billboard of a bus stop. Since it adopts air filtration technology that uses a high-efficiency particulate air filter, it can be maintained and managed easily. In addition, it can provide an atmospheric environment with reduced PM emission to passengers as well as provide a better air-quality condition to passengers waiting for public transportation near roadsides.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to analyze the uniform diffusion mechanism of precursor gas species, and the effect of NOx reduction technology in a full-scale particulate matter testing facility, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). METHODS : A full-scale environment chamber was constructed to evaluate the effects of particulate matter reduction technologies on the road. CFD analysis was conducted to simulate the road environment conditions in the chamber, and investigate the effect of the NOx removal panel. The time required to reach the NOx concentration to target value in the fluid field was determined at a given inflow velocity, inlet direction, and initial inflow concentration. The effect of the NOx removal panel, and solar energy on the reduction characteristics of the NOx concentration in the environment chamber was analyzed. RESULTS : The inflow velocity was determined to be the major factor affecting the time required to reach a uniform target NOx concentration in the environment chamber. The inlet location in the transverse direction requires additional time to approach the uniform target concentration, than the longitudinal direction at the same inflow velocity. Based on the CFD analysis in the 1ppm concentration condition of the chamber, a two-fold increase in the NOx removal panel efficiency can reduce the time to target concentration by approximately 50%. It is also observed that a 20% increase in solar energy can decrease the time to target concentration by 4%–12% depending on the panel efficiency. CONCLUSIONS : This study proved that a full-scale environment chamber can be effectively utilized to evaluate the particulate matter reduction technologies applied in road facilities
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : A pilot experimental study on the formation of fine particulate matter through photochemical reactions using precursor gas species (volatile organic compounds (VOCs), NH3, SO2, and NOx) was conducted to evaluate the large-scale environment chamber for investigating the pathway of aerosol formation and the subsequent assessment techniques used for reducing fine particulate matter. Two small-scale environment chambers (one experimental group and one control group), each with a width, depth, and height of 3 m, 2 m, and 2.3 m, respectively, were constructed using ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) films. METHODS : The initial conditions of the fine particles and precursor gases (NOx and VOCs) for the small-scale environment chamber were set up by injecting diesel vehicle exhaust. NH3 and H2O2 were added to the small-scale environment chamber for the photochemical reaction to form organic and inorganic aerosols. The gas phase of the VOCs and the chemical compositions of aerosols were investigated using a proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer and the aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer at 1 and 10 s time resolutions, respectively. Gas phases of NO and NO2 were measured using Serinus 40 NOx at a 20 s time resolution. RESULTS : The small-scale environment chambers built using ETFE films were proved to supply sufficient natural sunlight for the photochemical reaction in the environment chambers at an average of approximately 89% natural sunlight transmission at 300–1000 nm. When the intermediates of NH3 and H2O2 for the atmospheric chemical reaction were injected for the initial condition of the small-scale environment chamber, nitrate and ammonium in the experimental group increased to 4747% and 1837%, respectively, compared to the initial concentrations (5.4 μg/m3 of nitrate and 5.2 μg/m3 of ammonium), indicating the formation of secondary inorganic aerosols of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). This implies that it is necessary to inject intermediates (NH3 and H2O2) for the formation of fine particulate matter when simulating the atmospheric photochemical reaction for assessing the environment chamber. CONCLUSIONS : This study has shown that small-scale environment chambers can simulate the atmospheric photochemical reaction for the reduction of fine particulate matter and the formation of the aerosol pathway. The results of this study can be applied to prevent time and economic losses that may be incurred in a full-scale environment chamber.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TRiplet Ionospheric Observatory-CubeSat for Ion, Neutron, Electron & MAgnetic fields (TRIO-CINEMA) is a CubeSat with 3.14 kg in weight and 3-U (10 × 10 × 30 cm) in size, jointly developed by Kyung Hee University and UC Berkeley to measure magnetic fields of near Earth space and detect plasma particles. When a satellite is launched into orbit, it encounters ultrahighvacuum and extreme temperature. To verify the operation and survivability of the satellite in such an extreme space environment, experimental tests are conducted on the ground using thermal vacuum chamber. This paper describes the temperature control device and monitoring system suitable for CubeSat test environment using the thermal vacuum chamber of the School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University. To build the chamber, we use a general purpose thermal analysis program and NX 6.0 TMG program. We carry out thermal vacuum tests on the two flight models developed by Kyung Hee University based on the thermal model of the TRIO-CINEMA satellite. It is expected from this experiment that proper operation of the satellite in the space environment will be achieved.