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        검색결과 4

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 재일동포 역사 교과서와 강좌제 민족대학(民族大学) 교재의 내용분석을 통해 그들의 정체성 강화에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지 살 펴보는 데 있다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 재일동포 강좌제(在日 同胞講座制) 민족대학 교재는 1990년대 초반 일본 출생 재일동포 3세들 이 재일동포 사회에 증가하면서 민족에 대한 기초지식과 모국에 대한 이 해의 필요성이 제기되었고 이를 바탕으로 재일동포가 차세대와 일본인과 의 소통의 폭을 확대하고자 제작되었다. 둘째, 재일동포 역사 교과서는 2000년대 초반 재일동포 1세의 급격한 감소로 재일1세의 역사를 재일3 세~4세에게 전달하기 위해 제작되었다. 주요 내용은 해방 전후 재일동포 의 이주-정착 생활-차별철폐 운동-헤이트스피치-다문화 공생 등으로 재 일동포의 전반적인 활약상이나 모국 공헌 등으로 구성되었다. 결론적으 로 연구 결과, 재일동포 교과서와 교재는 재일동포 사회의 세대교체와 더불어 재일동포 청년 세대들에게 그들의 역사와 세대 변화에 대한 자각 을 심어 주고 오늘날까지 많은 일본학교와 민족학교에서 부교재로 활용 하거나 한국에 대한 민족적 지식 습득과 ‘재일동포 역사’ 강의 교재로 활 용하면서 그들의 정체성 함양에 크게 공헌하였다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study examines the extent to which key competence and learning competence in particular are promoted in the high school English classes attended by Chinese students. Eight hundred and thirty five college freshmen at a comprehensive four-year university in Jilin Province were surveyed on their experiences in high school English classes. In part 1 of the survey, we found that high school English instruction in China tends to be exam-focused rather than emphasizing the development of key competences. In part 2 of the survey, we found that three aspects of learning competence – attitudes toward learning English, meta-cognitive awareness concerning one’s own English learning, and knowledge about English language instruction – are not consistently instilled in high school English classes. Virtually no differences between ethnic majority and minority students were observed in survey. We believe that because English instruction in Chinese high schools is exam-oriented so that instructors do not have enough time to enhance learning competences. Our conclusion is that reform of instructional methods needs to include greater attention to the aspects of learning competence.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate university students' attitudes and interests for ethnic food. The questionnaire developed was distributed to 60 students majoring in food & nutrition and 260 students taking a liberal course related with food culture in world. A total of 271 questionnaires were usable ; resulting in 84.7% response rate. Among 12 kinds of ethnic food, a large number of students had an experience in Japanese, Chinese, American and Italian food. Also Chinese, American, Japanese and Italian food were familiar with them, but the hope to eat for French, Spanish, Mexican and German food was too strong. Students knew kinds, characteristics, table manners and etc. for Japanese, Chinese, and American food very well and wanted to know the information about French food. as result of positioning for ethnic food by correspondence analysis, Spanish, English, French, Germany and Mexican food had a strong image in want to eat, wanted to know information about food and got a good feeling. Students perceived Vietnamese, Thai and Indian food as having an experience, Japanese, American and Italian food as well-know about food or restaurants, and Chinese food as being familiar. The findings would indicate trends for ethnic foods and their cultures in Korea and forecast the possibility of change in foodservice market.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to examine education programs of music at the ArtSchool of Yanbian University, an academic institution for ethnic Koreans living inChina, and to present the outlook for and ways to improve the school's music education.To do so, this paper looks into first college education offered to Ethnic Koreans and secondly courses and goals introduced by the School of Art of Yanbian University. Thirdly, this paper deals with courses provided by each department of the school before proposing ways to improve the music education in the future.This research contains an in-depth analysis of education offered by the Yanbian Art School in 2001 centering on music programs. The school comprises four colleges of music. fine arts. dancing arts and drama and the Music College has been growing steadily since it was promoted to a college unit in 1993.and now has some 70 professors, 10 administrative staff and 700 students. So far about 350 music majors have graduated the school and recently a master's degree course wasopened.The music college consists of 3 departments - Music Education Departmentmostly aimed at fostering music teachers, Music Expression Department for students wishing to become musicians and Composition Technique Theory Department focused on nurturing composers and conductors. Students are judged by course scores, field research, practical training (ranging from presentation, to work production and teaching training) and thesis. Of the above, course scores are known to account for a relatively larger past of the total evaluation compared to other music schools.The last part of the paper presents ways to further develope and improve the music school as follows.First, the school must reduce the credits allocated to regular teaching courses and instead increase credits for basic music education and compulsory courses, while downsizing total credits in general.Second, the school must add popular music and video music departments to the xisting programs so that students keep in touch with modern trends music.Third, the school must promote exchange and field study programs through presentation, filed experiments, overseas study programs and credits for exchange programs.Fourth and finally, the school must create an environment where professors are committed to research work, as well as extend support for professors so that they can enhancc their knowledge and teaching skills.