
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 24

        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        5‐aza‐2’‐deoxyctidine (5‐aza‐dC) is DNA methylation inhibitor and Trichostatin A (TSA) is histone deacytlase inhibitor, both of them can alter the level of the epigenetic modification of cells. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of treatment with 5‐aza‐dC and TSA into fetal fibroblasts on the development of porcine nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. In this study, experiments were performed in order to modify epigenetic status in donor cells and evaluate developmental potential of NT embryos. 5‐ aza‐dC or TSA or combining treatment of TSA and 5‐aza‐dC was treated into growing donor cells for 1 h exposure and development of NT embryos was evaluated. Experiment was performed with 3 groups: control group (donor cells without treatment); TSA group (donor cell treated with 50 nM TSA for 1 h); TSA + 5‐aza‐dC group (donor cells were treated with 50 nM TSA and 5 nM 5‐aza‐dC for 1 h); TSA+1/2(5‐aza‐dC) group (donor cells were treated with 50 nM TSA for 1h and subsequently treated with 2.5 nM 5‐aza‐dC for another 1h). When donor cells were individually treated with 5 nM 5‐aza‐dC or 50 nM TSA for 1h, the blastocyst rate of NT embryos increased significantly compared with control group [18.8% vs 13.4% (5 nM 5‐aza‐dC group vs control group), and 26.2% vs 11.8% (50 nM TSA group vs control group), p<0.05]. However, the blastocyst rate in combining treatment group (50 nM TSA + 5 nM 5‐aza‐dC) did not increase compare with control group (12.3% vs 11.8%, p>0.05). When the donor cell were individually treated with 50nM TSA for 1 h firstly and then treated with 2.5 nM 5‐aza‐dC for another 1h, the blastocyst rate was significantly improved compared with control and TSA group (28% vs 10.2% and 23.7%, p<0.05). The present study suggested that donor cells treated with TSA or low concentration of TSA+5‐azadC in short time exposure may enhance the development of porcine NT embryo.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) is a unique antioxidant enzyme involved in reduction of peroxidized phospholipids within biomembranes. To investigate the expression pattern of the PHGPx gene during fetal development, in situ hybridization analyses were performed using mouse FITC-labeled PHGPx cRNA probes in fetal tissues on embryonic days (Ed) 13.5-18.5. During these periods, PHGPx mRNA appeared in the developing telencephalon, diencephalon, spinal cord, and spinal ganglion. In particular, PHGPx mRNA was strongly expressed in pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex. On Eds 17.5-18.5, PHGPx mRNA was detected in various tissues including liver, intestinal villi and crypt, pancreas, lung, and olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity. In addition, PHGPx mRNA was highly expressed in the inner ear on Eds 14.5-18.5, brown fat on Ed 17.5, and adrenal gland on Ed 18.5. It is conceivable that PHGPx may act as an important antioxidant against fetal oxidative stress during mouse organogenesis.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 요를 통해 hFSH를 발현하는 형질 전환 소의 생산이다. 요의 분비와 관련 있는 유전자로서 mUII promoter를 사용하여 hFSH유전자를 구성했다. 태아섬유아세포(KbFF)는 임신 45일령의 태아(male)에서 채취하였다. hFSH gene은 pcDNA3(neo) vector와 같이 KbFF 세포에 electroporation 방법으로 transfection하였다. 유전자를 transfection한 세포는 G-418로 2주 동안
        2006.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한우 성체 유래 귀세포(Korean bovine ear skin fibroblasts, KbESF)와 태아 섬유아세포(Korean bovine fetal fibroblasts, KbFF)를 이용한 체세포 복제(SCNT) 시 세포종류, 배양기간 그리고 융합방법이 핵이식 수정란의 발달에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 태아 섬유아세포는 임신 51일령의 한우태아에서 분리하였고, 귀세포는 28개월령의 성우의 귀에서 채취하였다. 세포는 15주 동안 체외에서 배양하며 체세포 핵이식(SCNT)에 공시하였다. 융합방법을 비교하기 위해 챔버방법과 전극 바늘을 이용한 방법으로 핵과 세포질을 융합하였다. 세포의 doubling time은 KbFF에서 17.3시간, KbESF에서 24.3시간으로 나타났다. 핵이식 후 융합과 분할율은 needle 방법에서 보다 유의적으로 높았으나(각 각 76.1과 81.2%, P<0.05), 배반포 발달율은 차이가 없었다. KbESF의 경우, 배반포 발달율은 passage 5~9(39.4%)와 13~15(40.4%)에서 passage 1~4에 비하여 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05). KbFF의 경우, 융합율은 passage 5~8과 13~15에서 각각 75.0 및 76.8%로 passage 1~4(61.5%)보다 높았으나, 난분할율과 배반포 발달율은 차이가 없었다. 결론적으로, SCNT 수정란의 발달은 융합 방법에 의해 영향을 받을 수 있으나, 계대배양 15회까지 장기배양을 한 경우는 복제수정란의 발육에 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 판단된다.
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