
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 39

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Drinking spaces such as bars, taverns, inns, cantinas, bierkellers, offer important social community spaces. Within the UK, a Pub, short for Public House is “a place, especially in Great Britain or Ireland, where alcoholic drinks can be bought and drunk and where food is often available” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022) and is one of the most common and traditional drinking spaces. Sadly we are losing pubs at an alarming rate, due, over the last 20 years to many factors including government interventions (changes in the structure of the industry), increased competition from other leisure activities and high levels of beer duty/tax (BBPA, 2018) and more recent factors such as struggles to fill vacancies, Brexit and covid (Wells and Waehning, 2022). Now, more than ever, we need to understand consumer behaviour related to pubs and to understand how consumers choose pubs and what features of pubs are important to them.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        번식기 유부도 일대의 조수 경계부에서는 검은머리물떼 새 (Haematopus ostralegus osculans) 성체와 미성체가 한데 모여 복족류 (서해비단고둥, Umbonium thomasi)와 이매패류를 섭식하는 것이 관찰된다. 본 연구는 성체와 미성체 간의 섭식 능력에 차이가 있는지 알아보고자 해당 먹이원을 섭식하는 개체들의 행동을 영상으로 녹화한 후 성체와 미성체로 구분하여 단위 시간당 걸음수, 먹이원 탐색시도횟수 및 탐색방법 구성비율, 섭식성공횟수, 조작시간, 머리 들어 올리기횟수를 비교하였다. 서해비단고둥을 섭식할 때 먹이원 탐색방법의 구성 비율, 이매패류를 섭식할 때 먹이원 탐색시도횟수와 머리 들어올리기횟수에서 유의한 차이를 나타냈으나, 단위 시간당 걸음수, 탐색시도횟수, 섭식성공횟수는 차이가 없었다. 결과적으로 번식기 유부도 일대에 서식 하는 검은머리물떼새 미성체가 성체에 비해 비록 열세이고, 먹이원의 위치를 파악하는 능력이 부족하지만, 전반적인 섭식 능력은 성체와 유사한 수준임을 의미한다. 월동기간 동안 고도의 섭식 능력을 갖추어야 섭식이 가능한 이매패류를 지속적으로 섭식한 것에 기인한 것으로 판단된다
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During the breeding season, some Eurasian Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus osculans) in Yubu Island foraged in the open mudflat area nearby the breeding ground, instead of the tide water line area, main feeding site throughout the year. We found significant differences in foraging behavior and prey species diversity between the two different feeding site types. Even though the birds took more steps for most probably searching preys, their feeding success was much lower in the open mudflat area than the tide water line area. The multiple peck and boring methods were more frequently adopted to catch polychaetes on the open mudflat area, whereas the single peck method was dominant and gastropods and bivalves were main preys in the tide water line area. This study suggests that the bird shows flexible foraging strategy of shifting feeding site, foraging behavior and preys for better reproductive success.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated pollination properties of bumblebees in a high temperature condition i. e. a greenhouse where onions(Aliumcepa) were cultivated. Foraging activity of bumblebee workers decreased at temperature over 33 ℃ and was negativelycorrelated with colony temperature. Fanning behavior was observed at temperature over 30 ℃ and was positively correlatedwith colony temperature. There was negative correlation between the number of bees fanning and bees foraging. We expectedthat foraging activity would be affected by colony temperature and fanning behavior. The temperature of the coloniesthat were ventilated using the cooler fan was 3 ℃ lower than the control colonies, and the rate of fanning behaviorwere 9 times lower in ventilated colonies than in the control colonies. Foraging activity and survival rates of workerbees in ventilated colonies doubled compared to the control colonies
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated pollination and foraging activities of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L.) during flowering season of the asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia N.) under different weather conditions. There was no significant statistical difference about the pollination activities of two species. However, the pollination activities of bumblebee were more active than those of honeybee under low temperature and rainfall period. The activities of honeybee and bumblebee were more influenced by temperature than other factors (i.e. illumination and wind velocity). Honeybee was more sensitive to temperature and illumination than bumblebee. At low temperatures (<20℃) on cloudy days (<30,000 lux) with a certain wind velocity (>4.0 m/s), the pollination activity of the honeybee was lower twice than that of bumblebee.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examines consumers’ online activities according to the categories of goods and services, applying foraging theory, and explore online information structure perceived by consumers, determining the degree of information overload. Consumers are confronted by nearly unlimited amounts of information when they gather information to make purchase decisions in an online environment. Few studies have focused on the behavioral pattern of information acquisition to reduce information overload. The available studies are limited by particular conditions under a normative perspective (e.g., cognitive limitation with item specific information only and overemphasis on the quantity dimension of information structure). An improvement may be a holistic approach that allows freedom of information acquisition, and includes an ecological perspective, which emphasizes an interaction between minds and immediate environments (Todd & Gigerenzer, 2007). In other words, to provide a better explanation of information overload phenomenon, the research includes quantity information as well as quality and environmental information in the information structure. This has been overlooked in an information overload paradigm (for example, the question of whether more or less information is better) (Scheibehenne, Greifeneder, & Todd, 2010). Moreover, Xia and Monroe (2005) argued that the majority of research about information acquisition has overemphasized information searching while overlooking information browsing, although both activities occur concurrently during processes of information acquisition. The foraging theory (Stephen and Kreb, 1986), which originated from behavioral ecology, can help explain a continuum of browsing and searching behavior through utilizing the patch framework (Kim & Hantula, 2016). The patch framework provides a different perspective for information structure in terms of the amount of data as a combination of within-patch (searching) and between-patch (browsing), thereby covering the issue of the browse-search continuum to explain issues of amount for information overload. (e.g., Detlor, Sproule, & Gupta, 2003). The current study applied foraging theory into the online behavior of information acquisition and explored the information structure that consumers establish and consider in their process of information foraging across categories of goods and services (i.e., durables, nondurables, and services). This theoretical integration would proffer some clues for information structure to reduce information overloads through browsing and searching information online. The investigations consist of ordinary activities and purchase-related activities online, frequently purchased items and consideration to make purchase decisions, strategic information foraging patterns, and perceived decisional difficulty.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The population of Myrmica ants, which is most abundant in high altitudinal areas in South Korea, is expected to decrease significantly due to climatic warming, whereas Aphaenogaster japonica population is expected to increase in these areas. The two ant groups are similar in shape, size, and ecology, indicating intensive competition in overlapping areas. To determine the competitions between the two groups, I investigated the ants at a high mountain (Mt. Gaebangsan) during two ant foraging seasons (2010 and 2011) using pitfall traps and bait traps along altitudinal gradients. Two Myrmica species (kotokui and kurokii) were present between 800 m to 1577 m, whereas A. japonica appeared up to 1200 m. Fights between ants were observed 22 times and fights between these two ant groups were most frequently found. Although a competitive hierarchy was not apparent, A. japonica appears to be dominant over Myrmica species in food competition when considering the more timid behavior of Myrmica species and my unpublished data. However, food discovery speed is greater in Myrmica species than in A. japonica, indicating a dominance-discovery tradeoff. The food discovery capability of A. japonica was greatly reduced at 1050 m elevation, which is around the elevational limit. This elevational suppression of food discovery capability was not found in Myrmica species.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The movement, survival, and weight gain of Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) first instar larvae were studied on CB9, CB10 and SR05 cotton varieties under field conditions. The neonate H. armigera were released on the cotton varieties at the squaring stage of the plants and, after a period of 72 hours, the survival, weight gain, and final location of the larvae were observed. While the different cotton varieties had no effect on the survival and weight gain of the larvae, the release locations on the cotton varieties had a significant influence on the larval survival and weight gain. The larvae fed small squares of the cotton varieties were significantly heavier and showed a higher mortality than the larvae fed leaflets and mature leaves. For the cotton varieties in this study, the larvae released on leaflets showed a significantly higher rate of recovery compared to the larvae released on mature leaves and squares. This study also found that that the larvae on leaflets did not move up or downward unlike the larvae on mature leaves and squares. This information on the foraging behavior of larvae on cotton varieties will assist researchers to interpret field data and thereby help with the development of pest management decisions.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Protein and carbohydrate are the two most important macronutrients that have profound consequences for the fitness of insects. Many insects are capable of balancing the intake of multiple nutrients to minimize the fitness costs associated with ingesting diets that are imbalanced with respect to protein and carbohydrate. It has been hypothesized that insects will redress the imbalance of their nutrient state through increasing the appetite for specific nutrients that are ingested in deficit. We tested this possibility using a mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Newly emerged beetles were confined to one of two nutritionally imbalanced foods that contained only protein or carbohydrate (P:C ratio = 0:42 and 42:0, expressed as % dry mass) for 16 days, after which they were given an opportunity to choose between two nutritionally imbalanced diets (0:42 versus 42:0). Over the first few days of the food choice, beetles that had previously experienced protein-limitation preferred protein to carbohydrate while the reverse was true for those that had experienced carbohydrate-shortage. Such contrasting patterns of diet preference observed between the two groups of beetles diminished subsequently as the insects recovered from nutrient imbalance. Our results provide strong support for the long-standing idea that attaining the right balance of nutrients is the main motive for foraging in insects.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In South Korea, ants are predicted to shift their distributions northwards and upwards. It was predicted that ant fauna will be changed dramatically in highlands due to the range shifts. The Mymica ants which are most abundant in high altitudinal areas in South Korea will be nearly disappeared there in 2050s, and replaced by Aphaenogaster japonica which is abundant in lowlands. It was recently found that A. japonica shifted upwards in Mt. Hanla in Jeju island, South Korea. Interestingly, A. japonica is similar in shape and size with the Myrmica species, which indicate niche overlap and resulting intensive competition. To find elevational change of competitions between two specie, we investigated ants during two ant foraging periods (2010 and 2011) in a high mountain (Mt. Gaebang) using pitfall traps and bait traps along elevational gradients. Ten ant species were collected from a.s.l. 800 m to a.s.l. 1577 m. Myrmica sp. 1 was most abundant (35% of total ants) and collected at all elevations. Myrmica sp. 2 (19.7%) occurred from 1000 m to 1577 m. Meanwhile, A. japonica occurred up to 1200 m. Fights between ants were observed 22 times; fights between these two species were most frequently found. Although, competitive hierarchy was not recognized due to a low frequency of interspecific encounters, A. japonica is likely to be superior over Myrmica species in food competition when considering the slower and more timid behavior of Myrmica species compared with A. japonica. Therefore, it is likely that A. japonica would replace easily Myrmica species in Korean highlands when thermal barrier (i.e., cold climate in high elevations) will be removed due to climate warming.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        야생동물의 서식지 특성을 바탕으로 수립된 서식지 보전 관리방안은 종보전의 중심 축을 이며 생태적 특성을 고려한 적합한 관리방안은 보전의 효율성을 높인다. 산림을 주요 잠자리로 이용하는 산림성 박쥐의 경우 안정된 잠자리의 확보는 개체군 유지 및 보호를 위하여 필수적이다. 하지만 산림 내 야생동물의 서식지 조사의 어려움으로 인해 정확한 생태정보 수집이 쉽지 않았다. 산림은 박쥐류의 중요 서식 지로 평가되며, 박쥐는 곤충의 밀도를 조절함으로써 산림생 태계 유지에 중요한 역할을 한다. 곤충성 박쥐 가운데 대부 분의 박쥐 종들이 수목을 잠자리로 이용하지만, 현재까지 국내에서 산림성 박쥐의 분포 및 서식지 이용에 대한 연구 가 진행되지 못하였다. 본 연구는 한국에서 서식하는 박쥐 가운데 대표적인 산림성 박쥐인 쇠큰수염박쥐의 분포현황, 잠자리와 취식지 이용 및 특성에 관한 연구를 목적으로 수 행되었다. 2011년 5월부터 10월까지, 2012년 5월부터 10월, 2013 년 6월부터 8월까지 제주도를 포함하여 산림지역을 대상으 로 산림성 박쥐의 종다양성 조사 및 쇠큰수염박쥐의 서식을 확인하였다. 박쥐류 출현이 예상되는 장소를 무작위로 선정 하여 mist-net을 이용하여 박쥐의 출현 유무를 확인하였다. 산림 내 미소서식지를 선택하는 산림성 박쥐 조사는 원격무 선추적 장치를 이용하였다. 조사기간 동안 쇠큰수염박쥐의 분포가 확인된 장소 가운데 경상남도 산청군 시천면 중산리 (N 35° 19′ 14.32″, E127° 45′ 16.46″)리와 경북 영주 시 부석면 마구령(N 37° 1′ 32.36″, E 128° 39′ 17.5″ 5″ )에서 mist-net을 이용하여 포획된 쇠큰수염박쥐 5개체 (암컷 1개체 수컷4개체)를 대상으로 발신기 부착후 방사하 여 무선추적장치를 이용하여 쇠큰수염박쥐의 잠자리를 확 인하였다. 경상남도 산청군 시천면 중산리 일대에서 쇠큰수 염박쥐(암컷1, 수컷1) 2개체를 2012년 9월 5일부터 12일까 지 8일동안 추적하였고, 경북 영주시 부석면 소백산 마구령 일대에서 쇠큰수염박쥐 1개체는 2012년 10월 9일부터 13 일까지 5일동안 추적하였다. 박쥐의 활동기간 동안 산림성 박쥐의 잠재적인 취식지를 대상으로 제주도를 포함한 38개 장소에서 154개의 mist – net을 이용하여 조사한 결과, 15개 장소에서 쇠큰수염박쥐 Myotis ikonnikovi 49개체(암컷 32개체, 수컷 17개체)를 확 인하였다. 쇠큰수염박쥐가 포획된 지점을 중심으로 한 81ha 의 잠재서식지의 식생의 유형은 활엽혼효림이 58%로 우점 하였으며 침-활혼효림 24.2%, 낙엽송림 12.5%, 소나무림 이 2%의 비율을 나타냈다. 경남 산청군 중산리 지리산 일대에서 쇠큰수염박쥐 2개 체(암컷1, 수컷1)와 경북 영주시 부석면 소백산 마구령 일대 에서 1개체의 잠자리 위치추적 결과, 총 9개의 잠자리(지리 산 8개, 소백산 1개)가 확인되었다. 쇠큰수염박쥐는 산림계 곡의 교목지대를 잠자리로 이용하였다. 고사된 굴참나무 (Quercus variabilis)와 일본잎갈나무(Larix kaempferi)의 수피 내부를 잠자리로 이용하였으며 노각나무(Stewartia pseudocamellia), 당단풍나무(Acer pseudosieboldianum), 물푸레나무(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)등의 생목 줄기의 나 무구명, 고사된 가지 등을 잠자리로 이용하였다. 쇠큰수염 박쥐의 잠자리로 이용된 영소목의 높이는 평균 11.22±5.56m(범위: 2~20m), 흉고직경 21.7±8.70cm(범위: 10-25cm) 잠자리 높이는 지면으로부터 2.64±1.29m(범위: 1.8~5m)였다. 추적기간동안 확인된 쇠큰수염박쥐의 잠자 리는 발신기 부착 지점으로부터 반경 1km 이내에서 위치하 며 잠자리간 이동을 하였다. 각 잠자리는 평균 1.7±1.49일 동안(범위: 1~5일) 이용되어 졌고, 다른 잠자리 이동시 전날 이용된 잠자리부터 평균 79.23±122.91m(범위: 0~358m) 거 리를 이동하였다.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foraging preference in prey size and type is influenced by a variety of factors including energy requirements, season-dependent food availability, and social context (e.g. competition and predation risk). The oriental stork (Ciconia boyciana) is known as a wetland forager that inhabits human-managed wetlands such as paddy fields while breeding. However, it became an internationally endangered species. Information on its foraging preference is anticipated to play an important role in maintaining storks in captivity with a variety of food types as well as managing the food availability in foraging habitats of reintroduction sites. Specifically, the present study investigated the patterns of foraging preference of the subject in captivity as a partial study of the prerelease training and habitat management programs prior to reintroduction. The observations of foraging behavior of breeding adult storks included foraging preference in prey size (i.e. small, less than 6 cm, vs. large, larger than 6 cm, mudfish) during the incubation and nestling periods (March to April of 2009~2010) and prey type (i.e. mudfish, Misgurnus spp., crickets, Gryllus spp., and earthworms, Lumbricus spp.) during the postnesting period (October of 2009~2010). Our results indicated that storks in captivity not only preferred large to small mudfish independent of breeding stage but also preferred mudfish to crickets and earthworms. To our knowledge, captive storks did not appear to be constrained by providing offspring with various mudfish size and were likely dependent on mudfish, suggesting that a mudfish population in paddy fields should be monitored and managed for the main food resource for breeding storks prior to reintroduction.
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