Recently, the deep geological disposal system isolating a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is considered a disposal method of high-level radioactive waste for the safety of humans or the natural environment. The one of important requirements for maintaining the thermal stability of these systems is that the temperature of the buffer does not exceed 100°C even though the decay heat is emitted from highlevel radioactive wastes loaded in the disposal container. In 2007, a deep geological disposal system based on the Swedish disposal concept was developed for the SNF in Korea. To respond to the development process, the thermal stability of the deep geological disposal system developed for the disposal of domestic pressurized light water reactor (PWR) SNFs with discharged burn-up of 55 GWD/MTU was evaluated in 2019. The thing is that the recent fuel activity is pursuing to operate further high burn-up fuel conditions, and it leads to emergency core cooling system (ECCS) revision for extending the license for up to 60 or more than 60 GWD/MTU in the world. In this regard, this study evaluates numerically the thermal stability of the deep geological disposal system for the high burn-up PWR SNF having large decay heat compared to previous conditions for two different length disposal containers classified according to the length of PWR SNFs discharged from domestic nuclear power plants. A finite element analysis using a computational program was used to evaluate the thermal design requirements. Results show that both types of disposal containers would increase the temperature which reduces or fails to meet the safety margin of the disposal system. This study suggests that the design of the previous disposal system is needed to be further developed for the high burn-up PWR SNF which would be used in future nuclear power plant systems.
Silicon oxide (SiOx) has been considered one of the most promising anode materials for lithium-ion batteries due to having a higher capacity than the commercial graphite anodes. However, its practical application is hampered by very large volume variations. In this work, pyrolysis fuel oil is the carbon coating precursor, and physical vapor deposition (PVD) is performed on SiOx at 200 and 400 °C (SiOx@C 200 and SiOx@C 400), followed by carbonization at 950 °C. SiOx@C 200 has a carbon coating layer with a thickness of ~ 20 nm and an amorphous structure, while that of SiOx@C 400 is approximately 10 nm thick and has a more semigraphitic structure. The carbon-coated SiOx anodes display better charge–discharge performance than the pristine SiOx anode. In particular, SiOx@C 200 shows the highest reversible capacity compared with the other samples at high C-rates (2.0 and 5.0 C). Moreover, SiOx@C 200 exhibits excellent cycling stability with a capacity retention of 90.2% after 80 cycles at 1.0 C. This result is ascribed to the suppressed volume expansion by the PFO carbon coating on SiOx after PVD.
We estimated on the stability of W/O type emulsified fuel using by capacitance sensor, so it concluded the following conclusions. For the first 24 hours, prepared emulsified fuel reveals phase separation ratio of 5%, maintains stable status which verifies the stability of emulsified fuel. Adding more water increases the phase separation ratio rapidly, and adding more surfactant displays stable emulsification. Adding water causes larger size of water droplet diameter, and adding surfactant mixture causes smaller size of water droplet diameter. In conclusion, the size of W/O type emulsified fuel water droplet diameter is directly related to the volume of surfactant, and density of water droplet diameter changes thedistribution according to water contents.
The Heat Transport system loop stability of CANDU-6 reactor as Wolsong-1 with the CANFLEX fuel bundle has been studied. The SOPHT modelling of the CANFLEX fuel bundle and the ROH interconnection line was made and the stability analysis response of Wolsong-1 reactor with CANFLEX fuel bundle was obtained. The mechanics of the flow instability caused by two phase flow was reviewed. Without the ROH interconnection line the Heat Transport system loop is unstable while the Heat Transport system is stable within ±1 % of nominal flow with the ROH interconnection line
In this study, the characteristics of emulsified fuel were studied. The emulsified fuel which was composed of water and diesel was manufactured by using homogenizer and ultrasonic generator. The more the percentage of water contents increases, the more the density increases to the emulsified fuel. However, the viscosity increased in the 60% of water contents and decreased in the 70% of water contents because the O/W type was formed. The 3 minutes's ultrasonic waves during the irradiation time was appropriate of 16,000 rpm. And the energy density of ultrasonic waves was 87.5J/g. The emulsion stability has improved in the lower temperature, the lower percentage of water contents, and the most stable emulsion state was obtained from 20%(w/w) of water contents. Also, the emulsion stability was related to the HLB values of emulsifiers. Especially, the HLB values of emulsifier were appropriate from 4 to 7 values.
사용후핵연료 심지층처분에 있어서 처분용기의 건전성 확보는 내부에 적재되어 있는 사용후 핵연료로부터 방사성물질이 누출되는 것을 방지하고 격리하여 처분장의 안전성을 보증하기 위한 필수적인 인자이다. 이러한 처분용기는 심지층 처분의 목적인 방사성 독성이 인간 및 자연환경에 영향을 미치지 않도록 장기간 동안 격리하고 누출을 지연시키기 위한 공학적 방벽의 중요한 요소 중의 하나이다. 심지층 처분장 설계시 주요한 요건은 처분시스템의 안전성을 유지를 위하여 처분용기에 적재되어 있는 폐기물로부터 발생된 붕괴열로 인하여 완충재의 온도가 100를 넘지 않도록 하는 것이다. 또한, 처분용기는 지하 심부 500 m 깊이에서의 수압과 완충재의 팽윤압 등 하중에 구조적 건전성을 유지하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 직접 처분대상으로 고려하고 있는 중수로(CANDU) 사용후핵연료에 대한 처분용기의 개선된 개념을 설정하고, 심지층 처분환경에서의 열적 및 구조적 안정성을 분석하였다. 열적 안정성 해석결과 처분터널 및 처분공 간격이 40 m, 3 m 인 경우 처분 후 37년이 경과한 후에 처분용기 표면온도가 최고 온도에 도달하며, 이때 온도는 88.9 로서 처분장 온도제한 요건(100 )에 만족하였다. 또한, 정상적인 경우와 극한 상황에 따른 하중에 대한 처분용기 구조해석 결과 안전율은 각각 2.9와 1.33 으로 나타나 심지층 처분환경에서 처분용기는 구조적 건정성을 유지하는 것으로 판단되었다.
경수로 원자로 하부구조물에서 발생되는 유포의 불균일성에 기인하는 교차류와 핵연료집합체의 수력저항의 차이에 의해 발생하는 교차류, 그리고 축류 등에 의해 유발되는 연료봉의 불안정성은 핵연료손상의 원인이 될 수 있으므로, 새로운 연료 개발 시 연료봉에 대한 진동 및 안정성 해석을 수행하여 연료봉 진동과 불안정성 발생 여부를 확인하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 새로 개발된 고리 2호기용 형 개량핵연료 집합체에 대한 연료봉의 진동 및 안정성 해석을 수행하여 지지격자 높이와 위치, 그리고 지지조건 등이 연료봉의 진동특성 및 안정성에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다 그리고 해석결과에 근거하여 개량연료 집합체에서 중간지지격자 높이와 각 지지격자의 위치를 제안하였다.