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        검색결과 9

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미래 직업 종사자들의 세대 추세는 자신들의 경력개발 초기 단계에 있어 사전적인 대책을 강구해야 하는 사람으로 점점 늘어 갈 것이다. 집단, 혹은 단체의 인적자원관리(HRM)를 적용 하기 전에 자신의 경력개발 형성을 위한 사전 단계들을 미리 예측하고 개 개인의 특성을 보다 잘 이해야 할 필요도 있다. 따라서 현재의 연구는 미래의 핵심 직업 종사자들의 중재로 내적통제소재 (Internal Locus of Control) 가 능동적인 직업 행동 (Proactive Career Behaviors) 들을 실현 할 것 이라고 가설 하고 있다 (N=238). 결과를 종합해 보자면 미래의 직업세계에는 자신들의 대한 분명한 표현과 미래 직업의 적극적인 소유욕을 유도하는 동기부여들을 활용해야 한다고 시사하고 있다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This conceptual essay introduces disciplined vision casting (DVC) as a new method for exploring possible futures. Drawing on scenario planning, introspection, and creative writing, DVC casts a set of future scenarios, based on a combination of guiding uncertainties found in the literature. Marketing scholars stand to benefit from leveraging DVC as it provides them with a laboratory for exploring undiscovered contexts and circumstances which may challenge widely-held beliefs. As such, this novel method of projecting into the future offers the field a stimulus for theory discovery and enrichment and a low-cost and readily-implementable method of foreseeing potential future events.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pairs trading is a type of arbitrage investment strategy that buys an underpriced security and simultaneously sells an overpriced security. Since the 1980s, investors have recognized pairs trading as a promising arbitrage strategy that pursues absolute returns rather than relative profits. Thus, individual and institutional traders, as well as hedge fund traders in the financial markets, have an interest in developing a pairs trading strategy. This study proposes pairs trading rules (PTRs) created from a price ratio between securities (i.e., stock index futures) using rough set analysis. The price ratio involves calculating the closing price of one security and dividing it by the closing price of another security and generating Buy or Sell signals according to whether the ratio is increasing or decreasing. In this empirical study, we generate PTRs through rough set analysis applied to various technical indicators derived from the price ratio between KOSPI 200 and S&P 500 index futures. The proposed trading rules for pairs trading indicate high profits in the futures market.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Procrastination is an irrational choice to delay high-priority work in order to avoid its unpleasantness, despite the fact that the negativity will not cease if the work still remains undone. We hypothesized that (1) people underestimate the future negativity (i.e., delay neutralization) and (2) in order to complete work in a timely manner, one should project oneself into the future so as to recognize that the negativity associated with an activity does not diminish over time. Especially, negative future thinking that is unrelated to the consequence was hypothesized to reduce delay neutralization of negativity. In the present study, undergraduate students made a series of choices between delayed-but-longer and immediate-but-shorter assignment by employing an inter-temporal choice paradigm. We tracked how positive and negative episodic future thinking influenced the degree to which negativity is neutralized over time (Experiment 1). Following this, we confined the experimental condition to negative thinking about the future (Experiment 2). Participants neutralized negativity involved in assignment as a function of time, suggesting that procrastination arises from the delay neutralization of the negativity. Critically, such neutralization was significantly reduced when participants imagined a negative future event, but this did not occur when they imagined a positive future event (Experiment 1), or when participants did not think about the future (Experiment 1, 2). Our findings suggest that, prior to making a decision between work and indulgence, imagining negative future events can be an effective way to reduce the neutralization of delayed negativity and, in turn, procrastination.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency of research institutes of futures companies, and to promote the development of futures market and real economy. This study employs DEA-solver software to conduct super-efficiency data envelopment analysis (SE-DEA), and also selects 40 representative futures research institutes in China as decision-making units (DMUs). For data of input and output indicators, we collect from the China Futures Association, Futures Daily, Hexun.com and Webstock.com respectively, and the time duration is the 103 trading days between from October 2019 to February 2020. Then the indicator for the strategy accuracy rate is calculated separately by analyzing the strategies published by each DMUs in public media. In conclusions, most institutes have excessive investment in human resources, and also have insufficient strategy accuracy rate and insufficient published research reports. The findings of this study suggest that Chinese futures companies need to improve the efficiency of research institutes, and better meet the demand of the financial market. In fact, the analysis of the efficiency of the futures company research institute has not been found in the literature worldwide, Application of DEA model in efficiency analysis of securities and futures research institutions and establishment of indicators are the innovations of this paper.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Nifty Bank Index has started trading in futures and options (F&O) segment from 13th June 2005 in National Stock Exchange. The purpose of the study is to enhance the literature by examining expiration effect on the price volatility and price reversal of Underlying Index in India. Historical data used for the current study primarily comprise of daily close prices of Nifty Bank which is the only equity sectoral index in India which is traded in derivatives market and its Future contract value is derived from the underlying CNX Bank Index during the period 1st January 2010 till 31st March 2020. To check stationarity of the data, Augmented Dicky Fuller test was used. The study employed ARMA- EGARCH model for analysing the data. The empirical results revealed that there is no effect on the mean returns of underlying Index and EGARCH (1,1) model furthermore shows there is existence of leverage effect in the Bank Index i.e., negative shocks causes more fluctuations in the Index than positive news of similar magnitude. The outcome of the study specifies that there is no effect on volatility on the underlying sectoral index due to expiration days and also observed no price reversal effect once the expiration days are over.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study investigates usage of English futures, will and be going to, by Korean EFL learners and American native English speakers. The examined usage data are extracted from the native speaker corpus, the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and two learner corpora, the Kyungpook National University (KNU) Student English Learner Corpus-Written (KSELC-W) and the KNU English Learner Corpus (KELC), and compared to determine interlanguage developmental patterns and usage similarities or differences between native speakers and nonnative speakers. In support of existing literature, the findings from the current study reveal that the American native English speakers of COCA significantly overuse both will and be going to in the spoken register compared to the combined written registers. Furthermore, the findings also indicate that although the writing samples of the learner corpora were written during formal EFL education settings, will and be going to usage by the Korean EFL learners closely resemble the usage data of the combined written-all registers of COCA. Finally, semantic analyses show that the advanced learners of KSELC-W use be going to quite correctly with the semantic senses in the present form. In contrast to the learners in Coates (1983), they use be going to to deliver the sense of epistemicity rather than the root intention senses.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper is the first of its kind using a non-linear approach based on cross-correlation function (CCF) to investigate the information arrival hypothesis in crude palm oil (CPO) futures market. Based on daily data from 1986 to 2010, our empirical results reveal that: First, the volume of volatility is not a proxy of information flow. Second, dependence causality running from current return to future volume in conditional variance exhibit an asymmetric pattern of time span with different signs of correlation between price and volume series. This finding indicates the presence of noise traders’ hypothesis of price-volume interaction in CPO futures market. Both findings suggest that this futures market is weak-form inefficiency. In terms of investors’ behavior, they tend to change their expectations on current return based on errors made in previous trade in generating abnormal volume in the subsequent period. As implied, it is advisable for the investors devise their future trading strategies according to time span and changes of return.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine the dynamics of price changes and trading volume of Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE) from 2000 to 2008. With augmented analysis, our results support two hypotheses. First, under information spillover, our findings support noise traders’ hypothesis as the time span for variance of past trading volume to cause variance of current return is found to be asymmetric under bull and bear markets. Second, looking at the dynamic relation between volume and volatility of price changes, our findings support Liquidity-Driven Trade hypothesis as past trading volume and subsequent volatility of return exhibit positive correlation. In terms of investors’ behavior in response to the news, we find that investors are more risk taking in bull market and more risk reverse in bear market. Our study suggests that investors should adjust their strategy in the futures market in a dynamic manner as the time span of new information arrival is not consistent. Also, uninformed investors with information asymmetry should expect noninformational trading from informed investors to establish their desired positions for better liquid position.