This study aims to estimate the Green-House-Gas emissions from domestic farmed flounder in the southern sea and Jeju-Do, where is mainly produced, by the assessment of energy consumptions and GHG emissions from domestic fish farms for establishing reduce standards of greenhouse gas from a sustainable perspective. It needs to analyze such GHG emission components as feed, electricity, fuel, fixed capital, fish respiration, and liquid oxygen in two locations by 4 stage running water type farm size of small, small and medium, large and medium, large scale. The result showed that the mean GHG emissions were 36.83 kg·CO2/year in the southern sea and 24.33 kg·CO2/year in Jeju-Do, respectively, in the stage of production per fish 1kg at 2 locations and farm size from domestic farmed flounders, and it will give to be useful for policy, planning, and regulation of aquaculture development with establishing GHG reduction standards.
The purpose of the study is to estimate the Green-House-Gas (GHG) emissions from domestic eel farm in the water recirculation system or still-water system by the assessment of energy consumptions and GHG emissions for establishing to reduce standards of GHG from a sustainable perspective. GHG emission components as seeds, feed, fuel, electricity, fixed capital, fish respiration, and others were analysed at the different culture type between water recirculation system and still-water system by 3 stage farm size of small, medium, large scale. The result showed that the mean GHG emission of the eel farm was 18.7kg·CO2 in the stage of production per fish 1kg at different culture type and farm size. Therefore it could be useful for policy, planning, and regulation of aquaculture development with establishing GHG reduction standards.
본 시험은 이탈리안 라이그라스 극조생종 품종을 육성하기 위하여 2001년부터 2011년까지 국립축산과학원 초지사료과에서 수행되었다. 이탈리안 라이그라스 신품종 그린팜2호는 2배체 작물로 엽은 녹색이며, 월동 전 초형은 반직립형, 봄의 초형은 직립형이다. 그린팜 2호는 4월 28일경에출수하는 극조생종 품종이다. 또한, 그린팜 2호는 플로리다80 보다 지엽폭이 0.6 mm 넓고, 지엽의 길이가 1 cm 짧으며, 출수기의 초장은 94 cm로 플로리다 80 보다 1 cm 정도작다. 줄기 두께는 플로리다 80 보다 0.7 mm로 굵고 이삭길이는 플로리다 80 보다 2.2 cm 짧았다. 그린팜 2호의 건물수량은 11,452 kg/ha로서 플로리다 80과 대등하였다. 그린팜 2호의 상대적 사료가치는 플로리다 80이 97인데 비해그린팜 2호는 114로 월등히 높고 in vitro 소화율이 70.6%,가소화양분총량(TDN)이 63.9%로서 플로리다 80 보다 각각 1.6, 2.8% 높았고, 산성세제불용섬유(ADF)와 중성세제불용섬유(NDF)는 31.7 및 52.6%로서 플로리다 80 보다 각각 3.5% 및 6.4% 낮았다.