The increasing accumulation of spent nuclear fuel has raised interest in High-Level Waste (HLW) repositories. For example, Sweden is under construction of the KBS-3 repository. To ensure the safety of such HLW repository, various countries have been developing assessment models. In the Republic of Korea, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has been developing on the AKRS model. However, traditional safety assessment models have not considered the fracture growth in the far-field host rock as a function of time. As repository safety assessments guarantee safety for million years, sustained stress naturally leads to the progressive growth of fractures as time goes on. Therefore, it becomes essential to account for fracture growth in the surrounding host rock. To address this, our study proposes a new coupling scheme between the Fracture growth model and the radionuclide transport model. That coupling scheme consists of the Cubic Law model as a fracture growth function and the GoldSim code which is a commercial software for radionuclide transport calculations. The model that adopting such fracture growth functions showed an increase of up to 15% in the release of radionuclide compared to traditional assessment models. our observations indicated that crack growth as a function of time led to an increase in hydraulic conductivity that allowed more radionuclide transport. Notably, these findings show the significance of adopting fracture growth models as a critical element in evaluating the safety of nuclear waste repositories.
The engineered barrier system (EBS), composed of spent nuclear fuel, canister, buffer and backfill material, and near-field rock, plays a crucial role in the deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste. Understanding the interactions between components in a thermo-hydro-mechanical -chemical (THMC) environment is necessary for ensuring the long-term performance of a disposal facility. Alongside the research project at KAERI, a comprehensive experimental facility has been established to elucidate the comprehensive performance of EBS components. The EBS performance demonstration laboratory, which installed in a 1,000 m2, consists of nine experimental modules pertaining to rock mechanics, gas migration, THMC characteristics, buffer-rock interaction, buffer & backfill development, canister corrosion, canister welding, canister performance, and structure monitoring & diagnostics. This facility is still conducting research on the engineering properties and complex interactions of EBS components under coupled THMC condition. It is expected to serve as an important laboratory for the development of the key technologies for assessing the long-term stability of engineered barriers
Facing the problem of saturation of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) stored in temporary storage facilities on sites, interest in the treatment of SNF is increasing, and it is recognized as a task that needs to be solved promptly. Although direct disposal is a general method for dealing with SNF, the entire fuel assembly is classified as high-level waste; thus, the burden of disposal is high. In order to minimize the disposal burden with enhancing safety for long term storage, it is necessary to develop SNF treatment technologies and continuous efforts are required from a national policy perspective. The present study focused on minimizing the volume of high level waste from light water reactor fuel by separation of uranium, which accounts for most of SNF. The chlorination characteristics of uranium (U), rare earth (RE) oxides were confirmed through lab-scale experiments, and the possibility of uranium separation from U-RE simulated fuel was evaluated using NH4Cl chlorinating agent. The detailed results will be posted and discussed.
The high-level nuclear waste disposal system is a structure with a very long life expectancy, and deterioration and cracking of the structure may occur over time. In addition, the high-level nuclear waste disposal system is in complex extreme conditions such as high temperature, groundwater, and radiation. Therefore, we need to develop a highly durable monitoring sensor that can detect the deterioration and crack of structures in extreme conditions. Since the durability of a sensor is closely related to the sensor lifetime, it is essential to predict the sensor lifetime accurately. The sensor lifetime can be predicted through the reliability qualification test. Among them, the accelerated life test conducted under harsh conditions is widely used as a method to shorten the test period. The major factor in carrying out the accelerated life test is to set the appropriate harsh conditions. Therefore, this study experimentally derived the operating limit of the monitoring sensor. It is essential to set the proper harsh conditions when performing the accelerated life test. Through this study, it is judged that it will be helpful in determining the appropriate stress level when performing the accelerated life test for accurate lifetime prediction.
본 연구의 목적은 고준위폐기물 처분기술 개발과 관련하여 현장실증 연구를 위해 사용될 공학규모 이상의 균질 완충재 블록 을 제작하기 위한 새로운 방법론을 제시하는 것이다. 이와 관련하여 플롯팅 다이(floating die) 방식의 프레스 재하 및 냉간 등방압프레스(CIP; Cold Isostatic Press) 기법을 국내 최초로 완충재 제작에 적용하였다. 또한 소요 밀도기준을 충족하는 완충재 블록을 생산하기 위한 최적의 제작조건(프레스 및 CIP의 소요 압력)과 현장 적용성을 분석하였다. 상기 기법의 적용을 통해 완충재 블록 내 밀도분포 편차가 현저히 감소하였으며, 이와 동시에 평균 건조밀도가 소폭 상승하고 약 5%의 크기가 감소하였다. 또한 CIP 적용을 통해 응력이완(stress release) 현상이 감소하고, 이로 인해 시간 경과에 따른 표면균열 발생이 현저히 저감됨을 시험제작을 통해 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 방법론은 공학규모 이상의 균질한 완충재 블럭을 성형할 수 있으며, 또한 이는 선진핵주기 고준위폐기물처분시스템(AKRS; Advanced Korea Reference Disposal System of HLW)의 완충재 소요 밀도기준을 충족하는 것으로 분석되었다.
본 연구에서는 벤토나이트의 변질을 모사하기 위해 TOUGHREACT를 이용하여 열-수리-화학적 개념 모델링을 수행하였다. 모델링 결과 벤토나이트의 포화도는 지속적으로 증가하여 약 10 년 후에 포화상태에 도달하였다. 또한 온도는 급격히 증가 하여 0.5 년 이후에는 구리관으로부터 거리에 따라 일정한 온도 구배가 유지되었다. 이러한 열-수리 조건 변화에 따라 화학 적으로는 경석고와 방해석의 변질이 주로 발생하였다. 경석고와 방해석은 지하수가 유입됨에 따라 지속적으로 용해되었으 나, 온도가 높은 구리관 인근에서는 침전하는 경향을 보여주었다. 또한 경석고와 방해석의 침전으로 인해 구리관 인근의 공 극률과 투과도가 감소하였다. 확산 상수 변화에 대한 모델링 결과 경석고와 방해석의 변질은 확산 상수에 매우 민감하였으 며, 이는 결과적으로 수리적 특성인 공극률과 투과도에 영향을 미치고 있었다. 본 연구는 고준위 방사성폐기물 처분장 안전 성 연구에 기초적인 자료를 제공해 줄 것으로 판단된다.