
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated how Japanese learners of Korean perceive the similarity of stop sounds between the Korean and Japanese languages. The results found, compared to the beginner’s group, the advanced group showed a lower rating value for the similarity for the same stimulus sound, and the learners with a higher perception ability distinguished lower similarities, even among the inner groups of the beginner’s and advanced group. This study also investigated how the related information in the native language affects how the learners perceive lenis consonants in word-medial position in the Korean language, as Japanese stop sounds are divided into two sounds depending on [±voiced] feature, whereas Korean stop sounds do not have a voiced sound in word-initial consonantal context, but the lenis consonants go through voicing in word-medial position. In result, Japanese learners tend to perceive the lenis consonants in word-medial position much better than other sounds, and it was shown that the related information in native language had played a positive role in perceiving Korean word-medial consonants.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is to show characteristics of complaints of Korean native speakers (KNs), Korean learners (primary, intermediate, and high class) of Japanese language of (KLs), and Japanese native speakers (JNs). When fourteen displeased situations happening occasionally in daily life were given to them, for their complaints about the situations, the degree of complaints and the expression behavior of complaints were investigated. Particularly the complaints by speech act were analyzed with a point of view on the use of strategy and the degree of face-threat (FT). The degree of complaints was higher in order of JNs>KLs>KNs. For the expression behavior of complaints, all of three group (KNs, KLs and JNs) tended to use speech act. For the strategy of complaints and the degree of FT, JNs tended to use strategy of lower degree of FT than that of KN. And KLs showed a tendency of interlanguage which was getting close to targeting language, using strategy of lower FT degree than that of mother language group (KNs) even at a primary class. These results give the following implications for the education of Japanese language for KLs. 1) As the most useful method to resolve the situations of complaints, JNs also use speech act, but JNs recognize the situations more seriously than KNs and their degree of complaints is higher. 2) Nevertheless, JNs are contrasted with KNs by that they would minimize the probable trouble with a person due to their complaints by selecting strategy of low FT degree.
        2013.06 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고에서는 한국인과 일본인 학습자가 어두와 어중에서 발화한 파찰음을 다양한 음성학적 관점에서 비교 분석하여 그 차이점에 대한 양상과 원인을 살펴보았다. 먼저 어두 초성 파찰음의 경우 평음, 경음, 격음을 구별하는 중요한 단서가 되는 것으로 마찰 구간의 길이와 후행 모음의 음높이가 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 어중 초성 파찰음의 경우 평음, 경음, 격음을 구분할 때 중요한 단서가 되는 것이 후행 모음의 음높이, 마찰 구간의 길이, 폐쇄지속시간이다. 그러므로 어두 초성 파찰음과 어중 초성 파찰음의 이러한 특징을 고려하여 세 자음을 구별할 수 있다는 것을 교육해야 할 것이다.