The primary purpose of this study is to develop system modules of school buildings and the seismic loss function of the system modules for regional loss assessment of school buildings. System modules of school buildings were developed through statistical analysis of school facilities in Korea. The structural system of school buildings with non-seismic details is defined as reinforced concrete with partially masonry walls (RCPM), and 27 system modules of RCPM were developed considering the number of stories, spans, and the age of the building. System modules were designed to assess the structural behavior by applying the shear spring model and the shear failure of the columns of the school building. Probabilistic seismic demand models for each component of system modules were derived through nonlinear dynamic analysis to determine the relationship between seismic intensity, drift ratio, and peak floor acceleration of system modules. The seismic loss function was defined as the total damage ratio, which is the ratio of replacement cost to repair cost to evaluate the seismic loss quantitatively. The system module-based seismic loss well predicted the observed data. It will be possible to help many stakeholders make risk-informed decisions for a region through the regional loss assessment of school buildings in Korea.
In buffer, a main component of engineering barrier system (EBS) in the deep geological repository, mass loss is mainly caused by upheave and mechanical erosion. The former is a phenomenon that bentonite in the upper part of the buffer moves to the backfill region due to groundwater intake and swelling. And, the latter is a phenomenon that bentonite on the surface of the buffer moves to the backfill region due to groundwater flow at the interface with host rock as the buffer saturates. Buffer mass loss adversely affects the fulfilment of the safety function of the buffer that is to limit and retard radionuclide release in the event of canister failure. Accordingly, in this paper, we reviewed how to consider this phenomenon in the performance assessment for the operating license application in Finland, and tentatively summarized data required to conduct the analysis for the domestic facility based on the review results. Regarding buffer mass loss, the previous studies carried out in Finland are categorized as follows: 1) experiment on the amount of buffer upheave with groundwater inflow rate (before backfilling), 2) analysis for the amount of buffer upheave with groundwater inflow rate (after backfilling), 3) analysis of buffer erosion rate with groundwater inflow rate, 4) analysis for distribution of the groundwater inflow rate into the buffer for all deposition holes (using ConnectFlow modeling results), and 5) analysis of buffer mass loss with groundwater salinity. Finally, the buffer mass loss distribution table was derived from the results of 1) through 3) by combining with that of 4). Given these studies, the following will be required for the performance assessment for buffer mass loss in the domestic disposal facility: a) distribution table of buffer mass loss for combined interactions taking into account effect of 5) (i.e. 1), 2), 3), and 5) + 4)), and b) Threshold for buffer mass loss starting to negatively affect the fulfilment of the safety function of the buffer. Even though it is judged that the results of this study could be directly applied to developing the design concept of EBS and to conducting the performance assessment in the domestic disposal facility, it is essential to prepare a set of input data reflecting the site-specific design features (e.g. dimension, material used, site, etc.), which include saturation time and groundwater salinity.
Currently, as the saturation capacity of wet storage pool for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) of PWR in Korea has reached approximately 75%, Dry Storage Facilities (DSF) are necessary for sustainable operation of nuclear power plants. It is necessary to develop acceptance requirements for the delivery of SNF from reactor storage site to Centralized DSF. To do this end, the mechanical integrity of SNF is directly related to its repacking, retrieving, and transporting/handling performances. And also, this integrity is a key factor associated with the criticality safety that is connected to the damaged status of SNF. According to the NUREG/CR-6835, the NRC expects that the potential for nuclear fuel failures will increase because of the increase of the fuel discharge burnup and the degradation of fuel and clad material properties. Due to such damages and/or degradation, the fuel rods in the fuel assembly may be extracted and empty for following treatments (transportation, storage, handling etc). This condition can have a detrimental effect on the criticality safety of SNF. Thus, this study investigated whether extracted and empty of damaged SNF rod affects criticality safety. In this analysis, it is assumed that up to four fuel rods are missed. As a result of the analysis, As the number of fuel rods miss up to a certain number, the value of multiplication factor value of the fuel assembly increases. In addition, since the fuel rods located at the outermost layer contained relatively less fissile material than the fuel rods located center of the lattice, and neutrons were lost by the absorption material, the effective multiplication factor value gradually decreased. Nevertheless, the criticality safety was assessed to be maintained.
본 연구에서는 노지작물과 시설작물에 대하여 화산재 퇴적으로 인한 취약도를 개발하고, 화산재 확산 시나리오를 기초로 농작물의 생산량 손실을 평가하였다. 노지작물에 대한 화산재 취약도는 2006년 인도네시아 머라피(Merapi) 화산분화 시 관측된 농작물의 피해영향 자료에 기초하여 평가되었으며, 시설작물에 대한 화산재 취약도는 신뢰도 지수 기반의 FOSM(first-order second-moment) 기법을 이용하여 농림축산식품부에서 제공한 내재해형 비닐하우스에 대하여 평가되었다. 또한, 화산재 확산 및 퇴적두께를 예측할 수 있는 FALL3D 모델과 WRF(weather research and forecasting) 모델을 연계하여 화산재 확산 시나리오를 모의하였다. 본 연구에서는 이들 화산재 취약도와 화산재 퇴적두께 모의 결과를 기초로 하여 충청남도 지역에서 재배되는 수박과 딸기에 대한 화산재 퇴적에 따른 생산량 손실을 추정하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 화산재 취약도 및 손실 평가 알고리즘은 추후 한반도 주변 화산분화 시 피해예측 및 경감을 위하여 사용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
To assess actual foliage damage due to potato leaf miner, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), commercial potato pockets of Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Kavrepalanchwok, Sindhupalchwok and Makwanpur districts of Mid-Nepal were surveyed in 2009. Percent foliage damage analysis and ANOVA (with unbalanced frequency distribution) of multiple regressions of different factors were done to evaluate the level of damage and factors significantly influencing damage. Damage level was found more in lower altitudes (790-1568 meters above sea level) than in higher altitudes (1560-2610 meters above sea level). Similarly, lower leaves were more damaged than the upper ones. So, altitude and plant age were two factors influencing damage by test insect. Since the pest is becoming severe and can withstand chemical sprays, it is imperative to develop suitable IPM technique against this insect. Similarly, strict quarantine and awareness campaign against this insect pest are crucial to check its migration to virgin potato pockets.
The purpose of this study is to develop a method to assess the expected damage and loss of vehicle by flood disaster. To this end, we designed the inventory (exposure) DB to define spatial location and distribution by vehicle type, and presented the construction procedure of inventory DB. Vehicle asset value required for quantifying loss was taken into account depreciation in the replacement cost of each representative vehicles. The vehicle vulnerability curve is used to analyze the percent damage due to flood depth. It is classified the vehicle into three types based on the vehicle height, developed the vulnerability curve from the opinion of the expert group. The method proposed in this study is part of f lood loss assessment model. It will be used for flood risk assessment and economic analysis of flood mitigation projects.
최근 다양한 기상변화에 의한 재해발생 위험도는 점차 높아지고 있다. 특히 대기, 하천, 해양 등 지구전역에 걸쳐 발생하고 있는 환경오염과 화학물질의 사용량 증가는 온난화와 같은 환경변화를 초래하고, 이는 곧 지구 물 순환 체계의 변화로 이어지게 된다. 2010년, 2011년의 서울을 비롯한 중부지역의 집중호우 이후 매년 발생하고 있는 홍수피해는 이러한 기상변화를 잘 대변하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 홍수피해지역에 대한 경제적 피해추정을 위해 많이 사용하는 다차원홍수피해산정법(MD-FDA: Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis)에서 벗어나 실제 침수피해지역에 대한 설문조사를 통해 손실함수를 개발하고자 하였다. 대상지역은 2011년 7월에 발생한 집중호우로 인해 동두천시를 관통하고 있는 신천의 범람으로 인한 도심지 침수지역을 대상으로 실시하였다.
본 연구에서는 낙동강유역을 대상으로 토양 침식 및 유실의 위험성을 분석 및 평가하기 위해 토지이용도를 세부적으로 분석하여 유역별 토양침식 발생의 위험성을 순위화하였다. 또한, 토양침식량을 RUSLE 모형을 이용하여 산정하였고 토지이용도 분석 결과와 함께 토양침식 위험성이 높은 유역을 평가하였다. 최종적으로 해당 유역에 산사태 위험지도와의 비교를 통해 유역내 토양유실 대책 수립을 위한 자료의 활용 방안을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 전체 낙동강유역내 토양침식 위험성이 높은 것으로 선정된 유역은 내성천유역으로 토지이용도 분석결과와 RUSLE 모형의 결과에서 모두 토양유실 측면에서 위험성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. RUSLE 모형 결과에서 토양침식량이 높은 것으로 나타난 지역과 산사태 위험지역의 분포는 유사한 것으로 나타났으나, 하천 주변의 토지이용에 따른 토양유실의 위험성은 RUSLE를 이용한 산정결과에서만 확인할 수 있었다.