최근 늘어나고 있는 이상 기상 현상으로 산사태 위험이 점차 증가하고 있다. 산사태는 막대한 인명 피해와 재산 피해를 초래할 수 있기에 이러한 위험을 사전에 평가함은 매우 중요하다. 최근 기술 발전으로 인해 능동형 원격탐사 방법을 사용하여 더 정확하고 상세한 지표 변위 및 강수 데이터를 얻을 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 이러한 데이터를 활용하여 산사태 예측 모델을 개발하는 연구는 찾기 힘들다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 합성개구레이더 간섭법(InSAR)을 사용한 지표 변위 자료와 하이브리드 고도면 강우(HSR) 추정 기법을 통한 강수 정보를 활용하여 산사태 민감도를 예측하는 기계학습 모델을 제시하고 있다. 나아가 기계학습의 블랙박스 문제를 극복할 수 있는 해석가능한 기계학습 방법인 SHAP을 이용하여 산사태 민감도의 영향 변수에 대한 중요도를 체계적으로 평가하였다. 경상북도 울진군을 대상으로 사례 연구를 수행한 결과, XGBoost가 가장 좋은 예측 성능을 보이며, 도로로부터의 거리, 지표 고도, 일 최대 강우 강도, 48시간 선행 누적 강우량, 사면 경사, 지형습윤지수, 단층으로 부터의 거리, 경사도, 지표 변위, 하천으로부터의 거리가 산사태 예측에 영향을 미치는 주요 변수로 밝혀졌다. 특히, 능동형 원격탐사를 통해 얻은 자료인 강우 강도와 지표 변위의 절댓값이 높을수록 산사태 발생 확률이 높음을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 능동형 원격탐사 자료의 산사태 민감도 연구에서의 활용 가능성을 실증적으로 보여주고 있으며, 해당 자료를 바탕으로 시공간적 으로 변하는 산사태 민감도를 도출함으로써 향후 산사태 민감도 모니터링에 효과적으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
This study was conducted to calculate the damage of Italian ryegrass (IRG) by abnormal climate using machine learning and present the damage through the map. The IRG data collected 1,384. The climate data was collected from the Korea Meteorological Administration Meteorological data open portal.The machine learning model called xDeepFM was used to detect IRG damage. The damage was calculated using climate data from the Automated Synoptic Observing System (95 sites) by machine learning. The calculation of damage was the difference between the Dry matter yield (DMY)normal and DMYabnormal. The normal climate was set as the 40-year of climate data according to the year of IRG data (1986~2020). The level of abnormal climate was set as a multiple of the standard deviation applying the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standard. The DMYnormal was ranged from 5,678 to 15,188 kg/ha. The damage of IRG differed according to region and level of abnormal climate with abnormal temperature, precipitation, and wind speed from -1,380 to 1,176, -3 to 2,465, and -830 to 962 kg/ha, respectively. The maximum damage was 1,176 kg/ha when the abnormal temperature was -2 level (+1.04℃), 2,465 kg/ha when the abnormal precipitation was all level and 962 kg/ha when the abnormal wind speed was -2 level (+1.60 ㎧). The damage calculated through the WMO method was presented as an map using QGIS. There was some blank area because there was no climate data. In order to calculate the damage of blank area, it would be possible to use the automatic weather system (AWS), which provides data from more sites than the automated synoptic observing system (ASOS).
The popularity of live streaming is driving the emergence of a new business model, known as live-streaming commerce (LSC). While there are more and more broadcasters in LSC, their behaviors and performance of them are significantly different. To have a better understanding of broadcasters, we employ different machine learning models to identify different portraits in both static and dynamic dimensions. We collect a rich live-streaming dataset from one leading platform in China. Our dataset features information for both broadcasters and viewers, including viewers’ purchasing behaviors, viewers’ records of posting words, broadcasters’ gender, the number of followers for broadcasters, and the live streaming show information, including the start and end time, and the viewers in each live streaming show. The rich textual information in broadcasters’ profile induction provides us a good opportunity to uncover different static portraits and the records in live streaming shows give us a chance to identify different dynamic behavioral portraits for broadcasters.
Since radon was detected in mattresses of famous bed furniture brands in 2018, the nuclear safety and security commission (NSSC) announced the radiation safety management act in April 2021 to protect the public health and environment. This act stipulates the safety management of radiation that can be encountered in the natural environment such as the notification of radioactivity concentration of source materials, process by-products, the installation and operation of radioactive monitors. In this study, a model was established to predict radioactive exposure dose from radioactive materials such as radon and uranium detected in consumer products such as bed mattresses, pillows, shower, bracelets and masks in order to identify major radioactive substances that largely affect the exposure dose. A period of seven years from 2014 to 2020 was investigated for the source materials and exposure doses of consumer products containing naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs). We analyzed these using machine learning models such as classification and regression tree (CART), Random Forest and TreeNet. Index development and verification were performed to evaluate the predictive performance of the models. Overall, predictive performance was highest when Random Forest or TreeNet was used for each consumer product. Thoron had a great influence on the internal exposure dose of bedding, clothing and mats. Uranium had a great influence on the internal exposure dose of other consumer products except whetstones. When the number of data is very small or the missing value rate is high, it is difficult to expect accurate predictive performance even with machine learning techniques. If we significantly reduce the missing value rate of data or use the limit of detection value instead of missing values, we can build a model with more accurate predictive performance.
Radioactivity of radiostrontiums, Sr-89 and Sr-90, which are both pure beta-emitters, are generally measured via Cherenkov counting. However, the determination of Cherenkov counting efficiencies of radiostrontiums requires a complicated procedure due to the presence of Y-90 (also a pure betaemitter) which is the daughter nuclide of Sr-90. In this study, we have developed a machine learning approach using a linear regression model which allows an easier and simultaneous determination of the Cherenkov counting efficiencies of the radiostrontiums. The linear regression model was employed because total net Cherenkov count (Ct) from the three beta-emitters at time t after the separation of Y- 90, can be expressed as a linear combination of their respective time-varying radioactivities with their respective coefficients (parameters) being their counting efficiencies: Ct = εSr-90[ASr-90·exp(–λSr-90·t)] + εSr-89[ASr-89·exp(–λSr-89·t)] + εY-90[ASr-90·exp(1–λSr-90·t)], where ε is a counting efficiency, A is an initial activity, λ is a decay constant and t is time after the separation of Y-90, Thus, if we train the model with multiple Cherenkov counts measured from the three beta emitters, then we can obtain their estimates for counting efficiencies (so-called parameters) straightforward. For this, the model has been trained by two methods: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Bayesian linear regression (BLR), for which two software packages, PyMC3 and Stan were employed to compare their performances. The results showed that the accuracy of the OLS was worse than that of the BLR. Particularly, the counting efficiency of Sr-90 was estimated to be smaller than 0, which is an unrealistic value. On the other hand, the estimates of the BLR gave realistic values which are close to the true values. Additionally, the BLR was able to provide a distribution for each counting efficiency (so-called “posterior”) from which various types of inference can be made including median and credible interval in the Bayesian statistics which is analogous to, but different from confidence interval in the Frequentist statistics. In the results of the BLR, the Stan package gave more accurate estimates than the PyMC3 package. Therefore, it is expected that counting efficiencies of the radiostrontiums including radioyttrium can be determined at the same time, more easily and accurately, by using the BLR with the Stan package and that the activities of radiostrontium also can be determined more easily by using the BLR if we know their counting efficiencies in advance. It is worth noting that the usage of the linear regression model in this study was different from the usual one where the trained model is used to predict a response value (count) from a set of unseen regressor values (activities).
The success of machine learning approach to identify key correlation in large database is critically controlled by the reliability and accuracy of the data. Here, we demonstrate that rigorous material properties of radioactive nuclear fuels can be obtained by integrated approach of first principles calculations and the machine learning approach. The reliable database is established by density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulations, which is the input of the machine learning to analyze any correlation among the database. The outcomes are applied to evaluate thermodynamic, kinetic and electrochemical properties, which plays a key role for safe management of spent nuclear fuels.
밸브의 내부 누설 현상은 밸브의 내부 부품의 손상에 의해 발생하며 배관 시스템의 사고와 운전정지를 일으키는 주요 요인이 다. 본 연구는 버터플라이형 밸브의 내부 누설에 따라 배관계에서 발생하는 음향방출 신호를 이용하여 배관 가동 중 실시간 누설 진단의 가능성을 검토하였다. 이를 위해 밸브의 작동 모드별로 측정한 시간영역의 AE 원시신호를 취득하였으며 이로부터 구축한 데이터셋은 데 이터 기반의 인공지능 알고리즘에 적용하여 밸브의 내부 누설 유무를 진단하는 모델을 생성하였다. 누설 유무진단을 분류의 문제로 정의 하여 SVM 기반의 머신러닝과 CNN 기반의 딥러닝 분류 알고리즘을 적용하였다. 데이터의 특징 추출에 기반한 SVM 분류 모델의 경우, 이 진분류 모델에서 구축된 모델에 따라 83~90%의 정확도를 나타냈으며, 다중 클래스인 경우 분류 정확도가 66%로 감소하였다. 반면, CNN 기반의 다중 클래스 분류 모델의 경우 99.85%의 분류 정확도를 얻을 수 있었다. 결론적으로 밸브 내부 누설 진단을 위한 SVM 분류모델은 다중 클래스의 정확도 향상을 위해 적절한 특징 추출이 필요하며, CNN 기반의 분류모델은 프로세서의 성능 저하만 없다면 누설진단과 밸브 개도 분류에 효율적인 접근방법임을 확인하였다.
In order to reduce damages to major railroad components, which have the potential to cause interruptions to railroad services and safety accidents and to generate unnecessary maintenance costs, the development of rolling stock maintenance technology is switching from preventive maintenance based on the inspection period to predictive maintenance technology, led by advanced countries. Furthermore, to enhance trust in accordance with the speedup of system and reduce maintenances cost simultaneously, the demand for fault diagnosis and prognostic health management technology is increasing. The objective of this paper is to propose a highly reliable learning model using various machine learning algorithms that can be applied to critical rolling stock components. This paper presents a model for railway rolling stock component fault diagnosis and conducts a mechanical failure diagnosis of motor components by applying the machine learning technique in order to ensure efficient maintenance support along with a data preprocessing plan for component fault diagnosis. This paper first defines a failure diagnosis model for rolling stock components. Function-based algorithms ANFIS and SMO were used as machine learning techniques for generating the failure diagnosis model. Two tree-based algorithms, RadomForest and CART, were also employed. In order to evaluate the performance of the algorithms to be used for diagnosing failures in motors as a critical railroad component, an experiment was carried out on 2 data sets with different classes (includes 6 classes and 3 class levels). According to the results of the experiment, the random forest algorithm, a tree-based machine learning technique, showed the best performance.