
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When evaluating the extent of the impact of water pollutants on the surrounding area, we would like to present the target level (proposal) of the quality of the environment, which is the standard for evaluation. We propose the environmental quality target level for substances that need to be applied domestically by investigating overseas cases operating the integrated environmental management system and the implications of domestic environmental pollutant management. The appropriateness of the environmental quality target level reviewed in this study was determined using data from the water quality measuring network, and future improvement measures were proposed. We review the available methodologies for setting quality objectives for the environment. It proposed the environmental quality target level for 21 substances that have domestic water pollutant emission standards and do not have environmental standards, and proposed future improvement measures. If it is necessary to add quality target-level items of the environment in the future, it is believed that expansion will be possible based on the methodology presented in this study.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The loss of safety for reservoirs brought about by climate change and facility aging leads to reservoir failures, which results in the loss of lives and property damage in downstream areas. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a Reservoir(Dam) Failure Forecasting System for downstream residents to detect the early signs of failure (with sensors) in real-time and perform safety management to prevent and minimize possible damage. Ground water level meter was installed for changes of seepage and understanding of underground stability, and its management criteria was established in change of ground water level up to dam height. Analysis results show that distribution of values are scattered so it is necessary to do monitering for 1 year to set up for numerical fitting.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        치성천의 홍수범람이 빈번하게 발생하는 구간을 대상으로 하단배출형 가동보를 다단으로 배치하여 가동보의 관리수위별 저류 및 홍수조절 효과 를 기존 고정보의 설치 경우와 비교분석하였다. 분석 결과를 기반으로 인공신경망 모형을 구축하여 목표하는 저류량과 하류부 홍수위 조절을 위한 가동보의 관리수위를 제안하였다. 하단배출형 가동보를 다단으로 배치할 경우 고정보 대비 하류부에서의 첨두 홍수위가 68.28%가 감소하였고, 대상구간의 총 저류량이 216%가 증가하였다. 인공신경망 학습모델의 구축을 위해 수치모의 결과 216개의 data 중 60%, 20%, 20%를 각각 학습, 검증 및 시험에 사용하였다. 학습결과 평균제곱오차가 0.1681 m2, 결정계수가 학습, 검증 및 시험에서 각각 0.9961, 0.9967, 0.9943으로 높게 나타났다. 인공신경망을 이용하여 목표하는 저류량과 하천의 하류부에서의 홍수위에 대한 각각 가동보의 관리수위의 결정방안을 제시하였다
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the proper interval of water exchange according to nitrogen fertilizer level at medium saline soil which are 0.3 or more soil salinity in southwestern reclaimed saline land. The nitrogen fertilizer level were 14, 17, 20kg per 10a, and the interval of water exchange were every 3, 6, 9 days after transplanting. The summarized experimental results are as follows. The salinity were maintained as low when the interval of water exchange were every 3 or 6 days after transplanting, but salinity was highest at rooting stage, and decreased from that, so salinity were about 0.3 at panicle initiation stage or ripening stage when the interval of water exchange was every 9 days after transplanting. The rice yield were 537-552kg/10a when the interval of water exchange was every 3 days with 17-20kg/10a nitrogen fertilizer level, and 519-533kg/10a when the interval of water exchange was every 6 days with 17-20kg/10a nitrogen fertilizer level, but decreased outstandingly in the other treatments. Considering the yield and salt injury at medium saline soil at southwestern reclaimed saline land, proper nitrogen fertilizer level was 17-20kg/10a when the interval of water exchange were every 3 or 6 days after transplanting.