The anti-diabetes mechanism of silkworm Bombyx mori L. powder and extracts was found to inhibit the activity of α-glycosidase. The major functional component of silkworm powder was 1-deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ), which exerts a blood glucose-lowering effect. In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of the supplements, including red ginseng extract on the functional components of silkworm. Fifty silkworm larvae were divided into the control group (Con, N=50), group A (A, artificial diet 95% and mulberry leaf powder 5%), group B (B, artificial diet 95% and mulberry powder 5%), group C (C, artificial diet 95% and Rubus coreanus remainders 5%), group D (D, artificial diet 95% and red ginseng extract 5%), and group E (E, artificial diet 95% and yeast powder (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Body weights and length of silkworm larvae showed significant improvement in group A, D. In particular, the growth rate in group D (artificial diet 95% and red ginseng extract 5%) was larger than that of Con. In addition, the results showed that 1-DNJ concentration was significantly largest in group D. From these results, it is concluded that the addition of red ginseng extract may be effective for larval growth and 1-DNJ accumulation in silkworm rearing with an artificial diet.
Various herbal medicinal extracts were examined for the development of cosmetic products with anti-oxidative and anti-wrinkle activity. First, total polyphenol contents and DPPH radical scavenging activities of herbal medicinal extracts were measured. Most herbal samples, except for DW extracts of Portulaca oleracea, Caesalpinia sappan, Taraxacum platycarpum, Carthamus tinctorius, and 70% EtOH extracts of Taraxacum platycarpum and Carthamus tinctorius, showed DPPH radical scavenging activity over 80% at a concentration of 400μg/ml. SOD-like antioxidant activity of DW extracts of Syzygium aromaticum, DW extracts of Eriobtrya japonica and 70% EtOH extracts of Sophora japonica was measured as 40%, 35% and 80%, respectively at a dry matter concentration of 50μg/ml. In elastase inhibition assay, DW extracts of Lycium chinense (50μg/ml) and 70% EtOH extracts of Areca catechu (50μg/ml) showed 50% and 40% of inhibition, respectively. At a concentration of 1.250μg/ml, DW extracts of Lycium chinense and 70% EtOH extracts of Areca catechu showed 10% and 30% of collagenase inhibition, respectively. Skin and lotion samples were prepared using the two herbal extracts of high anti-wrinkle activity: Lycium chinense extract and Areca catechu extract. The storage stability of skin and lotion containing each of the selected herbal extracts was evaluated. pH and viscosity were used as stability indicators for the stability test under different storage temperatures and freeze-thaw cycle conditions. The skin and lotion containing each of DW extract of Lycium chinense and 70% EtOH extract of Areca catechu was showed high pH and viscosity stability. The skin and lotion containing DW extracts of Lycium chinense showed relatively higher stability than the skin and lotion containing 70% EtOH extract of Areca catechu, at cycle chamber and freeze-thaw conditions. In summary, these results indicated that cosmetics containing DW extract of Lycium chinense were relatively stable, and this herbal extract could be used as a stable functional cosmetic material.
우리 나라에서 자생하고 있는 식물중 기능성식품원료로 이용 가능성이 높은 쑥, 한삼덩굴, 돌외의 주년생산과 우량계통 선발을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 이들에 대한 수집종간 및 재배방법간의 재배학적 특성과 성분을 분석(分析)하였던 바 얻어진 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 쑥의 생산량(건초량)은 수원에서 수집한 뺑쑥에서 제일 많았으나 정유함양(精油含量)은 음성에서 수집한 약쑥과 음성에서 수집한 쑥은 각각 0.15%, 옹진에서 수집한 쑥은 0.12%, 뺑쑥은 0.09%이었다. 2. 돌외의 수량은 관행재배에 비해 지주(支柱)를 세워 덩굴손이 지주를 감아 신장시킨 재배에서 48% 많았고, 돌외의 지상부에서는 rutin이 함유되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 환삼덩굴의 수량은 계룡상에서 수집한 종이 음성에서 수집한 종에 비해 12% 많았고, 환삼덩굴의 지상부에서 phenol성(性) 성분인 isoquercitrin이 함유되어 있는 것이 정성적으로 확인되었다.