It is necessary to develop a mobile water production system in order to provide stable water supply in case of disasters such as floods or earthquakes. In this study, we developed a modular mobile water production system capable of producing water for various uses such as domestic water and drinking water while improving applicability in various raw water sources. The water production system consists of three stages of filtration (sand filtration - activated carbon filtration - pressure filtration) to produce domestic water and an additional reverse osmosis process to produce drinking water. In laboratory and field experiments, the domestic water production system showed excellent treatment efficiency for particulate matter, but showed limitations in the treatment of dissolved substances such as dissolved organic matter. In addition, ultraviolet irradiation was considered as additional disinfection step, because it does not form precipitates of manganese oxides after disinfection. Reverse osmosis process was added to increase the removal efficiency of dissolved substances and the treated water satisfied drinking water quality standards. Fluorescence analysis of dissolved organic matter showed that the fulvic acid-like substances in raw water was successfully removed in the reverse osmosis process. The mobile water production system developed in this study is expected to be used not only in water supply in case of disaster, but also widely used in islands and rural area.
By successful establishment of Supply Chain Management System they should make the supply chains speedy and combine production information system with the outcome system and thus they reinforce the competition of the production system of local enterprises in accordance with the rapid decision making. Supply chain coordination improves if all supplier of chain take actions that together increase total supply chain profits. To design of Modularity by the grouping supplier, the proposed method is to develop the most appropriate production system models through the reflection of JIT system in the Supply Chain Management which is necessity of the times and its importance. The objects of this study is to develop the most appropriate production system Model and optimal profit model in the process line and to provide the enterprises with the models which are based on the Supply Chain Management.
국내 반도체 산업은 불과 20년도 안되는 짧은 기간통안에 곽목할만한 성장을 하여 전세게 반도체 생산 규토 면에서 3위 국가로 부상하였으며, 기술 경쟁력 면에서도 한국인의 자존심을 그나마 지져왔다. 하지만, 반도체 제조는 가장 복잡한 제조공정의 하나로 분류되며, 이러한 복잡한 시스템을 통제하기 위해서는, 다양한 시스템 조건하에서 적절한 생산전략을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 그러나, 반도체 제조 시스템에 대한 다양한 상황과 관련한 연구 많지 않다. 반도체 제
반도체 제조 시스템에 대한 다양한 상황과 관련한 연구는 많지 않다 게다가, 모든 상황에 항상 적합한 생산시스템 전략은 없다. 반도체 제조공정 시스템에 대한 스케줄은 생산공정의 재진입, 공정의 높은 불확실성, 급속하게 변하는 제품과 기술과 같은 특성 때문에 반도체 제조공정시스템에 대한 스케줄은 복잡하고 어려운 작업이며, 사이클타임의 절감 및 단위시간당 생산량의 증대와 같은 시스템 목적을 달성하기 위하여, 반도체 제조 시스템에 대한 좋은 방법을 발견하기 위한 많은 연구가 있었다. 반도체 산업의 생산 흐름은 가장 독특한 특징을 가지고 있으며 생산계획과 반도체 제조의 스케줄링과 계획을 어렵게 하고 있다. 각각 다른 단계에 있는 자재는 같은 장비의 사용을 위해 경쟁을 하는데, 이로 인하여 작업시간 보다 단지 기다리는 시간에 상당한 시간을 할애하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 선행 연구를 바탕으로 반도체 공정에 모듈 생산방식을 접목시켜 공정의 사이클 타임을 줄이고, WIP를 최소화하여, 생산량을 최대화는 방안을 제시하고 공정 모듈 시스템 (Process Modular System)을 구축하고자 한다.
The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers themselves. Within each organization, such as manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in filling a customer request. these functions include, but are not limited to, new product development, marketing, operation, distribution, finance, and customer service. Lean Supply chain coordination improves if all supplier of chain take actions that together increase total supply chain profits. To design of Modularity by the grouping supplier, the proposed method is to develop the most appropriate production system models in the Supply Chain Management which is necessity of the times and its importance. The objects of this study is development of model and cost analysis to the modular production system in Lean SCM. Introduction of modular production system in Lean SCM is effective in reducing the cost in processing, manufacturing, inventory holding, ordering, etc.