
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Measuring the amount of water remaining in the canister after drying is critical to ensuring the integrity of Dry Storage. There are many ways to measure residual moisture, but dew point sensors are typically used to measure residual moisture after drying the canister. Because the dew point temperature inside the canister depends on the water vapor partial pressure, the water vapor partial pressure present in the canister can be determined using the dew point temperature. The British Standard (BS1336) proposes a formula for converting dew point temperature into vapor partial pressure. It is possible to validate changes in residual water concentration throughout drying and at the end of drying. It has around 500 ppmv when the dew point temperature hits -73°C at 3 torr. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) presented at 3 torr for 30 minutes as a criterion for the suitability of spent nuclear fuel drying. When the canister’s internal pressure is around 1,000 torr and the dryness criteria are met, the moisture concentration for this value is around 3,000 ppmv. We conducted a vacuum drying test of a 57 liter test vessel. It is filled with helium after vacuum drying was completed, and the concentration of residual water is measured by AquaVolt Moisture Analyzer (AMA) connected by a sample flow line. After the vacuum pressure of 1.5 torr was reached, the test vessel was filled to a pressure of 1,140 torr of helium after 30 minutes. The average temperature inside the basket inside the test vessel is 50°C, the dew point temperature is below -70°C, the pressure of test vessel is around 1,000 torr, and the measurement results of the AMA connected to the sample line showed less than 200 ppmv. From these results, we can evaluate that the residual moisture in the test vessel is about 0.01 gram.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), all moisture must be removed from the dry storage canister through subjected to a drying process to ensure the long-term integrity. In NUREG-1536, the evacuation of most water contained within the canister is recommended a pressure of 0.4 kPa (3 torr) to be held in the canister for at least 30 minutes while isolated from active vacuum pumping as a measure of sufficient dryness in the canister. In the existing drying process, the determination of drying end point was determined using a dew point sensor indirectly. Various methods are being studied to quantify the moisture content remaining inside the canister. We presented a moisture quantification method using the drying process variables, like as temperature, pressure, and relative humidity operation data. During the drying process, it exists in the form of a mixed gas of water vapor and air inside the canister. At this time, if the density of water vapor in the mixed gas discharged out of the canister by the vacuum pump is known, the mass of water removed by vacuum drying can be calculated. The canister is equipped with a pressure gauge, thermometer and dew point sensor. The density of water vapor is calculated using the pressure, temperature and relative humidity of the gas obtained from these sensors. First, calculate the saturated water vapor pressure, and then calculate the humidity ratio. The humidity ratio refers to the ratio of water vapor mass to the dry air mass. After calculating the density of dry gas, multiply the density by the humidity ratio to calculate the density of water vapor (kg/m3). Multiply the water vapor density by the volume flow (m3/s) to obtain the mass value of water (kg). The calculated mass value is the mass value obtained per second since it is calculated through the flow data obtained every second, and the amount of water removed can be obtained by summing all the mass values. By comparing this value with the initial moisture content, the amount of moisture remaining inside the canister can be estimated. The validity of the calculations will be verified through an experimental test in the near future. We plan to conduct various research and development to quantify residual water, which is important to ensure the safety of the drying process for dry storage.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To dry storage of spent nuclear fuel withdrawn the wet storage, all moisture inside the dry storage container must be removed to ensure the long-term integrity and retrievability. Substantial amounts of residual water in dry storage container may have potential impacts on the fuel, cladding, and other components in the dry storage system, such as fuel degradation and cladding corrosion, embrittlement, and breaching. The drying could perform as a vacuum drying process or a forced helium dehydration process. In NUREG-1536, the evacuation of most water contained within the canister is recommended a pressure of 0.4 kPa (3 torr) to be held in the canister for at least 30 minutes while isolated from active vacuum pumping as a measure of sufficient dryness in the canister. Monitoring the moisture content in gas removed from the canister is considered as a means of evaluating adequate dryness. Dew point monitoring and special techniques could be used to evaluate this adequacy. Various studies are continuing for quantitative evaluation of residual moisture inside the dry storage system. Andrawes proposed a methodology for determining trace water contents in gaseous mixtures, utilizing gas chromatography together with a helium ionization source. A microwave plasma source and emission spectrometry were utilized to determine trace amounts of bound water in solid samples using peak areas of atomic oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) emissions. Bryans measured the gas samples taken from the High Burn-Up Demonstration Cask at three intervals: 5 hours, 5 days, and 12 days after the completion of drying and backfilling in the North Anna power Station. To measure water content, a Vaisala humidity probe was used. Final results indicated that the cask gas water content built up over 12 days to a value of 17,400 ppmv ±10%, equivalent to approximately 100 g of water within the entire cask gas phase. Tahiyats also proposed a methodology that involves a direct current (dc) driven plasma discharge and optical emission spectroscopy for detecting and quantifying water vapor in a flowing gas stream under both trace and high water vapor loading conditions. For detecting water vapor concentration, the emission from H at 656.2 nm was employed. The H emission is the red visible spectral line generated by a hydrogen atom when an electron falls from the third lowest to the second lowest energy level, this suggests that the normalized H intensity can be used as a marker for water vapor detection and quantification. Several of the attempts are continuing to quantify water contents in dry storage system. Lessons learned by Case studies would be provided insights into how to improve future measurements.