
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 107

        2024.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The issue of marine accidents can be based on the traffic/distribution of vessels in the waterways. These accidents are often associated with human and financial losses and require special attention. Usually, these accidents include collision of two fishing vessels with each other, collision of a fishing vessel with other types of vessels in the course and collision of a fishing vessel with an obstacle in the course (Yancai, et al, 2020). In this article, we first want to deal with analysing the recorded statistical samples in 7 fishing areas in coastal waters of South Korea in 2023, while fuzzy clustering them. Then, according to analysing the sample data and finding the probabilistic structure and the membership of data sets the determined clusters, through Monte Carlo simulation, we will generate similar data in each of the 7 studied regions and model them in unsupervised mode. The generated data by Monte Carlo simulation based on the statistical distribution will able us to study the reality of distribution and possible accident in our target areas and find the model for future demands. We show that how the simulated data reduce the cost of data analysis and deliver us the facts of clusters for fishing vessels collisions. Finally, we reach to the most notified area for preventing the fishing vessels accidents and to make more preparations for reducing the human and costly damages in future activities.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        층상 반무한체에서의 확률론적 완전파형역산을 위한 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) 모사 기법을 정식화한다. Thin-layer method를 사용하여 조화 수직 하중이 작용하는 층상 반무한체의 지표면에서 추정된 동적 응답과 관측 데이터와의 차이 및 모델 변수 의 사전 정보와의 차이를 최소화하도록 목적함수와 모델 변수의 사후 확률밀도함수를 정의한다. 목적함수의 기울기에 기반하여 MCMC 표본을 제안하기 위한 분포함수와 이를 수락 또는 거절할지 결정하는 수락함수를 결정한다. 기본 진동모드 뿐만이 아니라 고 차 진동모드가 우세한 경우를 포함하여 다양한 층상 반무한체의 전단파 속도 추정에 제안된 MCMC 모사 기법을 적용하고 그 정확성 을 검증한다. 제안된 확률론적 완전파형역산을 위한 MCMC 모사 기법은 층상 반무한체의 전단파 속도와 같은 재료 특성의 확률적 특 성을 추정하는 데 적합함을 확인할 수 있다.
        2023.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the diffusion process of Thomson-scattered line photons in both real space and frequency space through a Monte Carlo approach. The emission source is assumed to be monochromatic and point-like embedded at the center of a free electron region in the form of a sphere and a slab. In the case of a spherical region, the line profiles emergent at a location of Thomson optical depth τTh from the source exhibit the full width of the half maximum σλ ≃ τ 1.5 Th . In the slab case, we focus on the polarization behavior where the polarization direction flips from the normal direction of the slab to the parallel as the slab optical depth τTh increases from τTh ≪ 1 to τTh ≫ 1. We propose that the polarization flip to the parallel direction to the slab surface in optically thick slabs is attributed to the robustness of the Stokes parameter Q along the vertical axis with respect to the observer’s line of sight whereas randomization dominates the remaining region as τTh increases. A brief discussion on the importance of our study is presented.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although monitoring of radon has been extensively implemented throughout South Korea, the risk assessment has been mainly limited to indoor environments such as schools, workplaces, and multi-use facilities, and evaluations have normally been performed separately. In this study, the differences in radon exposure according to two groups (< 1 and 1-6 years old) were evaluated considering various indoor and outdoor environments, timeactivity patterns, variations in radon concentrations, and dwelling type (single detached and apartment house) using Monte-Carlo simulation. The distribution and representative values of radon concentration by micro-environments were confirmed through the Anders-Darling test, and a uniform distribution was applied in case of uncertainty. The effective dose ranged from 1.81 ± 1.19 to 2.81 ± 3.02mSv/y. Comparing the levels recommended by EPA, WHO, and ICRP with the value of the 95th percentile of this study, it was found that the results for those dwelling in detached houses exceeded recommended levels. Infants that spend a lot of time in homes with relatively high levels of concentration of radon are assessed to be somewhat more vulnerable to radon exposure.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plastic scintillators can be used to find radioactive sources for portal monitoring due to their advantages such as faster decay time, non-hygroscopicity, relatively low manufacturing cost, robustness, and easy processing. However, plastic scintillators have too low density and effective atomic number, and they are not appropriate to be used to identify radionuclides directly. In this study, we devise the radiation sensor using a plastic scintillator with holes filled with bismuth nanoparticles to make up for the limitations of plastic materials. We use MCNP (Monte Carlo N-particle) simulating program to confirm the performance of bismuth nanoparticles in the plastic scintillators. The photoelectric peak is found in the bismuth-loaded plastic scintillator by subtracting the energy spectrum from that of the standard plastic scintillator. The height and diameter of the simulated plastic scintillator are 3 and 5 cm, respectively, and it has 19 holes whose depth and diameter are 2.5 and 0.2 cm, respectively. As a gamma-ray source, Cs-137 which emits 662 keV energy is used. The clear energy peak is observed in the subtracted spectrum, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) and the energy resolution are calculated to evaluate the performance of the proposed radiation sensor. The FWHM of the peak and the energy resolution are 61.18 keV and 9.242% at 662 keV, respectively.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Considering the Fukushima nuclear accident and the marine discharge plan of contaminated (or treated) water, it is necessary a seafood monitoring system for radioactive material screening. Currently, radioactivity tests in seafood are conducting in Korea. Although current method using a HPGe detector can provide very low uncertainty in determining radioactivity, there is a limitation in that rapid inspection cannot be performed because of a time-consuming pretreatment process as well as long measurement time (typically 10,000 s). To overcome this limitation, we are developing an insitu inspection device, a kind of screening system, which can monitor the radioactivity in seafood in a near real-time basis. In this study, the actual seafood with a check source was measured to verify the reliability of the Monte Carlo simulation model. The detector used in the experiment was a 5-cm-thick polyvinyl toluene (PVT) plastic scintillator with a 0.5-cm-thick lead shield for background reduction. A Cs-137 check source was placed within seafood. The seafood used in the experiment was fishcake, raw oyster, and dried laver, which is the representative seafood of fish, shellfish, and seaweed. These three seafood products of the same size and shape as the manufacturing process were used to predict the performance realistically. We compared the energy spectrum of the Cs-137 check source obtained from measurements and simulations. The region of interest (ROI) around the Compton edge was set to reduce the influence of the background and electronic noise. The results showed that the measured and simulated spectrum were in good agreement.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The detector response was simulated to design a fork detection system for verifying the characteristics of spent fuel. The fork detection system currently used consists of two fission chamber and an ion chamber, and it is nuclear safeguard equipment that measures the gross neutrons and gross gamma rays emitted from the spent fuel assembly to identify the characteristics of the spent fuel and verify the authenticity of the operation history. In order to improve the current fork detection system, we are developing a system that applies CZT, a room temperature semiconductor detector, and a stilbene detector, which is an organic scintillator. Depletion calculations were performed using the ORIGEN code to determine the radiological characteristics emitted from spent nuclear fuel assembly. The flux of radiation emitted from the spent nuclear fuel assembly was calculated by changing the conditions such as initial enrichment, burnup, and cooling time, which are major variables of spent fuel assembly. The calculated result is used as the source term of the particle transport code. Considering the general operating conditions of the pressurized light water reactor, the conditions were changed in the range of 3-5% for initial enrichment and 30-72 GWD/MTU for burnup, and the cooling time was given within 10 years. MCNP 6.2, a Monte Carlo simulation code, was used to simulate the detector response to radiation emitted from spent nuclear fuel assembly. According to the shape, size, and position of the CZT detector, the gamma counts incident on the detector were calculated and derived the initial design of our fork detection system.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present multidisciplinary study, which is a nexus of engineering and political science, investigates how the modernization of Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons (NSNWs) affects the IAEA safeguards system based on the likelihood of the use of nuclear weapons. To this end, this study examines the characteristics of modernized NSNWs using Monte Carlo techniques. The results thus obtained show that 10 kt NSNWs with a Circular Error Probability (CEP) of 10 m can destroy the target as effectively as a 500 kt weapon with a CEP of 100 m. The IAEA safeguards system shows that the Significant Quantity (SQ) of 1 of plutonium is 8 kg, a parameter that was established when strategic nuclear weapons were dominant. However, the results of this study indicate that in recent years, low-yield nuclear weapons such as NSNWs have been more strategically interesting than strategic nuclear weapons as NSNWs require less plutonium than strategic nuclear weapons. Therefore, we would like to conclude that reducing the SQ of plutonium can result in more robust safeguards and non-proliferation strategies.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Emission features formed through Raman scattering with atomic hydrogen provide unique and crucial information to probe the distribution and kinematics of a thick neutral region illuminated by a strong far-ultraviolet radiation source. We introduce a new 3-dimensional Monte-Carlo code in order to describe the radiative transfer of line photons that are subject to Raman and Rayleigh scattering with atomic hydrogen. In our Sejong Radiative Transfer through Raman and Rayleigh Scattering (STaRS) code, the position, direction, wavelength, and polarization of each photon is traced until escape. The thick neutral scattering region is divided into multiple cells with each cell being characterized by its velocity and density, which ensures exibility of the code in analyzing Raman-scattered features formed in a neutral region with complicated kinematics and density distribution. To test the code, we revisit the formation of Balmer wings through Raman scattering of the far-UV continuum near Lyβ and Lyγ in a static neutral region. An additional check is made to investigate Raman scattering of Ovi in an expanding neutral medium. We find a good agreement of our results with previous works, demonstrating the capability of dealing with radiative transfer modeling that can be applied to spectropolarimetric imaging observations of various objects including symbiotic stars, young planetary nebulae, and active galactic nuclei.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After nuclear power plants are permanently shut down and decommissioned, the remaining irradiated metal components such as stainless steel, carbon steel, and Inconel can be used as neutron absorber. This study investigates the possibility of reusing these metal components as neutron absorber materials, that is burnable poison. The absorption cross section of the irradiated metals did not lose their chemical properties and performance even if they were irradiated over 40-50 years in the NPPs. To examine the absorption capability of the waste metals, the lattice calculations of WH 17×17 fuel assembly were analyzed. From the results, Inconel-718 significantly hold-down fuel assembly excess reactivity compared to stainless steel 304 and carbon steel because Inconel-718 contains a small amount of boron nuclide. From the results, a 20wt% impurity of boron in irradiated Inconel-718 enhances the excess reactivity suppression. The application of irradiated Inconel-718 as a burnable absorber for SMR core was investigated. The irradiated Inconel-718 impurity with 20wt% of boron content can maintain and suppress the whole core reactivity. We emphasize that the irradiated metal components can be used as burnable absorber materials to control the reactivity of commercial reactor power and small modular reactors.
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