
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research concentrates primarily on the foundation of the China International Commercial Court (CICC), considering the structure and functions of the Court. The main objective of CICC is to develop a dispute resolution mechanism for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Given its predominant Chinese orientation, CICC may encounter various challenges as the BRI’s contracting members possess diverse judicial systems. This article will focus on the jurisdiction of the court and the procedures of enforcement of its judgments, orders, and direction. The authors also discuss the types of legal and administrative changes necessary to make CICC an effective and successful dispute resolution body. The BRI is a crucial element of Chinese strategies to control the global economic system. Therefore, CICC can provide critical insight into the present Chinese goals about international order. This paper finally examines that CICC symbolizes a Chinese ambition to strengthen, modify, or challenge the current international system.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pararhabdepyris Gorbatovsky, 1995, is a small genus in Bethylidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), currently comprising only six valid species worldwide. A new species is described and illustrated from South Korea. Pararhabdepyris sp. nov., which appears closely related to P. paradoxus, is characterized by the combination of the following characters: the basal two-thirds of the scape are dark castaneous, coxa and femora are dark castaneous, the median and submedian metapectal-propodeal disc is rugulose, and the transverse posterior carina is straight. Images of diagnostic characteristics and an updated key to the seven world species of the genus are presented.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000년대 이후, 우리나라에서는 공립미술관이 대거 개관하면서 그 중요성을 새롭게 재인 식하는 시대를 맞이하였다. 이와 함께 공립작가미술관도 계속 증가해가며 그 입지를 더욱 강화해 가는 모습을 보여주고 있다. 요제프 슘페터는 새로운 것들의 끊임없는 결합과 적용을 통해 기존 의 것들을 혁신해나가는 ‘창조적 파괴’의 개념을 고안해냈다. 따라서 이 연구는 ‘이응노의집’에 초점을 맞춰 우리나라 공립작가미술관의 현황을 점검해보고, 창조적 파괴의 개념을 통해 이응노 의 예술세계를 기념하는 이응노의집의 미래경영 방안을 제언해 보고자 한다. 특히 이 연구는 근 대미술관이 부재한 한국의 미술관 현황을 고려하여 이응노의 예술세계를 핵으로 하는 근대미술 관으로 자리매김하는 이응노의집의 미래경영 전략과 방안을 구상해 보여주고자 한다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Twenty-six learners of English enrolled in an MA course were asked to give the metaphors which they think best capture the essence of their learning experience so far. Their metaphors tell how English learning had introduced them to a brand new world and, once they were inside it, led them to a seemingly endless series of new discoveries. The unpredictability of these discoveries had been like ‘reading a magic story’. Students had often faced challenges but had also derived satisfaction from overcoming them. The metaphors connect more strongly with ‘intrinsic’ motivation than with the more utilitarian concepts of ‘extrinsic’ and ‘instrumental’ motivation. This might reflect the composition of the learner group, who had all chosen to specialize in some form of English study in their previous education. However that may be, they encourage us to create space in our teaching for the humanistic dimensions of imagination and creativity, even in courses where the explicit aim is to serve a specific pragmatic purpose.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research uses a practical attempt to explore further determinants of consumer behaviour needs to be considered in modern TAM’s. Based on This study applies a qualitative and a quantitative method. On the one hand, qualitative data was collected with the World Café approach and on the other hand, the quantitative data was collected by an online-survey, resulting in an effective sample of 126 respondents. The findings show that consumers attitude towards self-driving cars is positive and negative. Those descriptive variables for the context of autonomous driving have to be identified as a first step. Conclusively, implications and future research topics are presented.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Current forces of change such as the digital transformation, the increasing importance of service and experiential luxury, new customer groups with diverse cultural backgrounds and spending habits or rising expectations with regards to transparency and sustainability, force brands to rethink the way they do business. In some cases, this means quickly building up new capabilities, which often exist outside a company’s own organizational structure and cannot easily be developed or integrated. Luxury ecosystems are considered one way of dealing with the challenges of an ever more dynamic, fast-changing and multi- faceted environment. In luxury ecosystems, capabilities are built in collaboration with partners from the same or different industries that share a common vision. However, the ecosystem approach, especially when actively communicated to the outside world and made part of the brand’s DNA, partially stands in contrast to the more traditional notion of exclusivity and the luxury brand as a bounded, proprietary system shrouded in mystery. Based on a qualitative approach, including multiple case studies and interviews, this study examines the opportunities of an ecosystem mindset for Swiss luxury companies, explores different forms and identifies the success factors and limits of the concept.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 이미 존재하는 클래식음악이 영화의 배경음악으로 사용된 장면에서 관객이 경험하게 되는 의미 생성의 과정을 탐구한다. 이미 잘 알려진 음악이 사용된 장면에서 관객은 음악의 내적 요소들에 의존하기보다는 기존 음악에 대한 외적 정보와 이전 청취경험에 기대어 영상과 내러티브, 음악이 어우러져 생성하는 의미를 판단하게 된다. 2015년 개봉되어 천만 관객을 동원한 『암살』은 잘 알려진 클래식음악을 활용하여 특정 장면이 갖는 내러티브적 기능을 극대화 한 주목할 만한 사례들을 갖고 있다. 『암살』에 사용된 드보르작의 ‘유머레스크’와 《신세계 교향곡》 중 제2악장 ‘라르고’, 슈만의 ‘트로이메라이’는 내러티브 전개 과정에서 효율적으로 플롯을 강화하거나 때로는 아이러니를 자아낸다. 필자는 샤타(Juan Chattah)가 포코니에와 터너(Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner)의 ‘개념적 통합연결망’(conceptual integration network, CIN)에서 발전시킨 은유 모델을 영화음악 분석에 적용하여 영화와 음악의 외적 정보들 간 의미 변환에 대한 분석틀을 제시하고 이에 따른 의미 생성을 시도하였다. 이 과정에서 드보르작과 슈만 악곡의 생성 배경과 수용 과정에서 나타난 담론 들을 탐구하고 이들이 영화의 특정 장면에 사용되어 촉발해낸 다양한 함의들에 대해 샤타의 ‘상징적 은유 모델’(symbolic metaphoric model)과 ‘아이러니 모델’(irony model)에 기대어 추적하였다. 음악에 의한 의미 강화와 아이러니 효과에 대한 이론적 접근은 친근하지 않은 개념을 익숙한 물리적 세계로 끌어와 사고하는 인간의 속성, 나아가 다중 매체에서 그러한 조응 관계를 인지적으로 연합하는 판단에 대해 비판적으로 사고할 근거를 마련하였다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 일제강점기 거국적인 민족운동으로 전개된 3·1운동과 여성독립운동을 세계평화의 시각에 대입하는 데 초점을 두고 있다. 일본 에 의해 국권을 상실했던 시기의 거국적인 민족운동으로 전개된 3.1운 동은 세계사적 관점에서 보면, 평화운동의 일환이었다. 특히 3·1운동은 민중운동으로서 계층과 지역, 성별의 구분을 넘어선 독립운동이었으며, 그 시대 독립운동이 지향한 독립과 자유에 대해 평화적 견지에서 재해석할 필요가 있다. 첫째, 그 시대가 당면했던 독립의 과제는 시대적·민족적 견지에서의 독립이었으며, 평화운동의 일환이었다. 둘째, 3·1운동에 참여한 여성은 주체의지로 독립운동의 참여자, 실천자로 변화했으며, 독립운동사 에서 한 주류로 한국여성독립운동의 맥락을 이어갔다. 셋째, 3·1운동은 국내는 물론 중국, 일본, 러시아, 유럽, 미주 등으로 확산되면서 아시아 약소국이 자유 의지를 발휘하는 데 영향을 주었고, 국내에서는 독립운동의 정신적 저력이 되었다. 이상에서 3·1운동은 세계평화의 관점에서 재인식되어야 하며, 3·1운동과 한국여성독립운동이 평화운동으로 주목받아야 할 것이 다.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to illuminate some aspects of the Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy (the Jeju Tragedy) education and informing process. We hope to not only with these aspects show some aspects of moral origin of the Jeju World Peace Island movement, but to share a culture of peace with world citizens through world civilization education cross the Pacific at a local, national and global level. In addition bring liberty to the cause of national freedom of the SAM IL movement of 1919 in Korea. it actualizes itself as a peace buffer zone locally, nationally and globally through the “Jeju World Peace Island Treaty JWPIT,” based on international agreement of the Six Talks Nations because “it is believed that that they (Jeju islanders) will follow the pattern of the SAM IL movement of 1919 with the participants imbued with the spirit of sacrifice to life and liberty to the cause of national freedom (G-2 Summary Report)” as a moral origin of Jeju World Peace Island. Globally, one New Haven teacher has been working on an elective course called “The Power of Culture in a Multicultural World” in which to use social studies tools to investigate the meaning and importance of culture. Jeju offers an excellent opportunity to explore a culture that few New Haven students are familiar with. It will be for students to use the Jeju idea of turning troubles into opportunities, as a vehicle for addressing local issues” (“New Haven Learn- Teach Jeju 4.3,” New Haven Independent: March 29, 2017). Another New Haven teacher in his history class explains the different components of genocide. “Although the Jeju 4.3 events are not deemed genocide by the international community, using this as a lens to understand broader concepts seemed really exciting.” Jeju offers educators an opportunity to teach the curriculum but instead of gratuitous death and violence, there is a legacy of hope, healing, reconciliation and remembrance.” (Ibid, New Haven Independent: March 29, 2017). Locally and partially on the global level, “The Resurgence of Jeju 4.3 Social Healing Advocacy of “PETITION FOR A JOINT SOUTH KOREA AND UNITED STATES JEJU 4.3 INCIDENT TASK FORCE TO FURTHER IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND FOSTER COMPREHENSIVE AND ENDURING SOCIAL HEALING THROUGH JUSTICE” (March 27, 2014). The petition supports a combined solution to social healing for numerous survivors of Jeju 4.3. Based on interviews with members of the Jeju 4.3 Victim Family Association, 20% of them are now elderly and require expensive medical care and assistance. Many continue to suffer from psychological trauma (PTSD). It serves as a beacon of international peace in the same vein as May 24, 2015’s event, “Women Cross DMZ Demilitarized Zone.” Jeju itself aims to serve as a “Peace Buffer Zone” between the two Koreas among 6 Nations Talks within the framework of the Jeju World Peace Island Treaty, similar to Costa Rica. Never before has the need for a Peace Island in the region been so vital, with China stretching its reach across the ocean, and President Trump flexing his muscles against North Korea, the time has come for serious peacemaking, that is, prevention of conflict. It’s a real time to think about actualization of Jeju World Peace Island Treaty for Peace between two Koreas.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Haenyeos (Jamnyeo or Jamsu)1, who have harvested shellfish, abalone, and seaweed with their original diving skills offshore, and in the deep sea for over 1700 years, have created and accumulated their achievements and challenges along the way. They were generally disregarded and the Haenyeos worked as alienated groups in small island societies. They have dominated their profession because they are more physically suited for it than men. They can dive as deep as 15 to 20 meters and stay under water for around three minutes without the aid of breathing equipment. Politically, they organized voluntary associations, called Jamsuhoi, that decide local village issues through democratic voting and decision-making. Through their power, they were able to maintain a four-month long uprising (January-April 1932) against Japanese Imperialism’s illegal management of marine products of their sea villages. Economically, they were able to support their households and educate their family members through income gained by selling products to markets. It was evaluated that they greatly contributed to improving the prosperity of villages and the island economy as a whole. Since 1895, the Haenyeos regularly went abroad seasonally, to earn money at sea in such regions as China, Japan and the Korean peninsula. Their migration and settlements, especially on the Korean peninsula and Japan, are highly accepted for their special skills, and the higher economic value of the products they catch in those areas. It is possibly explained by the economic gap between Jeju Island, Korea, and Japan under the influenceof Japanese capitalism. Culturally they also created and developed their folklore, traditional rituals, and festivals that commemorate their hard work and wandering, Gypsy-like life in the deep sea; a little different from the mode of Korean p’ansori music. The Haenyeos also have a gender component that contributed to developing the potentials of Jeju Island family value system as an integrated family model upon the combination of big and nexus family systems in their home. Through these discussions, this paper argues the Jeju Haenyeos serve as an example of equitable gender roles in small island societies, different from or beyond the scope of traditional Korean Confucian stereotypes.
        2001.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Committee has, for the 9th consecutive year, compiled statistics of embryos collected and transferred worldwide. Geographically, all regions have participated in the survey; however, there are still some places where it has been impossible to retrieve such data (particularly in Asia). The statistics, therefore, are partially underestimated. By contrast, in other areas, the system has proven to be more efficient than before, particularly in North and South America. This has resulted in the present report, which gives a somewhat more satisfactory picture of the current situation of the ET industry. For the second year, it has also been possible to collect data for several species other than cattle. In cattle, the number of in vivo-derived embryos collected and transferred has once again increased with more than half a million embryos trans-ferred in 1999(520,712), a new record. The number of bovine in vitro-produced embryos has remained stable this year as compared with the previous year(approximately 30,000 embryos transferred). However, there are still teams that have not Yet reported their data. More than 10,000 embryos in each of the ovine and caprine species and close to 2,000 cervid embryos were reported transferred in 1999. Some 500 embryos of the equine species and a few thousand in the porcine and rabbit species have also been transferred in 1999. It is concluded that the ET industry continues to be very active, and, in many species, it encompasses a larger segment of the livestock population overall, which is to the farmer s benefit.