본 연구는 주요 참나무류 수종인 신갈나무, 굴참나무, 상수리나무의 임분밀도와 생장과의 관계를 파악하고 수종 간 비교를 통해 생장 유사성 여부를 판별하여 임분밀도관리도 개발 시 주요 참나무류의 생장 예측 모형개발의 방향성을 제시하기 위해 실시하였다. 제7차 국가산림자원조사의 신갈나무, 굴참나무, 상수리나무 우점림과 참나무류 혼효림의 임분생육 자료를 기반으로 수종별 경쟁-밀도효과 곡선을 산출하고 수종 간 교차 적용 후 차우검정(Chow test)을 통해 생장 유사성을 평가하였다. 수종별 경쟁-밀도효과 곡선은 ha당 1,000본에서 평균 재적이 급격히 감소하는 경향을 보이는 역 J자형을 나타내었다. 생장 유사성 평가 결과, 상수리나무와 굴참나무는 유사한 생장 패턴을 보였지만 신갈나무는 상수리나무 및 굴참나무와 생장 패턴에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 참나무류 혼효림은 굴참나무를 제외한 다른 수종들과 유사한 생장 패턴을 나타내었다.
Oak wilt disease caused by Raffaelea quercus-mongolicae is one of the serious diseases in Korea. Infected trees showed wilting and discolourations on the cambium when the bark of a tree is peeled, since it deters moisture migration. Raffaelea quercus-mongolicae is vectored by Platypus koryoensis. In this regard, it was assumed that there might be a positive correlation between the number of gallery generated by P. koryoensis and the level of damage on the infected tree by the oak wilt disease. In order to link the occurrence of dead oak trees with the number of galleries produced by P. koryoensis, five regions (Incheon, Anyang, Gwangmyeong, Icheon and Gimhae) were selected in Korea. The number of galleries on Mongolian oaks produced by attack of P. koryoensis was counted in four directions between 50cm and 100cm from the ground level. Furthermore, Vegetation was investigated from the area where the oak wilt disease occurred, and a data logger was set up to collect data including temperature and relative humidity in each region at the elevation between 100~200m. A significant difference was observed in the number of galleries made by the insect vector between dead trees and trees infected with oak wilt disease, while no difference was observed from the vegetation on the area investigated. We will further investigate as to whether climate factors might contribute to the density and the successful invasions of the insect vector to the oak trees.
Caterpillars, the larvae of butters and moths(Lepidoptera), are enormously important in terrestrial food webs. They are not only the preferred grub for insects, birds, fishes, reptile and amphibian but also engineers of nutrient cycling processes and are the largest natural consumers of vegetation. Even though their major role in the ecosystem, details of biology are poorly known for most species. HECRI(Holoce Ecosystem Conservation Research Institution) has been carried out to identify larvae and to acquire useful biological information of primary endemic insect larvae through rearing from 1997 to 2013. Of these this study is the result about special caterpillars feeding on the foliage Oak Trees (Quercus spp.) which composed 60-70% of broad-leaved forest thereby important component for forest in the Korean Peninsula. Total 297 species belonging to 23 families were collected and identified 101 species belonging to 21 families. Among them Oak Trees-dependent monophagous caterpillars are 247 species belonging to 20 families and polyphagous caterpillars are 50 species belonging to 11 families. The dominant family is Noctuidae(83 species), second is Geometridae(67 species) and followed by Notodontidae(33 species).
Background : Native oak tree species dominated the deciduous forests of South Korea. The acorns of them represent the main food source for wildlife species as well as human being, and they have 28 species. We analyzed and compared to the antioxidants including total phenolics and functional nutrients components among the acorns of nine kinds of oak trees (Quercus acutissima, Q. aliena, Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis, Q. serrata, Q, palustris, Q. rubra, Q. glauca, and Q. acuta). Methods and Results : Acorns were collected from each tree species, which were grown in a seed orchard. Contents of both total phenolic content (TPC) in acorns of Q. serrata were higher than others. Interestingly, Q. serrata contained the highest amount of water soluble tannins and the lowest levels of water insoluble tannins among 9 oak species, resulting that acorns of Q. serrata had the lowest proportion of insoluble tannins. Among 9 oak species tested, Q. aliena acorns contained the highest levels of total flavonoids content (TFC). Conclusion : Our result showed that nutritional composition of acorns was significantly different between oak species, indicating that tastes or nutritional values might be different as well among major oak species in Korea.