Highly radioactive waste is solidified to restrict leaching, retain its shape, and maintain its structural stability to prevent it from affecting humans and the environment as much as possible. This operation should be performed consistently regardless of whether the waste is homogeneous or heterogeneous. However, currently, there are no specific performance requirements for heterogeneous waste in Korea. This study reviewed domestic research results and the status of overseas applications, and proposed immobilization requirements for heterogeneous waste to be applied in Korea. IAEA safety standards, domestic laws, and waste acceptance criteria were reviewed. The status of heterogeneous waste immobilization in countries such as the United States, France, and Spain was reviewed. Most countries treat heterogeneous waste by encasing it in concrete, and impose immobilization requirements on this concrete. Based on these data, safety standards for the thickness, compressive strength, and diffusion limit of this concrete material were proposed as immobilization requirements for heterogeneous waste disposal in Korea. Quantitative values for the above requirements need to be derived through quantitative assessments based on the characteristics of domestic heterogeneous waste and disposal facilities.
According to the second high-level radioactive waste management national basic plan announced in December 2021, the reference geological disposal concept for spent nuclear fuels (SNF) in Korea followed the Finnish concept based on KBS-3 type. Also, the basic plan required consideration of the development of the technical alternatives. Accordingly, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is conducting analyses of various alternative disposal concepts for spent nuclear fuels and is in the final selection stage of an alternative disposal concept. 10 disposal concepts including reference concept were considered for analysis in terms of disposal efficiency and safety. They were reference concept, mined deep borehole matrix, sub-seabed disposal, deep borehole disposal, multi-level disposal, space disposal, sub-sea bed disposal, long-term storage, deep horizontal borehole disposal, and ice-sheet disposal. Among them, first 4 concepts, mined deep borehole matrix, sub-seabed disposal, deep borehole disposal, multi-level disposal, were selected as candidate alternative disposal concepts by the evaluation of qualitative items. And then, by the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative items with specialists, multi-level disposal concept was being selected as a final alternative disposal concept. Design basis and performance requirements for designing alternative disposal systems were laid in the previous stage. Based on this, the design strategy and main design requirements were derived, and the engineered barrier system of a high-efficiency disposal concept was preliminary designed accordingly. In addition, as an alternative disposal concept, performance targets and related requirements were established to ensure that the high-efficiency repository system and its engineered barrier system components, such as disposal containers, buffer bentonites, and backfill perform the safety functions. Items that qualitatively describe safety functions, performance goals, and related requirements at this stage and items whose quantitative values are changed according to future test results will be determined and updated in the process of finalizing and specifically designing an alternative highefficiency disposal system.
위험유해물질(HNS, Hazardous and Noxious Substances)은 해상운송 과정에서 다양한 사고에 노출되어 있어 많은 양이 바다에 유출 될 우려가 있다. HNS 유출에 따른 해양환경의 손상은 유류 유출에 의한 손상보다도 훨씬 큰 것으로 알려져 있다. 특히 해저로 침강하여 침적되는 HNS는 해저생태계에 돌이키기 어려운 피해를 주게 되므로, 반드시 회수되어야 한다. 해저로부터 HNS를 회수하기 위해서는 해저침적 HNS에 대한 정확한 탐지, 안정화 처리 및 회수를 위한 절차와 장비가 필요하다. 그 중에서도 기계적 회수장치를 개발하기 위해서는 성능지표를 이용하여 성능요건을 선정하고, 이를 토대로 기계적 회수장치에 대한 개념설계가 이루어져야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 해저침적 HNS의 회수 절차에서 요구되는 기계적 회수장치에 대한 개념설계안을 제시하였다. 개념설계안으로 해저침적 HNS를 회수하기 위한 기본 시나리오를 제시하고, 자체적 밀폐 성능을 가지는 흡인 기초를 활용하는 방안을 채택하였다. 기계적 회수장치는 흡인 기초, 오 염 방지, 펌프 시스템, 제어 시스템, 모니터링 장비, 위치정보 장비, 이송 장비, 탱크로 구성된다. 이러한 개념설계안은 기계적 회수장치의 부품 및 형상을 결정하는 기본설계에 반영되어 활용될 것으로 기대된다.
해상을 통하여 운송되는 화학물질은 6,000여종에 이르며, 이러한 화학물질에는 해양을 오염시키거나 해양생물에 해로운 HNS(Hazardous and Noxious Substances)가 포함되어 있다. 해상운송 과정에서 바다로 유출된 HNS는 해상 및 해중에서 물리적, 화학적 변화 를 거치게 되는데, 어떤 종류의 HNS는 해저로 침강하여 퇴적되기도 한다. 해저에 침적된 HNS는 해저생태계에 커다란 악영향을 주기 때문에 해저침적 HNS를 탐지․처리하여 회수하는 것이 바람직하다. 따라서 본 연구는 해저침적된 HNS를 회수하기 위한 기계장치를 개발할 때, 최우선으로 고려해야 하는 성능요건을 제시하였다. 해저의 오염물질을 회수하기 위하여 현재 사용되는 다양한 방식의 준설장비에 대하여 조사하고, 준설장비의 방식별 성능지표를 분석함으로써 기계장치에 대한 10가지의 성능지표를 선정하였다. 이러한 성능지표를 활용하여 해저침적 HNS 회수용 기계장치의 개발을 위한 성능요건을 제안하였다. 국내 항만의 수심을 고려하여, 해저침적 HNS 회수용 기계장치 의 성능요건을 생산율(50 ~ 300 m3/hr), 최대운용수심(50 m), 저질 종류(대부분의 저질 형태), 고형률(10 % 이상), 수평 작업 정확도(± 10 cm), 제한 유속(3 ~ 5 knot) 등으로 제안하였다. 이러한 성능요건은 해저침적 HNS 회수용 기계장치의 개념설계와 기본설계에 활용될 것으로 기 대된다.
본 연구에서는 당직항해사의 해상상황 인식개선을 위해 시각적 항해보조 장비를 개발하고 그 성능시험 결과를 분석하였다. 개발된 장비는 Pan/ Tilt 내부에 고성능 카메라와 레이져 거리 측정기를 장착하고 있다. 개발된 장비를 선박에 장착하여 실선 실험을 수행함으로써 각 요소별 성능을 평가하였다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 개발 장비의 형식 승인을 위한 장비 환경 평가와 성능 평가 요소를 지정하였고 그에 대한 평가방법을 제시하였다.
With the expansion of the shipping and port logistics industry in the 21st century, the traffic density is continuously increased because of the increase in volumes of world sea freight and fleets, as well as the increase in the causes of potential marine accidents, such as ship collisions and stranding. Accordingly, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has requested that the installation and operation of VTS should be applied in areas with high risk of marine traffic, and the request should be included as one of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations. In this paper, the fundamental requirements of the radar system for vessel traffic services were analyzed and the analyzing factors were based on the IALA guideline.s This paper also includes results for the requirement and recommendation analysis on detection distance, target separation, and the target position accuracy of X-band radar. Also, to check if it satisfies the requirement of detection distance, range and azimuth separation of small point targets, and target position accuracy from the IALA guidelines, the test was conducted through the radar image acquired at the VTS center, and hence, the validity of the technical performance requirements was confirmed.
The current road length in Korea is 106,000km, and the demand for new road construction is nearly reaching its limits. Even the policy of the road is on the turning point of new construction to maintenance and management. The need of effective maintenance for existing road infra is increasing, and as for new road, the paradigm is changing to characterized road construction. The development of technology for customized road system through modularization is actively tried out to satisfy the needs of multi-functional roads. In this study, the required performance about joint of modular road system was researched