Nysius is one of the most common and widely distributed species in the world. It is one of the emerging pests of perilla crop in the field in Korea. In this study, we investigated the oviposition preference and development of Nysius plebeius and N. hidakai. on five crops seed (Perilla, Sesame, Proso-millet, Sorghum, and Fox-tail millet) using both multiple choice and no-choice tests. Both results found perilla seeds to be the most suitable seeds for oviposition and development. Total developmental period was shortest on perilla seed, and the longest was on rest of crops seeds. The highest of adult emergence, longevity, and adult weight were occurred on the perilla seed. This results suggest that the higher preference and performance of Nysius spp on the perilla seed. The information may facilitate the exploration of resistant genetic materials chemical associated with seeds for successful breeding program in Korea.
This study evaluate examines the efficiency and the improvement measurement of Oilseed crops (Sesame and Perilla). For this purpose, In the first stage, this study analyzes the current conditions of oilseed industry. In the second stage, this study evaluates the efficiency and super-efficiency of environmentally-friendly agricultural product producers. The result of this study show that: (1) Changes in annual wholesale price of Sesame and Perilla; (2) An efficiency and ranking of environmentally-friendly product producers; (3) The solutions and improvement measurements for inefficient producers
This study examines the management performance of Oilseed crops (Sesame and Perilla). For this purpose, In the first stage, This study analyzes the current status of sesame and perilla industry. In the second stage, This study examines the management performance of environmental friendly agricultural products (Sesame and perilla). The result of this study show that : (1) Changes in annual wholesale price of Sesame and Perilla ; (2) Management performance of environmental friendly products (Sesame and perilla) ; (3) Feature comparison of productivity of oilseed crops.
To better understand the morphological variation of the Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia, we studied the morphological variation of 90 accessions by examining 10 morphological characteristics, such as flowering time, seed size, seed hardness, seed color, color of surface leaf, color of reverse side leaf etc. As a result, morphological variation determined that between cultivated var. frutescens and var. crispa, and between cultivated var. frutescens and its weedy type showed significant morphological differences in terms of seed size and seed hardness, whenever cultivated var. crispa and its weedy type could not showed significant differences in most morphological characters. In PCAs (principal component analysis), among 10 morphological characteristics, flower color (QL6), color of surface leaf (QL3), seed size (QN2), seed hardness (QL1), seed color (QL2), stem color (QL7), and color of reverse side leaf (QL4) contributed in negative direction on the first axis, while flowering time (QN1), leaf shape (QL5), and degree of pubescence (QL8) contributed in positive direction on the first axis. Among these morphological characters, particularly flower color (QL6), color of surface leaf (QL3), seed size (QN2), seed hardness (QL1), and degree of pubescence (QL8) were useful characters for discrimination between cultivated var. frutescens and weedy var. crispa, and between cultivated var. frutescens and its weedy type. However, most accession of cultivated and weedy types of var. crispa was not clearly discriminated by PCA analyses. Although the wild ancestral species of var. frutescens and of var. crispa are still unknown in East and Southeast Asia, the weedy types of Perilla crop may be the key taxon for our understanding of the origin of cultivated types of var. frutescens and var. crispa.
In this study, 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer sets were used to analyze the genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure among 96 accessions of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia. A total of 168 alleles were identified at all the loci with an average of 9.3 and a range between 3 and 18 alleles per locus. Of the 168 alleles, 21 alleles (12.5%) were private, 67 alleles (39.9%) were rare (frequency < 0.05), 96 alleles (57.1%) were detected at an intermediate frequency (range, 0.05 - 0.50), and five alleles (3.0%) were abundant (frequency > 0.50), respectively. The gene diversity values varied from 0.443 to 0.898 with an average of 0.749. The PIC values varied from 0.397 to 0.890 with an average of 0.721. The gene diversity of each locus for accessions of cultivated var. frutescens, weedy var. frutescens, cultivated var. crispa, and weedy var. crispa were respectively showed 0.662, 0.744, 0.540, and 0.584. On the analysis of population structure using software program STRUCTURE 2.2, the 96 Perilla accessions were divided into Groups I, II, and admixed group. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the 96 accessions cluster into three major groups. No clear geographic structure and also between two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types were detected. The present study has demonstrated the utility of SSR analysis for the study of genetic diversity, genetic relationships and population structure among 96 accessions of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia. In our study, SSR markers helped improve our understanding of the genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure of the two cultivated types of P. frutescens and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia.
본 연구는 우리나라에서 자생 및 재배되고 있는 들깨와 차조기의 재배형 및 잡초형 계통들에 대하여 종자발아에 대한 변이 양상을 구명하기 위해 재배형 들깨 102계통, 잡초형 들깨 41계통 그리고 잡초형 차조기 19계통들에서 측정된 종자발아율 및 발아세는 다음과 같다. 1. 재배형 들깨는 저온처리 조건에서 1%에서 99%의 발아율을 나타내어 평균 73%±24를 나타내었으나, 비저온처리조건에서는 0%에서 98%의 발아율을 나타내어 평균 45%±26를 나타내었
본 연구는 우리나라와 일본에서 재배 및 이용하고 있는 들깨, 차조기 그리고 이들 잡초형 69 계통들에 대하여 종자 특성 및 종자발아 변이에 대한 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 재배형 들깨에서 측정된 100립중은 0.177 g에서부터 0.402 g까지의 범위였고, 종자경도는 대부분의 계통들이 잘 부스러지는 부드러운 특성을 지니고 있었으나, 일부 계통들은 잘 부스러지지 않는 딱딱한 특성을 지니고 있었다. 반면에 잡초형 들깨에서 측정된 100립중은 0.045 g에서부터 0.172 g까지의 범위였고, 종자경도는 모든 계통들이 잘 부스러지지 않는 딱딱한 특성을 지니고 있었다. 2. 재배형 차조기에서 측정된 100립중은 0.054 g에서부터 0.101 g까지의 범위였고, 잡초형 차조기에서 측정된 100립중은 0.059 g에서부터 0.135 g까지의 범위였으며, 그리고 이들의 종자경도는 모든 계통들이 잘 부스러지지 않는 딱딱한 특성을 지니고 있었다. 3. 실온 및 28℃ 항온조건의 발아율 조사에서 수확 후 1개월째에서는 들깨의 잡초형 그리고 차조기의 재배형 및 잡초형 계통들은 대부분이 50% 이하의 낮은 발아율을 나타내었으나, 재배형 들깨의 일부 계통들이 50% 이상의 발아율을 나타내었다. 그리고 2개월 및 3개월이 경과한 상태에서 들깨의 재배형 및 잡초형 그리고 차조기의 재배형 및 잡초형 계통들은 50% 이상의 발아율을 나타내는 계통들이 많이 나타났다. 4. 들깨와 차조기 작물의 재배형 및 잡초형 계통들에서의 평균발아율 및 평균발아세는 수확 후 1개월째에서 가장 낮고 수확 후 3개월째에서 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 또한 실온 및 28℃ 항온조건에서의 발아율과 발아세는 28℃ 항온조건 보다는 실온조건에서 비교적 높은 것으로 나타났다.
In order to better understand the morphological differentiation of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in Korea and Japan, we studied the variation of 62 accessions by examining 15 morphological characteristics. By using ANOVA (one-way analysis of variance), we determined that var. frutescens and var. crispa showed significant morphological differences in terms of plant height and seed weight. Furthermore, cultivated var. frutescens and var. crispa could also be clearly discriminated from one another using PCA (principal component analysis). Specifically, quantitative and qualitative characteristics such as plant height, seed weight, degree of pubescence, shape of leaf, color of leaf, fragrance of plant, color of flower, color of stem and seed size greatly contributed to differences seen in the positive and negative direction on the first axis. In our study, most accessions of cultivated var. frutescens and those of its weedy type could be clearly discriminated from one another, however, most accessions of cultivated and weedy types of var. crispa were not clearly discriminated by the ANOVA and PCA analyses. These results indicated that cultivated var. frutescens can be considered to be a domesticated form, while the cultivated var. crispa can not be considered to be a domesticated form in Korea and Japan. It is our belief that our results concerning the morphological variations among cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in Korea and Japan will help ensure the long-term success of breeding programs and maximize the use of the germplasm resources in Korea.
clarify cultivation and distribution, and to better understand the morphological differentiation of the Perillaspecies and their weedy collections in Korea, a field survey was conducted and the morphological variation of 44 accessions by examining 21 morp