
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서울시 경동시장 및 인근 대형마트에서 유통 중인 건조 수산물 150여 건을 시료로, ICP-MS를 이용하여 규격 미설정 중금속인 비소, 크롬, 니켈에 의한 오염도를 확인하고 그에 따른 위해도를 분석하였다. 크롬과 니켈은 검출량 및 위해도 분석 결과, 유의할 만한 결과를 확인할 수 없었다. 비소 검출량의 경우 건조어류 1.76±1.36 (0.00- 7.34), 건조연체류 3.38±2.42 (0.06-7.89), 건조해조류 1.99±1.33 (0.28-5.97), 건조갑각류 6.62±2.50 (3.30-13.57) ppm으로, 현재 건조 농산물 일부 및 한약재에서의 3 ppm 이하 규정을 간접적으로 적용했을 때, 건조갑각류는 분석에 사용된 시료 21건 모두 기준 이상으로 검출되었고, 건조연체류는 총 20건 중 50%에 해당하는 10건이 기준 이상, 건조 어류는 총 108건 중 15건(13.9%)이 기준 초과, 건조 해조류는 35건 중 6건(17.1%)의 시료가 기준을 초과 한 결과를 보였다. 시료 건수에 따른 한계에도 불구하고, 위 결과를 통해 각 품목별 및 세부 품목별 미 규격 중금속 오염에 대한 지속적인 자료 축적과 규격 설정의 필요성을 확인할 수 있었다. 비록 %PTWI 분석 결과 아직은 안전한 것으로 확인되었지만, 중금속은 여러 경로로 인체 내로 유입되며 위해도는 총합으로써 평가해야 하므로, 해양 및 수산물의 오염으로 인한 건강 위해 가능성에 대한 확인은 다각적인 연구와 검토가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서울약령시장과 서울경동시장 등에서 유통되고 있는 식약공용 농·임산물 29품목 171건에 대하여 ICP-MS와 수은 분석기를 이용하여 중금속(납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은) 함량을 분석하고 위해도를 평가하였다. 납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은의 검출 범위는 각각 ND-4.719 mg/kg, ND-1.019 mg/kg, 0.002-8.696 mg/kg, ND-0.058 mg/kg로 나타났다. 171건의 검체 중 Artemisiae Capillaris Herba(인진호) 1건과 Actinidiae Ramulus et Fulium et Fructus Vermicultus(목천료) 1건에서 각각 카드뮴과 비소 항목이 허용기준을 초과 하여 부적합 판정을 받았으며 나머지는 모두 허용기준 이내였다. 위해도를 평가 했을 때 비발암위해도지수(HI)가 1을 초과한 품목은 없었고, 발암위해도가 납은 모든 품목에서 10-6 이하였으며 비소는 10-4-10-6 으로 나타나 전반적으로 안전한 수준으로 평가되었다. %PTWI는 납, 카드뮴, 비 소, 수은 모두 100이하로 나타났다. 유통중인 식약공용 농 ·임산물의 중금속(납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은) 함량을 분석하고 비발암위해도지수(HI), 발암위해도, %PTWI를 평가한 결과 안전한 수준으로 평가되었다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가열하지 않은 간편섭취 농산물의 섭취를 통한 세균 감염의 가능성을 줄이고자, 가정에서 쉽게 구할 수 있고 잔류에 대한 염려가 없는 천연 항균성 식품을 이용하여 세척할 경우, 물 세척에 비해 세균의 감소효과가 있는지 확인하고자 하였다. 여러 가지 항균성 식품성분 중 마늘의 allicin, 생강의 gingerol, 녹차의 catechin, 계피의 cinnamic aldehyde, 고추냉이의 allyl isothiocyanate의 단계별 희석액으로 세척한 후, 단순 물 세척의 세척효과와 비교한 결과, 단순 물 세척에 비하여 세균 감소의 효과가 큰 것으로 통계적으로 확인되었다. 간편섭취 농산물에서 검출된 Bacillus cereus 오염의 유래 및 연관성을 확인하고자 유전적 상관성을 분석해 본 결과 유사도가 매우 높은 균주들이 많이 검출되었다. 이 사실을 통해 간편섭취 농산물의 생산, 가공, 포장, 유통 등의 과정에서 공통적인 요인에 의한 지속적인 오염의 가능성 및 소비자의 감염 가능성을 파악할수 있었으며, 감염을 예방하기 위한 사전적이고 체계적인 관리가 필요함을 확인하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is concerned with the theory of mimesis that had impact on the history of art from the antiquity to modern times. It tries to show its connection to the historical change of the poiesis concept, and purposes thus to approach a hitherto little known background of music history. Furthermore it seeks an answer to the question for which reason the theory of mimesis influenced the history of art for so long and so broad in the historical discussion on the legitimacy of art.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The occurrence of heat waves estimated on historical runs of climate change was compared to that on reanalysis data from 1981 to 2005. Heat waves in the future then were predicted on the basis of climate change scenarios from 2006 to 2100. For the past period, the heat wave days predicted from the climate change scenarios data overestimated and than those by the reanalysis data. For the future period, the heat wave days increased until the mid-21st century and then stay stagnant by the RCP 2.6 scenario. However, the yearly heat wave days steadily increased until 2100 by the RCP 8.5 scenario. The synoptic cause of the most severe year of the heat wave days was analyzed as a strong high pressure developed around the Korean peninsula. The high pressure under the RCP 2.6 scenario was caused by the high level jet stream in the border area between China and Russia, whereas the high pressure under the RCP 8.5 scenario was caused by the strong high level jet stream and pressure ridge in the East Sea.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Observation data (1981-2014) and climate change scenario data (historical: 1981-2005; RCP 2.6 and 8.5: 2006-2100) were used to analyze occurrence and future outlook of the extreme heat days and tropical nights in Daegu and Jeju. Then we compared the mortality and observations data (1993-2013). During 1981-2014, the average of extreme heat days (tropical nights) was 24.41 days (12.47 days) in Daegu, and 6.5 days (22.14 days) in Jeju. Extreme heat days and tropical nights have been similarly increased in Daegu, but tropical nights increased more than extreme heat days in Jeju. Extreme heat days and tropical nights in both, Daegu and Jeju showed high correlation with daily mortality, specifically Daegu’s correlation was higher than that of jeju. The yearly increasing rate of extreme heat of the future (2076-2100) was 1.7-3.6 times and 7.8-37.7 times higher than the past (1981-2005) in Daegu and Jeju, respectively. The yearly increase rate of tropical nights of future was 2.6-5.0 times and 2.9-5.6 times higher in Daegu and Jeju, respectively. During 2006-2100 periods, the trend of extreme heat days was observed both in Daegu and Jeju. On the average, extreme heat days and tropical nights in Jeju increased more than that of Daegu. However, the trend of extreme heat days increase in Daegu was higher than that in Jeju, whereas, the trend of tropical nights in Jeju was higher than that in Daegu.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To better understand the morphological variation of the Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia, we studied the morphological variation of 90 accessions by examining 10 morphological characteristics, such as flowering time, seed size, seed hardness, seed color, color of surface leaf, color of reverse side leaf etc. As a result, morphological variation determined that between cultivated var. frutescens and var. crispa, and between cultivated var. frutescens and its weedy type showed significant morphological differences in terms of seed size and seed hardness, whenever cultivated var. crispa and its weedy type could not showed significant differences in most morphological characters. In PCAs (principal component analysis), among 10 morphological characteristics, flower color (QL6), color of surface leaf (QL3), seed size (QN2), seed hardness (QL1), seed color (QL2), stem color (QL7), and color of reverse side leaf (QL4) contributed in negative direction on the first axis, while flowering time (QN1), leaf shape (QL5), and degree of pubescence (QL8) contributed in positive direction on the first axis. Among these morphological characters, particularly flower color (QL6), color of surface leaf (QL3), seed size (QN2), seed hardness (QL1), and degree of pubescence (QL8) were useful characters for discrimination between cultivated var. frutescens and weedy var. crispa, and between cultivated var. frutescens and its weedy type. However, most accession of cultivated and weedy types of var. crispa was not clearly discriminated by PCA analyses. Although the wild ancestral species of var. frutescens and of var. crispa are still unknown in East and Southeast Asia, the weedy types of Perilla crop may be the key taxon for our understanding of the origin of cultivated types of var. frutescens and var. crispa.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer sets were used to analyze the genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure among 96 accessions of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia. A total of 168 alleles were identified at all the loci with an average of 9.3 and a range between 3 and 18 alleles per locus. Of the 168 alleles, 21 alleles (12.5%) were private, 67 alleles (39.9%) were rare (frequency < 0.05), 96 alleles (57.1%) were detected at an intermediate frequency (range, 0.05 - 0.50), and five alleles (3.0%) were abundant (frequency > 0.50), respectively. The gene diversity values varied from 0.443 to 0.898 with an average of 0.749. The PIC values varied from 0.397 to 0.890 with an average of 0.721. The gene diversity of each locus for accessions of cultivated var. frutescens, weedy var. frutescens, cultivated var. crispa, and weedy var. crispa were respectively showed 0.662, 0.744, 0.540, and 0.584. On the analysis of population structure using software program STRUCTURE 2.2, the 96 Perilla accessions were divided into Groups I, II, and admixed group. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the 96 accessions cluster into three major groups. No clear geographic structure and also between two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types were detected. The present study has demonstrated the utility of SSR analysis for the study of genetic diversity, genetic relationships and population structure among 96 accessions of the two cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia. In our study, SSR markers helped improve our understanding of the genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure of the two cultivated types of P. frutescens and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)