Poultry is one of the three major meats in Korea and is a representative source of protein. The annual per capita consumption of chicken has been showing steady growth trends, with an increase of approximately 89% in 2018 compared to that of 2005. In this study, we investigated the domestic chicken production and consumption, and conducted an overall study on the domestic chicken industry. By using consumer panel data, we analyzed the characteristics of consumers buying chicken. Specifically, poultry was categorized into two types: traditional raw chicken and processed chicken, which emphasizes convenience. The purchase of raw chickens has generally been on the decline. From these, however, the proportion of native Korean chicken and chicken cuts is on the rise. Processed chicken, on the other hand, continues to grow, especially online. After examining the consumption characteristics of consumers who buy chicken, it was found that the purchase share increased with increasing age of native Korean chickens, whereas the purchase share increased with decreasing age of processed chicken. Based on these results, we confirmed that it is necessary to establish differentiated marketing and promotion strategies for each consumer target for the growth of chicken market.
This study was conducted to evaluate the acceptability of cured cooked boneless chicken drumettes as a raw material for Chuncheon Dakgalbi and to observe its effect on pH, lipid oxidation, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) content and total viable count (TVC) during refrigerated storage under vacuum. Boneless chicken drumettes were dry cured with a mixed curing agent (0.20% w/w) consisting of sodium chloride (93.1%), sodium nitrite (5.9%) and sodium bicarbonate (1.0%) for 24 h at 2±2℃. Cured samples were cooked using an oven at 150℃ for 20 min and stored at 5.5±0.5℃ for 60 days under vacuum. Non-cured cooked sample was used as a control. Sensory evaluation was performed on day 2 of storage using 22 untrained panelists and samples were mixed with Dakgalbi sauce and reheated using a microwave for 2 min. There were no significant differences between control and treatment group on appearance, flavor, texture, juiciness and overall acceptability. Cured cooked boneless chicken drumettes had significantly (p<0.05) higher pH, lower lipid oxidation, VBN and TVC consistently during storage in comparison with control. These results suggest that dry curing could be applied to boneless chicken drumettes as raw material for Chuncheon Dakgalbi and could extend its shelf life during refrigerated storage under vacuum.
병원성 대장균군은 전세계적으로 식중독을 발생하는 중요한 병원균으로 알려져 있다. 국내 유통중인 생닭과 조리된 닭가공품 356시료에서 대장균 80균주(22.5%)를 분리 하여 병원성 유전자 multiplex PCR를 이용하여 분석한 결 과 astA 유전자가 26균주(32.5%)에서 검출되었으며, escV 유전자는 17균주(21.3%) eaeA 유전자는 16균주(20.0%) 검 출되었다. 특히 식품에서 문제가 되는 장출혈성 대장균 유 전자 stx 1는 3균주(3.8%)와 stx 2, EHEC-hly는 각 1균주 (1.3%)에서 검출되었다. 병원성 유전자를 토대로 STEC, EPEC, EHEC, EIEC or EAEC의 병원성 대장균으로 분류 한 결과 45균주(56.3%)가 검출되었으며 typical EPEC, EIEC and ETEC의 병원성 대장균은 검출되지 않았다. STEC 병원성 대장균은 O152, O1, O116, O26, O25, O119, O153 혈청형이 분리되었다. 특히 생닭에서 병원성 대장균에 대한 검출률이 높으므로 생닭을 가공 조리 시 교차 오염이 발생하기 않도록 조리 도구, 조리 환경에 대한 철저 한 관리가 필요하다고 생각된다.
Campylobacter spp. isolated and identified from the raw chicken carcasses in food service, were characterized. Total bacterial counts on the skins of raw chicken were 10 ⁴-10^6 CFU/g and a total of 205 strains were primarily isolated after enrichment culture and selective culture of the sample with candle and microaerophilic chamber method. Among them, twenty eight strains of Gram-negative, catalase-positive and oxidase-positive were further isolated by the determination of biochemical characteristics. Only sixteen strains of them were finally identified as Campylobacter with PCR of pA and pB primers. Nine strains, more than half of them, have grown at 42℃ and 25℃ and seven strains defined as thermophilic Campylobacter grew not at 25℃, but at 42℃. Therefore, more careful management of food safety for raw chicken is needed in food service. Particularly, we should concern the raw chicken carcasses with high bacteria contamination, more them 10^5CFU/g, which possibly includes Campylobacter spp. grown at low temperature.