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        검색결과 6

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, the number of cases caused by people such as forest fires has been increasing, so it is very important for the whole nation to prevent and practice forest fires. In addition, due to climate change around the world, many lives and disaster losses are increasing due to forest fire-related disasters, and in the last 10 years (2014-2023), there have been 5,668 forest fires and 40,037 hectares of damage, which is equivalent to 56,000 football fields, resulting in 19 casualties and 285.4 billion won in damages. Now, in order to improve the understanding and awareness of forest fires among all the people, the government should actively inform the people about how to act in the event of a forest fire by making the people's action tips related to forest fires easy to understand and practical through public relations activities. In addition, the public and the government should work together to prevent and prepare for forest fires before they occur.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) conducts outreach to promote and educate regulated entities on the export control regime’s purpose, importance, and implementation. Outreach activities help to reduce regulatory blind spots and minimize domestic and international penalties for non-compliance. The need for outreach is growing as domestic and international policies are changing rapidly, and the scope of export regulations is expanding due to increased exports of nuclear power plants. In order to explore the long-term development direction of outreach activities, we will analyze the trends of nuclear export control and the outreach activities of related organizations. Here are some key trends in nuclear export controls. In recent years, countries worldwide have been reorganizing their supply chains for critical industries, focusing on their own and friendly countries, and strengthening their trade policies in security aspects such as export control and technology protection. Following the trend of international sanctions against Russia, the Korean government has implemented domestic export control measures similar to those of the international community, such as blocking the export of strategic goods to Russia. In addition, the number of strategic goods classifications and export licenses has been increasing as Korea promotes the export of new nuclear power plants. In line with carbon neutrality, it is expected to revitalize and diversify nuclear energy-related export businesses, such as joint research on fourth-generation nuclear power plants and SMRs. Finally, the scope of exports is expanding from ‘goods’ such as existing nuclear reactors to ‘technology’-oriented transfers. The means of technology transfer are diversifying with the development of information and communication technologies such as cloud services, email, video conferencing, and large-capacity removable storage devices. Next, look at the outreach activities of nuclear export control organizations. The Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry (KOSTI) is an organization that implements export controls on dualuse items. It puts much effort into one-on-one consulting services with companies and has established and operated various online training programs. It also actively utilizes online promotional materials such as card news and videos. The export control agencies of major countries have a common trend of expanding outreach to research institutions, providing export control guides tailored to the characteristics of each field, holding annual seminars and conferences, and operating educational programs
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Development, availability and users’ participation in the information service of agricultural food sector is slower than that of other sectors in Korea. This phenomenon comes from the lack of development strategies and comparative analyses with other sectors, as well as the agricultural food industry’s own characteristics which is developed based on the offline market. In this research, we will discuss about how to improve the public information service of agricultural food sector based on the example of establishing service improvement strategy by the most representative Okdab. In this research, we have drawn the following implications for development strategy of Okdab service based on three core keywords derived from benchmarking KOSIS. Three core subjects for upgrading public information service are ‘analysis information with expertise and differentiation,’ ‘user cooperation-oriented platform,’ and ‘intuitive nd effective UX,’ and to strength B.I. as an integrated information service of agricultural food sector, we need to identify the users’ satisfaction and needs for the existing service, establish an optimized operating strategy on a short-term, mid-term and long term bases, and implement them in a positive way. Based on this positive action, it can become a trustworthy information service for the users, and we can expect the improvement of the users’ recognition for its consistent usability and efficiency.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구는 선내의료 및 선원 건강관리 여건 개선 방안을 마련하기 위하여 선원 건강관리 정책에 영향을 미치는 정부를 비롯한 선 원 유관단체 종사자 139명을 대상으로 선원들의 건강과 질병관리에 대한 보건의료실태에 대한 인식도 조사를 실시하였다. 조사결과 선원들의 건강관리여건(p<0.01)과 건강관리 능력(p<0.01), 현행의 무선응급의료 정책(p<0.01), 선내 의료함 및 의료장비의 도움(p<0.05) 및 선박 의료관 리자 제도에 대해 유관기관 간에 인식도 차이는 있었으나 대체적으로 부정적인 응답률이 높았으며, 선원 건강관리를 위한 선내의료 지원제도 개선을 위해서는 간이 건강측정장비 비치, 정기적 건강검진 강화, 원격의료 및 건강관리를 위한 선원건강증진센터의 설치(p<0.01)가 시급히 필요하다고 조사되었다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to introduce budgetary accounting system for not-for-profit organizations related to maritime and fishery in Korea Especially, these not-for-profit organizations related to maritime and fishery should design and maintain the original accounting systems because they have some objectives and activities of organizations different to for-profit organizations. Currently, while the accounting for not-for-profit units is difficult to understand, this case study of budgetary accounting system for not-for-profit organizations related to maritime and fishery as KSSIT may be great help to them by reflecting all administrative activities of these units and offering objectively and fairly financial position and phase or operating results. This paper concentrate primarily upon this subject about double-entry accounting system to be introduced in order to improve budgetary systems of not-for-profit organizations. These units are governmental organizations as public corporations and bodies corporate and politic. Therefore, not-for-profit organizations related to maritime and fishery should be applied to regulations of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. GASB has the authority to establish standards of financial reporting for all units of government. With conclusion, this paper reviewed a case of double-entry system for budgetary accounting, and examined a process of financial reporting in not-for-profit organizations. Through this paper, the comprehensive understanding of budgetary accounting system for not-for-profit organizations as KSSIT would be promoted.