Background: While efforts have been made to differentiate fall risk in older adults using wearable devices and clinical methodologies, technologies are still infancy. We applied a decision tree (DT) algorithm using inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor data and clinical measurements to generate high performance classification models of fall risk of older adults.
Objects: This study aims to develop a classification model of fall risk using IMU data and clinical measurements in older adults.
Methods: Twenty-six older adults were assessed and categorized into high and low fall risk groups. IMU sensor data were obtained while walking from each group, and features were extracted to be used for a DT algorithm with the Gini index (DT1) and the Entropy index (DT2), which generated classification models to differentiate high and low fall risk groups. Model’s performance was compared and presented with accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.
Results: Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were 77.8%, 80.0%, and 66.7%, respectively, for DT1; and 72.2%, 91.7%, and 33.3%, respectively, for DT2.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that the fall risk classification using IMU sensor data obtained during gait has potentials to be developed for practical use. Different machine learning techniques involving larger data set should be warranted for future research and development.
There have been various studies on measurements of flood risk and forecasting models. For river and dam region, PDF and FVI has been proposed for measurement of flood risk and regression models have been applied for forecasting model. For Bo region unlikely river or dam region, flood risk would unexpectedly increase due to outgoing water to keep water amount under the designated risk level even the drain system could hardly manage the water amount. GFI and general linear model was proposed for flood risk measurement and forecasting model. In this paper, FVI with the consideration of duration on GFI was proposed for flood risk measurement at Bo region. General linear model was applied to the empirical data from Bo region of Nadong river to derive the forecasting model of FVI at three different values of Base High Level, 2m, 2.5m and 3m. The significant predictor variables on the target variable, FVI were as follows: ground water level based on sea level with negative effect, difference between ground altitude of ground water and river level with negative effect, and difference between ground water level and river level after Bo water being filled with positive sign for quantitative variables. And for qualitative variable, effective soil depth and ground soil type were significant for FVI.
This study was conducted to compare the value of the working environment measurement with the expected exposure value drawn by using a program, thereby going to investigate whether it is available to the risk assessment of domestic workplace. We used the ECETOC TRA program which is one of the exposure predictive models. Four kinds of substances were measured in two workplace which was exposed to organic solvents and one kind of substance was measured in three workplace which was exposed to dusts and then an exposure assessment of chemical risk factors was conducted. The result value of the working environment measurement, solid substance exceeded standard in one site, and it was found that the other solid and liquid substances were within the standard. The value of the exposure assessment program showd the same result; it was higher than the value of the working environment measurement, suggesting that due to its nature, the exposure assessment program is run only on the worst situation. Therefore, it was found that when the exposure assesment program is used, variables should be substituted only after accurately assessing the workplace and it is a good idea to assess the risk beforehand with the exposure assessment program in the case of the workplace which employs no more than 5 people and where it is hard to assess the working environment.
This paper proposes a methodology to measure the risk level in real-time for Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). A decision-tree methodology was employed to analyze the effect of process attributes on the result of the process execution. In the course of
There are many reason for unsafety action without safety operation. The reason is no standard safety operation in company or the workers never get a enough education. Standard safety operation is prepared by paper for accurate directions and orders and operators must read the paper to prevent an error of action. Also an essential particular is safety of equipment and machine must be assumed to establish standard safety operation then safety of operations will be possible.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the volatility of both Islamic and conventional stock market in Indonesia with the aim of identifying the most appropriate model for risk management practice. The study considers GARCH as a genre of model to measure the volatility of stock market movement. The results support the view that each model shows specific volatility from both Islamic and conventional stock market in Indonesia. In Islamic stock market, volatility is affected by exchange rate and money supply (M1) but not interest rate as interest is prohibited in Islam. However, interest rate is found as a principal factor that affects volatility of conventional stock market. The outcomes of this paper are of particular significance to policy makers, as it provides guidelines to maintain economic health. Furthermore, the findings may assist practitioners to understand the consequences of macroeconomic factors such as exchange rate, money supply and interest rate, which are very crucial for the market stability of Indonesian stock market. The paper enhances the understanding of stock market volatility and proposes guidelines risk management practices.
기후변화의 영향으로 최근 100년간(1911년∼2010년) 6대 도시 평균기온은 1.8℃ 상승하고 있고,이는 세계평균(0.6∼0.7℃)을 상회하며, 폭염을 포함한 다양한 형태로 심각한 영향을 미치고 있다. 이와 더불어 도시화·산업화로 인한 재난환경 변화로 홍수, 태풍 등 대형재난발생에 따른 대규모 피해가 우려됨에 따라 재난환경에 선제적으로 대응하기 위해 지역별 재난취약요소 및 수방시설물의 취약성 도출 및 재해저감대책을 마련할 필요성이 대두되었다. 본 연구에서는 기후변화 시대에 맞도록 「지역별 방재성능목표 설정·운영」제도 시행 및「방재기준 가이드라인」마련 등 방재기준을 재설정하였다. 새롭게 설정된 방재기준은 안전한 사회와 복원력있는 지역건설을 위해 재해위험지구 정비사업 조기 추진을 위한 예산투자 확대, 안전하고 친환경적인 소하천정비사업 추진 등에 활용될 수 있다.