In nuclear facilities, a graded approach is applied to achieve safety effectively and efficiently. It means that the structures, systems, and components (SSCs) that are important to safety should be assured to be high quality. Accordingly, SSCs that consist of nuclear facilities should be classified with respect to their safety importance as several classes, so that the requirements of quality assurance relevant to the designing, manufacturing, testing, maintenance, etc. can be applied. Guidance for the safety classification of SSCs consisting of nuclear power plants and radioactive waste management facilities was developed by U.S.NRC and IAEA. Especially, in guidance for nuclear power plants, safety significance can be evaluated as following details. The single SSC that mitigates or/and prevents the radiological consequence or hazard was assumed to be failure or malfunction as the initiating event/accident occurred and the following radiological consequence was evaluated. Considering both the consequence and frequency of the occurrence of the initiating event/accident, the safety significance of each SSC can be evaluated. Based on the evaluated safety significance, a safety class can be assigned. The guidance for the safety classification of the spent nuclear fuel dry storage systems (DSS) was also developed in the United States (NUREG/CR-6407) and the U.S.NRC acknowledges the application of it to the safety classification of DSS in the United States. Also, worldwide including the KOREA, that guidance has been applied to several DSSs. However, the guidance does not include the methodology for classifying the safety or the evaluated safety significance of each SSC, and the classification criteria are not based on quantitative safety significance but are expressed somewhat qualitatively. Vendors of DSS may have difficulties to apply this guidance appropriately due to the different design characteristics of DSSs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety significance of representative SSCs in DSS. A framework was established to evaluate the safety significance of SSCs performing safety functions related to radiation shielding and confinement of radioactive materials. Furthermore, the framework was applied to the test case.
This study is an analysis of the Aquaculture Industry Development Act that has recently been passed by the National Assembly. In order to improve the structural problem of Korea's aquaculture, a large revision of aquaculture related laws and regulations is needed. The enactment of Aquaculture Industry Development Act is necessary to that effect. It is adequate to aim for development as aquaculture industry not as aquaculture, to alleviate entry restriction of aquaculture, and to provision diverse promotion and support policies. However, it is a concern whether the current Aquaculture Industry Development Act can achieve its goal of enhancing the competitiveness of aquaculture and sustainability. Rather than to solve the problem, the act holds the possibility of further fixing or exacerbating the problem. So there is concern for side-effects after the enactment. This is due to the fact that it complicates terminologies by unnecessarily differentiating aquaculture related concepts from the existing Fisheries Act, lacks regulations regarding voluntary participation in aquaculture, and has limited methods to alleviate entry restriction. In addition, there are very few measures for the scale improvement of aquaculture along with the unlikeliness of a significant effect of the review and evaluation for re-licensing. Thus, the Aquaculture Industry Development Act should promptly be revised after its enactment.
글로벌인지도와 지역성고취라는 모순된 미션의 극복을 위해 광주비엔날레의 정책은 구성되고 확장되었으며, 이는 일련의 지역연계프로젝트로 결과 지어졌다. 본고는 2008년 <복덕방프로젝트> 가 보여준 전시와의 유기적 연결에 대한 한계와 현장중심 방법론을 실행한 2016년 <제8기후대>를 중심으로 지역연계프로젝트의 성과와 의미를 분석한다. 이를 통해 지역연계는 본 전시와 경계 지 어져 파편적으로 전개되어서는 성공할 수 없으며, 전시기획과 직결되어 전시개념, 구성과 함께 실 현되어야 함이 증명된다. 더불어, ‘국제현대미술전'이자 도시 이벤트로서 다양한 이해관계가 충돌 하는 광주비엔날레에 있어 지역연계는 비엔날레의 지속성과 차별성에 영향을 끼치고 있으며, 이 에 대한 광주비엔날레 지역연계프로젝트가 지역에 남긴 성과는 긍정적으로 평가됨이 확인된다
대부분의 학습 결과는 교수-학습 과정에서 발생한다. 한국어 교육은 수업 활동을 포함하므로 교수-학습 방안을 살피고 그것의 효 율성을 점검하는 일은 대단히 중요하다. 교수-학습 방안은 크게 1) 학 습 목표 및 방법론 제시, 2) 학습자 또는 오류 분석, 3) 교수-학습 모 형 제시 및 수업 활동에 모형 적용, 4) 모형 또는 방안의 효율성 분석 단계로 구성된다. 본고에서는 효과적인 한국어 교육을 위해서는 효율 적인 교수-학습 방안이 필요함을 확인하고, 2011년-2022년에 걸쳐 발 표된 석사, 박사학위 논문 2,374편 가운데 교수-학습 방안을 다룬 366 편에 대해 위의 4단계 과정과 내용이 적절하게 기술되고 있는지를 살 폈다. 그 결과, 논문의 17%만이 네 단계의 과정과 내용을 만족하고 있 음을 확인하였다. 이는 학문 목적 한국어 교육을 위한 향후 연구가 보 다 실천적으로 변화되어야 한다는 의미로 이해하였다.