
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        비 이앙직전 carbofuran 토양혼화처리의 본논초기 발생해충 방제효과 및 비래성 해충인 벼멸구에 대한 약효지속효과를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 포장에서 5월 하순 이앙직전 carbofuran 토양혼화처리는 6월 중순 carfuran 수면시용처리나 diazinon (3G) +BPMC (50% EC) 2회처리보다 본논초기 발생해충인 애멸구, 끝동매미충, 이화명나방 1화기에 대한 방제효과가 우수하였다. 폿트에서 carfuran 토양혼화처리의 벼멸구 암컷성충에 대한 직접살충효과는 약처리 1개월후에 50%정도로 떨어졌으나 그의 차세대에 대한 밀도억제효과는 약처리 37일후까지 90%이상, 46일후에도 70%정도를 유지하였다. 따라서 이상의 결과로부터 이앙직전 carfuran 토양혼화처리는 본논초기 발생해충 전반에 대한 효과적인 방제수단이 될 수 있으며 6월중 비래하는 벼멸구에 대해서 90%이상 그리고 7월 초순에 비래하는 벼멸구에 대해서도 어느정도의 밀도 억제효과를 발휘할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng root rot caused by soil-borne pathogens, Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani, is a major factors of replanting failure in ginseng cultivation. Some of the phenolic compounds detected in the soil of commercially cultivated American ginseng could inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of American ginseng. Our study is to investigate the causes of replanting failure of ginseng by overhead flooding treatment and soil incorporation of ginseng fine root in soil infected with root rot pathogens. Methods and Results : To make soil occurring continuous cropping injury, 2-year-old ginseng infected with Cylindrocarpon destructans replanted in soil cultivated ginseng for 5 years. Treatment are as follows: 1) control, 2) water of 2ℓ was irrigate infected soil of 20ℓ, 3) ginseng fine root of 20g was mixed with infected soil of 20ℓ. Soil pH was increased, while other inorganic components were significantly reduced by overhead flooding treatment. Soil incorporation of ginseng fine root decreased soil pH, but increased EC, NO3, P2O5 and K, meanwhile, did not affected changes in organic matter, calcium, magnesium, sodium. Irrigation treatment in soil occurring replanted failure promoted distinctly above-ground growth of ginseng, and inhibited the occurrence of root rot because inorganic nutrient like NO3, P2O5 and K were decreased to optimal levels, and the density of soil pathogens could be reduced. Growth of ginseng was not inhibited, while root rot was promoted by soil incorporation of ginseng fine root. Conclusion : Irrigation treatment was effective in promoting the growth of ginseng and inhibited root rot distinctly. Ginseng fine root remaining in the soil after ginseng harvest did not affect the above-ground growth of ginseng, while promoted the occurrence of root rot.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chinese milk vetch (CMV) is a winter legume that is commonly used as cover crop in Korea. Kill date of cover crop for addition into soil affects N content in cover crop and N availability in soil. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of CMV as green manure cover crop according to kill dates before growing corn without artificial fertilizer. Top of CMV cut three times on 13 April, 27 April, and 11 May were added into soil at a rate of 600 kg per 10a. Sugar content in CMV litter was persistently decreased from mid-April to late-May. The decrease of sugar content might be due to the transformation into starch and/or other storage or structural constituents. The decreased amount of sugars was greater than 12% and the increased amount of starch was less than 0.2%. Concentration of NH4+ in soil treated by CMV litter cut on May 11 was slightly higher than that in the treatment with early-cut (April 13) CMV, the concentration at 28 and 49 DAT (days after treatment) was higher in the treatment with late-cut CMV litter. Regardless of cut (kill) date of CMV, the phosphatase activity in the treatment of CMV litter was higher compared to the untreated control. Soil dehydrogenase activity was increased steadily by addition of CMV litter implying total microbial activities in the soil were increased. Our results demonstrate that the status of cover crop species at kill date is an important factor influencing soil enzyme activities derived from microorganisms. Therefore, the optimal kill date of cover crop should be examined to improve the efficiency of cover crop as green manure crop regarding the practical sequence in cropping system
        2003.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        땅콩의 완전종실생산을 위해서는 150-180일의 생육기간이 소요되나 풋땅콩용으로 출하하면 총생육일수를 20-30일 정도 단축할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 수확후 지상부 잔존유기물도 많이 남게 된다. 땅콩재배기간 단축에 따른 풋땅콩-무, 보리, 마늘과의 relay-cropping system에서 수확후 잔존 유기물의 토양환원 유무에 따른 각 작물들의 생육과 토양의 이화학성, 미생물상의 변화양상에 관한 기초자료를 얻어 남부지역 풋땅콩 안정생산기술을 확립하고자 수행한 시험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 작부체계별 시험후 토양경도는 풋땅콩 단작에서 가장 높았고, 토양 공 극율은 풋땅콩 단작 대비무, 보리, 마늘과 2모작 작부체계 처리에서 높 았으며 수확후 잔존유기물을 환원하였을 때 더욱 높아졌다. 2. 단작의 풋땅콩은 보리, 마늘과 2모작 작부체계상에서 재배된 풋땅콩에 비하여 도복 및 병 발생이 심하였다. 작부체계별 풋땅콩 수량은 단작에 비하여 풋땅콩-보리 및 풋땅콩-마늘 작부체계에서 증수하였으나, 유기 물 환원에 따른 수량 차이는 없었다. 3. 풋땅콩 후작의 마늘과 보리의 수량은 유기물 환원에 의하여 증대되었다. 4. C/N율이 높은 보리짚의 토양 환원에서 질소무기량이 증가하였고, 풋땅콩-보리와 풋땅콩-마늘의 작부체계에서 Pseudomonas spp.균 및 Trichoderma spp.균의 밀도가 높아져 풋땅콩의 친환경 작부체계로 추정되었다