Background: Mobilization movements was applied with different forces and frequencies for different clinicians. Force transmission varies with frequency. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of frequency- specific application of grade III PA movement on muscle tone and muscle activity around the lumbar vertebrae. Design: A one group pretest-posttest design. Methods: Twenty study subjects applied grades III of PA movement exercise of 0.5 Hz and 1 Hz with a force of 13 N around the 1st and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, and muscle tone and muscle activity were measured and compared before and after. Results: This study showed that 0.5 Hz grade III PA activity exerted an effect on the decrease in muscle tone of the 1st and 3rd right and left lumbar muscles. It was found that 0.5 Hz affected the right side of L1 and 1.0 Hz affected the left side of L1 in near-activity when applying the grade III PA movement by frequency. Conclusion: In the future, it will be necessary to investigate the effect of applying frequency according to various grades of PA movement.
In biosphere assessment modeling for the safety assessment of the Wolsong LILW disposal facility, the multi-compartment modeling in which all radionuclides transport is described quantitatively in terms of transfer factors between various environmental compartments has been implemented. In order to reflect the actual transfer mechanisms of 14C in the environment the specific activity (SA) modeling approach can be applied as an alternative to the previous transfer factors (TF) approach. The assumption of full SA equilibrium throughout the terrestrial environment is completely satisfactory for 14C release to the atmosphere if the 12C is emitted as 14CO2. This is the only form that is readily taken up by plants, so that active carbon is incorporated into the plant via photosynthesis at the same rate as stable carbon. Accordingly, the 14C concentration in Bq/g stable carbon is the same in the plant as it is in the air. And animals take up carbon almost entirely through ingestion and the SA ratio in the plant is maintained in the animal. In this study, a specific activity model for 14C was implemented in a GoldSim biosphere assessment model. From the literature survey for existing specific activity models developed, the IAEA model was selected. The farming scenario utilizing well water was simulated and the resulting ingestion dose conversion factors (DCFs) from the IAEA SA model were compared with those of the TF approach. The parameter value for the concentration of stable carbon in the air (gC/m3) is used as 0.20 gC/m3 considering the Suess effect. The dose coefficient for food ingestion used for dose calculations was taken from ICRP-72 as 5.8E-10 Sv/Bq. It was found that the ingestion DCFs of the SA model showed about 3 times lower than those of the TF model in the farming scenario through irrigation of well water, so it is expected that the SA approach could be applied for a more realistic assessment. Though the comparisons were made on the results from the terrestrial ecosystem only in this study, it would be necessary to investigate the applicability of the SA modeling approach for 14C through extensive comparisons and analysis including an aquatic ecosystem, and through parameters survey suitable to the domestic condition.
본(本) 연구(硏究)는 한국산(韓國産) 사과 점무늬낙엽병균(Alternaria mali)을 공시(供試)하여 그들의 병원성(病原性)과 기주특이적(寄主特異的) 독소생성(毒素生成)과의 관계를 조사하고 감염성립(感染成,立)에 있어서 독소(毒素)의 역할(役割)과 그 생물활성(生物活性)을 알아 보기 위하여 실시하였던 바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 사과나무 잎의 병반(病斑)에서 분리(分離)한 5개(個)의 Alternaria 균주(菌株)중에서 3균주(菌株)만이 병원성(病原性)이 있었고 2균주(菌株)는 병원성(病原性)이 없었다. 병원성균주(病原性菌株)의 배양여액(培養濾液)중에는 감수성품종(感受性品種)에만 잎맥괴사(壞死)를 일으키고 저항성품종(抵抗性品種)에는 잎맥괴사(壞死)를 일으키지 않는 기주특이적독소(寄主特異的毒素)를 생성(生成)함을 알 수 있었으며 비병원성균주(非病原性菌株)는 이런 독소(毒素) 생성(生成) 능력(能力)이 없었다. 2. 병원균(病原菌)의 배양여액(培養濾液)에서 단리(單離)한 기주특이적(寄主特異的) 독소(毒素)인 AM-toxin은 의 낮은 희석농도(稀釋濃度)에서 감수성품종(感受性品種)에는 매우 심한 잎맥괴사(壞死)를 일으켰고 중도감수성품종(中度感受性品種)에는 약한 잎맥괴사(壞死)를 일으켰으며 저항성품종(抵抗性品種)에는 전혀 식물독성(植物毒性)을 나타내지 않았다. 3. 병원균(病原菌)은 포자발아시(胞子發芽時)에도 AM-toxin을 생성(生成)하였으며 포자발아액중(胞子發芽液中)의 AM-toxin 분비(分泌)를 경시적(經時的)으로 조사하였던 바 포자발아(胞子發芽) 직후인 2시간째부터 독소(毒素)를 방출(放出)하였고 그 양(量)은 시간이 경과함에 따라 증가하였다. 4. 병원균(病原菌)의 포자현탁액(胞子懸濁液)을 감수성품종(感受性品種)의 잎에 분무접종(噴霧接種)하면 감염(感染)에 수반하여 접종(接種)잎으로부터 전해질(電解質)의 다량유출현상(多量流出現象)이 일어났으며 기주특이적독소(寄主特異的毒素)(AM-toxin)용액(溶液)을 흡수(吸收)시켜도 같은 현상(現象)이 일어났다. 그러나 저항성품종(抵抗性品種)의 잎에서는 독소(毒素)처리나 포자접종(胞子接種)의 어느 경우에는 전해질다량유출현상(電解質多量流出現象)이 일어나지 않았다. 5. 병원균(病原菌)의 포자발아액(胞子發芽液)이나 AM-toxin용액(溶液)으로 비병원성균(非病原性菌)의 포자현탁액(胞子懸濁液)을 만들어 감수성품종(感受性品種)의 잎에 분무접종(噴霧接種)하면 병원균(病原菌)의 포자(胞子)를 접종(接種)할 경우와 같이 병반(病斑)이 형성되었다.
우리나라 전통발효식품의 하나인 청국장으로부터 고 비활성 세포외 protease 생산능이 우수한 균주를 분리하고 그 특성을 조사하였다. 분리된 균주 중 D14 균주 배양 상징액의 protease 활성이 15.2 U/mL로서 가장 강하였으며 비활성 또한 40.0 U/mg protein으로서 가장 강하게 나타났다. 이 균주의 특성을 조사한 후 Berge's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology에 준하여 Bacillus subti
The objectives of this study have been carried out to investigate the solubilization of municipal sewage sludge by single and dual frequency ultrasonic pretreatment, and the methane production characteristics of pretreated sewage sludge by specific methanogenic activity test for sewage sludge reduction. The waste activated sludge was collected from thickened tank of Suyoung sewage treatment plant in Busan city, and its concentration was adjusted to 1.0% total solids. Ultrasonic frequency was varied 15, 20, 15+20 kHz, and acoustic density was used a maximum 176W/L. The dual frequency ultrasonic pretreatment was found to be more effective than single frequency ultrasonic in the solubilization rate and methane production. The SCODCr/TCODCr rate were 15.2%, 13.9%, 17.0% with single frequency of 15 kHz, 20 kHz, dual frequency of 15+20 kHz, respectively. The application of dual frequency ultrasound for sewage sludge pretreatment can be interest for sewage treatment plants having problems in sludge treatment and disposal.
유선에서 젖의 생산은 뇌하수체 호르몬인 성장 호르몬과 프롤락틴을 포함한 여러 가지 호르몬의 조절을 받는다. 최근의 연구에 따르면 이 호르몬들 중에서 성장호르몬과 프롤락틴은 유선에서도 그 유전자 전사체가 발견된다 본 연구에서는 유선에서 발현되는 성장호르몬이 유선 특이 발현 유전자의 발현에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 유선 특이 발현 유전자인 베타-락토글로불린(-lactoglobulin :BLG)의 프로모터를 모델 시스템으로 하여 소와 사람의 성장 호르몬이 유