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        검색결과 54

        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this paper are: (1) to conduct the thermal analyses of the disposal cell using COMSOL Multiphysics; (2) to determine whether the design of the disposal cell satisfies the thermal design requirement; and (3) to evaluate the effect of design modifications on the temperature of the disposal cell. Specifically, the analysis incorporated a heterogeneous model of 236 fuel rod heat sources of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) to improve the reality of the modeling. In the reference case, the design, featuring 8 m between deposition holes and 30 m between deposition tunnels for 40 years of the SNF cooling time, did not meet the design requirement. For the first modified case, the designs with 9 m and 10 m between the deposition holes for the cooling time of 40 years and five spacings for 50 and 60 years were found to meet the requirement. For the second modified case, the designs with 35 m and 40 m between the deposition tunnels for 40 years, 25 m to 40 m for 50 years and five spacings for 60 years also met the requirement. This study contributes to the advancement of the thermal analysis technique of a disposal cell.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With South Korea increasingly focusing on nuclear energy, the management of spent nuclear fuel has attracted considerable attention in South Korea. This study established a novel procedure for selecting safety-relevant radionuclides for long-term safety assessments of a deep geological repository in South Korea. Statistical evaluations were performed to identify the design basis reference spent nuclear fuels and evaluate the source term for up to one million years. Safety-relevant radionuclides were determined based on the half-life criteria, the projected activities for the design basis reference spent nuclear fuel, and the annual limit of ingestion set by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notification No. 2019-10 without considering their chemical and hydrogeological properties. The proposed process was used to select 56 radionuclides, comprising 27 fission and activation products and 29 actinide nuclides. This study explains first the determination of the design basis reference spent nuclear fuels, followed by a comprehensive discussion on the selection criteria and methodology for safety-relevant radionuclides.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The HADES (High-level rAdiowaste Disposal Evaluation Simulator) was developed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Nonproliferation (NFC) laboratory at Seoul National University (SNU), based on the MOOSE Framework developed by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). As an application of the MOOSE Framework, the HADES incorporates not only basic MOOSE functions, such as multi-physics analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) and various solvers, but also additional functions for estimating the performance assessment of Deep Geological Repositories (DGR). However, since the MOOSE Framework does not have complex mesh generation and data analyzing capabilities, the HADES has been developed to incorporate these missing functions. In this study, although the Gmsh, finite element mesh generation software, and Paraview, finite element analysis software, were used, other applications can be utilized as well. The objectives of HADES are as follows: (i) assessment of the performance of a Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) disposal system concerning Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) aspects; (ii) Evaluation of the integrity of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) of both general and high-efficiency design perspective; (iii) Collaboration with other researchers to evaluate the disposal system using an open-source approach. To achieve these objectives, performance assessments of the various disposal systems and BMTs (BenchMark Test), conducted as part of the DECOVALEX projects, were studied regarding TH behavior. Additionally, integrity assessments of various DGR systems based on thermal criteria were carried out. According to the results, HADES showed very reasonable results, such as evolutions and distributions of temperature and degree of saturation, when compared to validated code such as TOUGH-FLAC, ROCMAS, and OGS (OpenGeoSys). The calculated data are within the range of estimated results from existed code. Furthermore, the first version of the code, which can estimate the TH behavior, has been prepared to share the contents using Git software, a free and open-source distribution system.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As part of the preparation of a glossary of terminologies related to the disposal of spent nuclear fuel, definitions of potentially issuable terminologies used in domestic regulations were inferred from relevant regulations or comparatively analyzed with foreign definitions. These terminologies are safety assessment and performance assessment, safety function and safety performance, disposal containers and package, isolation and containment, and so on. Their concise and easy-to-understand definitions have been proposed in order to obtain these opinions of stakeholders.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the first operation of the Gori No. 1 nuclear power plant in Korea was started to operate in 1978, currently 24 nuclear power plants have been being operated, out of which 21 plants are PWR types and the rest are CANDU types. About 30% of total electricity consumed in Korea is from all these nuclear power plants. The accumulated spent nuclear fuels (SNFs) generated from each site are temporarily being stored as wet or dry storage type at each plant site. These SNFs with their high radiotoxicity, heat generating, and long-lived radioactivity are currently the only type of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in Korea, which urgently requires to be disposed of in deep geological repository. Studies on disposal of HLW in various kind of geological repositories have been carried out in such countries as Sweden, Finland, United States, and etc. with their own management policies in consideration of their situations. In Korea long-term R&D research program for safe management of SNF has also been conducted during last couple of decades since around 1997, during which several various type of disposal concepts for disposal of SNFs in deep geological formations have been investigated and developed. The first concept developed was KAERI Reference Disposal System (KRS) which is actually very much similar to Swedish KBS-3, a famous concept of direct disposal of SNF in stable crystalline rock at a depth of around 500 m which has been regarded as one of the most plausible method worldwide to direct disposal of SNF. The world first Finnish repository will be also this type. Since the characteristics of SNF discharged from domestic nuclear reactors have been changed and improved, and burnup has sometimes increased, a more advanced deep geological repository system has been needed, KRS-HB (KRS with High Burnup SNF) has been developed and in consideration of the dimensions of SNFs and the cooling period at the time point of the disposal time, KRS+, a rather improved disposal concept has also been subsequently developed which is especially focused on the efficient disposal area. Recently research has concentrated on rather advanced disposal technology focused on a safer and more economical repository system in recent view of the rapidly growing amount of accumulated SNF. Especially in Korea the rock mass and the footprint area for the repository extremely limited for disposal site. Some preliminary studies to achieve rather higher efficiency repository concept for disposal of SNF recently have already been emphasized. Among many possible ones for consideration of design for high-efficiency repository system, a double-layered system has been focused which is expected to maximize disposal capacity within the minimum footprint disposal area. Based on such disposal strategy a rather newly designed performance assessment methodology might be required to show long-term safety of the repository. Through the study some prerequisites for such methodological development will be roughly checked and investigated, which covers FEP identification and pathway and scenario analyses as well as preliminary conceptual modeling for the nuclide release and transport in near-field, far-field, and even biosphere in and around the conceptual repository system.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The deep geologic repository (DGR) concept is widely accepted as the most feasible option for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuels. In this concept, a series of engineered and natural barrier systems are combined to safely store spent nuclear fuel and to isolate it from the biosphere for a practically indefinite period of time. Due to the extremely long lifetime of the DGR, the performance of the DGR replies especially on the natural geologic barriers. Assessing the safety of the DGR is thus required to evaluate the impacts of a wide range of geological, hydrogeological, and physicochemical processes including rare geological events as well as present water cycles and deep groundwater flow systems. Due to the time scale and the complexity of the physicochemical processes and geologic media involved, the numerical models used for safety evaluation need to be comprehensive, robust, and efficient. This study describes the development of an accessible, transparent, and extensible integrated hydrologic models (IHM) which can be approved with confidence by the regulators as well as scientific community and thus suitable for current and future safety assessment of the DGR systems. The IHM under development can currently simulate overland flow, groundwater flow, near surface evapotranspiration in a modular manner. The IHM can also be considered as a framework as it can easily accommodate additional processes and requirements for the future as it is necessary. The IHM is capable of handling the atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface processes for simultaneously analyzing the regional groundwater driving force and deep subsurface flow, and repository scale safety features, providing an ultimate basis for seamless safety assessment in the DGR program. The applicability of the IHM to the DGR safety assessment is demonstrated using illustrative examples.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To obtain a license for a deep geological disposal repository for spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to perform a safety assessment that quantifies the radiological impact on the environment and humans. One of the key steps in the safety assessment of a deep geological repository is the development of scenarios that describe how the repository evolves over the performance period and how events and processes affect performance. In the field of scenario development, demonstrating comprehensiveness is critical, which describes whether all factors that are expected to have a significant impact on the repository's performance have been considered. Mathematical proof of this is impossible. However, If the scenario development process is logical and systematic, it can support the claim that the scenario is comprehensive. Three primary approaches are being considered for scenario development: ‘Bottomup’, ‘Top-down’, and ‘Hybrid’. Hybrid approach provides a more systematic and structured process by considering both the FEPs (Features, Events, Processes) and safety functions utilized in the bottomup and top-down approaches. Many countries that develop recent scenarios prefer demonstrating scenario comprehensiveness using a hybrid approach. In this study, a systematic and structured scenario development process of a hybrid approach was formulated. Based on this, sub-scenarios were extracted that describe the phenomena occurring in the repository over the performance period, categorized by period. By integrating and screening the extracted sub-scenarios, a scenario describing the phenomena occurring over the entire period of disposal was developed.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As of 2023, there has been significant progress worldwide in the management of nuclear fuel’s spent radioactive waste (HLW). Several countries have made important strides in advancing their plans for the construction of deep geologic repositories (DGRs) to safely dispose of their nuclear waste. Finland led the way, with its nuclear waste management organization, Posiva Oy, submitting an application for an operating license for a DGR for spent fuel generated by the nuclear power plants of its owners. The facility, ONKALO, will be located on the island of Olkiluoto and is expected to begin final disposal in the mid-2020s. Sweden also approved SKB’s application to build a DGR in Forsmark, and an encapsulation plant next to the Clab interim storage facility. In Switzerland, Nagra selected Nordic Lagern as the site for the Swiss DGR, and is preparing the general license applications for the required facilities. Meanwhile, Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) narrowed down the possible locations for its DGR to two, and expects to name its preferred site by fall 2024. The UK established four Community Partnerships to participate in the siting process for a DGR, with Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) responsible for identifying a site. Andra, the French organization responsible for managing all French radioactive waste, is expected to submit an application by the end of the year for a DGR in France that will contain HLW resulting from reprocessing of spent fuel assemblies from French nuclear power plants, as well as intermediate-level waste. Overall, the progress made by these countries represents a tangible and sustainable step forward in the management of spent fuel and HLW, and brings us closer to the safe and effective long-term disposal of nuclear waste.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to dispose of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in deep geological repository, source term evaluation considering its specification, enrichment, burnup, cooling time should be performed. In this study, the measured values of Takahama-3 pressurized water reactor SNF (WH 17×17) samples were analyzed with SCALE 6.1/ORIGEN-S and TRITON code calculation results for validation. Unlike the ORIGENS code, TRITON code calculations differed from two-dimensional neutron flux distribution by using the multi-group cross-section library. Both calculation results from ORIGEN-S and TRITON code showed higher errors in 234U, 239Pu, and 241Pu compared to other actinide nuclides. In the case of axial locations of fuel rods in fuel assembly, fuel rods located at the edge of the fuel assembly presented increased errors due to nuclear reaction cross-section. Overall, the ORIGEN-S predictions informed more accurate agreement with the measured results compared with TRITON results. Especially to 235U, 239Pu, and 240Pu radionuclides, ORIGEN-S errors were denoted more than twice as low as the TRITON results. Comparing the calculation results with experimental results implied that the ORIGENS code was more accurate code than the TRITON code for source term evaluation.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many countries have been developing their own FEP (Feature, Event, Process) lists to formulate radionuclide release scenarios in deep disposal repository of spent nuclear fuels and to assess the safety. The main issue in developing a FEP list is to ensure its completeness and comprehensiveness in examining all plausible scenarios of radionuclide release in a repository of interest. To this end, the NEA International FEP (IFEP) list as a generic reference have been developed and updated through long-term international collaborations. Leading countries advanced in the research field of deep geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuels have comparatively mapped their project-specific FEP (PFEP) lists with the IFEP list. Recently in 2019, NEA has published an updated version of IFEP list (ver. 3.0) which has a different classification system: the IFEP version 3.0 has the five main categories including the waste package, repository, geosphere, biosphere and external factors while the previous IFEP versions were mainly classified into the external, environmental, and contaminant factors. Most leading countries in this field, Finland and Sweden, recently succeeded to obtain the design and/or construction licenses for deep geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Therefore, their PFEP lists should be good benchmark cases to the following countries. However, their PFEP lists have not comparatively mapped with the most recent version of IFEP and thus some gaps may exist in showing completeness and comprehensiveness in comparison to the IFEP version 3.0. In this study, we comparatively map the PFEP lists of Finland and Sweden to the IFEP version 3.0. The comparatively mapped PFEP list could be used as the basis for verifying the comprehensiveness and completeness of the domestic PFEP list currently under development in Korea.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        CYPRUS is a web-based waste disposal research comprehensive information management program developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute over three years from 2004. This program is stored as existing quality assurance documents and data, and the research results can be viewed at any time. In addition, it helps to perform all series of tasks related to the safety evaluation study of the repository in accordance with the quality assurance system. In the future, it is necessary to improve the user convenience by clarifying the relationship between FEP and scenarios and upgrading output functions such as visualization and automatic report generation. This purpose of this study is to research and develop the advanced program of CYPRUS. This study is based on building FEP, DIM and scenario databases. It is necessary to develop an algorithm to analyze and visualize the FEP, DIM and scenario relationship. This project is an integrated information processing platform for DB management and visualization considering user convenience. The first development goal is to build long-term evolutionary FEP, DIM, and scenarios as a database. The linkage by FEP item was designed in consideration of convenience by using a mixed delimiter of letters and numbers. This design provides information on detailed interactions and impacts between FEP items. Scenario data lists a series of events and characteristic change information for performance evaluation in chronological order. In addition, it includes information on FEP occurrence and mutual nutrition by period, and information on whether or not the repository performance is satisfied by item. The second development goal is to realize the relationship analysis and visualization function of FEP and scenario based on network analysis technique. Based on DIM, this function analyzes and visualizes interactions between FEPs in the same way as PID, RES, etc. In addition, this function analyzes FEP and DIM using network analysis technique and visualizes it as a diagram. The developed platform will be used to construct and visualize the FEP DB covering research results in various disposal research fields, to analyze and visualize the relationship between core FEP and scenarios, and finally to construct scenarios and calculation cases that are the evaluation target of the comprehensive performance evaluation model. In addition, it is expected to support the knowledge exchange of experts based on the FEP and scenario integrated information processing platform, and to utilize the platform itself as a part of the knowledge transfer system for knowledge preservation.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, research on the development of safety case, including the safety assessment of disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel, is being conducted for long-term management planning. The safety assessment procedure on disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel heavily involves creating scenarios in which radioactive materials from the repository reach the human biosphere by combining Features, Events and Processes (FEP) that describe processes or events occurring around the disposal area. Meanwhile, the general guidelines provided by the IAEA or top-tier regulatory requirements addressed by each country do not mention detailed methods of ‘how to develop scenarios by combining individual FEPs’. For this reason, the overall frameworks of developing scenarios are almost similar, but their details are quite different depending on situation. Therefore, in order to follow up and clearly analyze the methods of how to develop scenarios, it is necessary to understand and compare case studies performed by each institution. In the previous companion paper entitled ‘Research Status and Trends’, the characteristics and advantages/disadvantages of representative scenario development methods were described. In this paper, which is a next series of the companion papers, we investigate and review with a focus on details of scenario development methods officially documented. In particular, we summarize some cases for the most commonly utilized methods, which are categorized as the ‘systematic method’, and this method is addressed by Process Influence Diagram (PID) and Rock Engineering System (RES). The lessons-learned and insight of these approaches can be used to develop the scenarios for enhanced Korean disposal facility for the spent nuclear fuel in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, the deep geological disposal system isolating a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is considered a disposal method of high-level radioactive waste for the safety of humans or the natural environment. The one of important requirements for maintaining the thermal stability of these systems is that the temperature of the buffer does not exceed 100°C even though the decay heat is emitted from highlevel radioactive wastes loaded in the disposal container. In 2007, a deep geological disposal system based on the Swedish disposal concept was developed for the SNF in Korea. To respond to the development process, the thermal stability of the deep geological disposal system developed for the disposal of domestic pressurized light water reactor (PWR) SNFs with discharged burn-up of 55 GWD/MTU was evaluated in 2019. The thing is that the recent fuel activity is pursuing to operate further high burn-up fuel conditions, and it leads to emergency core cooling system (ECCS) revision for extending the license for up to 60 or more than 60 GWD/MTU in the world. In this regard, this study evaluates numerically the thermal stability of the deep geological disposal system for the high burn-up PWR SNF having large decay heat compared to previous conditions for two different length disposal containers classified according to the length of PWR SNFs discharged from domestic nuclear power plants. A finite element analysis using a computational program was used to evaluate the thermal design requirements. Results show that both types of disposal containers would increase the temperature which reduces or fails to meet the safety margin of the disposal system. This study suggests that the design of the previous disposal system is needed to be further developed for the high burn-up PWR SNF which would be used in future nuclear power plant systems.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As an alternative technology for the efficient disposal of spent nuclear fuel, various process flows can be selected based on the recovered and separated radioactive nuclide group. This is to examine the efficiency of the disposal area of spent nuclear fuel when various disposal technologies and several treatment processes are applied to spent nuclear fuel, compared to the deep geological disposal of burying the entire spent fuel in the ground. Above all, the biggest advantage of the optional treatment processes is that it can be applied to various disposal methods (deep borehole disposal, deep geological disposal) because it can process spent fuel in various sizes and separate into some groups according to the properties of radionuclides. These optional processes are not new technology and currently available as of today, and the level is classified based on the stepwise separation of high heat emission nuclides and long half-life nuclides. This is to increase the efficiency of the disposal of spent nuclear fuel by separating and managing high-risk radionuclides separately. Relatively various optional processes are possible depending on the level, and characteristic analysis is performed on wastes treated with alternative technologies. The mass balance for each option process is completed, and the amount of waste is also calculated accordingly. These are used as basic data for waste disposal area and economic evaluation. Besides it is easy to process spent fuel of various sizes suitable for deep geological disposal or deep borehole disposal technology when an optional treatment technology is applied to spent fuel. However, since this selective process is based on the process structure constructed in a broad framework, it is considered that additional follow-up studies are needed not only on detailed technology but also on the flow and amount of waste.
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