
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Jeju Black Cattle (JBC) is an indigenous species of Korea and their mass production and industrialization are required for this high quality indigenous species. For production of elite JBC zygotes, selection of high quality sperm is necessary for in vitro fertilizatioin. In this study, we compared the sperm fertility and developmental capacity of IVF embryos using various JBC sperm (Bull A, B and C). The frozen semen was thawed and confirmed sperm viability and motility. In addition, frozen-thawed sperm was used for a chlorotetracycline(CTC) staining assay and in vitro fertilization. Sperm were classified into three staining patterns. The F pattern is indicative of uncapacitated sperm, the B pattern is indicative of capacitating and capacitated sperm and the AR pattern is indicative of acrosome-reacting sperm or acrosome-reacted sperm, respectively. Several kinds of JBC sperm was inseminated in 44 ㎕ IVF drop contained 10 oocytes with sperm concentration of 1 × 106 cells/ml, and then 2 ㎕ heparin and 2 ㎕ PHE (20 μM penicillamine, 10 μM hypotaurine, 2 μM epinephrine) were added. The sperm viability and motility were higher in sperm 3 species (n=8). When we confirmed sperm capacitation, F pattern and B pattern rate were higher than AR pattern in sperm A group. After IVF, the rates of cleavage and blastocyst development were higher in sperm C group compared to other sperm group. However, the cell number of blastocyst was higher in sperm E group. These results demonstrate that the use of sperm C was effective in production of elite JBC IVF embryos. Additional experimental data are required for more accurate analysis.
        1992.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Glass wool filtration and swim-up method resulted in inreasing to 58.3% and 62.7% of the progressive motility in frozen-thawed boar sperm, compared to 34.2% in the untreated sperm. Glass wool filtration tended to be more successful than swim-up method for the survival sfter incubation of 38.5 for 3h. Sperm recovered by both the swim-up method and the glass wool filtration method were tested in an in vitro fertilization to determine which of the two techniques would yield sperm with high fertilizing capacity. The results indicated that there was a significantly(p