
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The numerical study of laminar syngas-fuel/air mixture with 10% hydrogen content impinging plate was conducted. Effects of impinging distance, Reynolds number and equivalence ratio were major parameters on combustion and emission for stagnation point. The numerical result calculated by SPIN application of the CHEMKIN software. There result showed the following : The Peak point of the axial velocity, the flame temperature and CH reaction were appeared in tip of the inner reaction zone. The emission results in impinging flame of syngas fuel show that the characteristics of NOx emission traced well with adiabatic temperature trend and CO emission due to fuel rich condition increased continuously with respect to the equivalence ratio.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was planned and executed to evaluate how the composition of Yack-sun (oriental diet therapy) tea can effect the health conditions of people who are suffering from diet-related diseases such as being overweight, obese and hyperlipidemic, by taking Yack-sun tea in a form of nutritional supplement with daily meals. We produced Kangjieum with Lycense Mill., Polygonum multflorum Thunb, Cassia tora L., Crataegus pinnatifida Bge and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. We evaluated the effects of this tea on serum lipids, on homocysteine concentration, and on active oxygen contents, oxidative stress by clinical practices. We have determined that this tea has a significant effect on decreasing body fat content, decreasing total cholesterol, decreasing LDL-cholesterol, and decreses triglyceride and homocysteine concentrations. In addition, blood active oxygen content and oxidative stress were significantly decreased. We think that scientific and objective evaluation was performed on the components of Kangjieum prescription. We concluded that we could apply the components, not only in a form of tea, but also in other forms of various foods. The information we received from this conclusion will be basic information on how we can apply oriental medicinal resources into other food and will be a steppingstone for medicinal herbs to place a foot in the field of functional food research, which already draws sizable attention world-wide.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was planned and executed to evaluate how the composition of Yack-sun tea can affect the health conditions of people who are suffering from diet-related such as being overweight, are obese and have hyperlipidemia, by taking Yack-sun tea in a form of a nutritional supplement with our daily meals. We produced Kangjieum with Lycium chinense Mill., Polygonum multflorum Thunb, Cassia tora L., Crataegus pinnatifida Bge and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Thus, we approach of oriental diet therapy area research of Kangjieum and analysis proximate composition, water soluble antioxidant content. The content(%, dry basis) of total carbohydrate was 60.23%, crude protein was 18.18%, crude ash was 11.36% and crude fat was 10.23% in Kangjieum. Total water soluble antioxidant content was 1.027 ㎍/㎖ of Kangjieum. We think that scientific and objective evaluation was done on the components of the Kangjieum prescription. This basic data could help guide the application of oriental medicinal resources into other foods and serve as a stepping-stone for use of Kangjieum in the burgeoning field of nutraceutical foods. Last, the scientific effects of oriental medicinal foods developed according to oriental medicinal theory. This theory is believed to be essential for government policy development concerning validation of medicinal effects and assessment, with the aim of fostering systematic development and providing guidance to food development in the interest of national health.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of church growing and to identify the factors of decreasing church members at the same time. On the basis of the results few activating plans are recommended for the future church developing in Korea. Needless to say the existing reason of the church is to engage in mission work and to preach the gospel into the whole world. In order to fulfill this mission, church must be grown; if it is not so, there is no way for the church to be exist. Taking notice of this point the study presents the factors of church growing until 1990 and discusses the reason why the church stop from growing. Either growing or decreasing there were still two factors which affect the church development; one is social fact and the other is church itself. After Japanese era, the tragic division of the Korean peninsula causes social unrest so the great number of people sought the consolation and the churches were right there and after the Korean war the rapidly growing economic situation also facilitate the grassroots to become church members. Beside that facts, Korean churches has their own campaign to spread the gospel; mainly this was conducted by foreign missionaries and the leaderships of the Korean pastors. On the other hand, there were also few things which hinder the church growing. This can be divided into two parts; the social facts and the church itself as well. Since 1980, Korean society is getting more stable and economic situations of the households are becoming sufficient. Moreover the single society has been changed by what is called multi-cultural society. These were the causes of the decreasing number of the churches in Korea. Concerning the above mentioned factors, the Korean churches should find out the ways to revitalize its development by means of recovering the leaderships of the pastors, facilitating better church mission works, and building a close relationships with the local communities.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to provide the basic information for the water quality modeling, the water pollution indicators of Sin stream and Keumho river flowing through Taegu city were measured, and the periodical variations of these indicators were studied under the condition of stagnating for 19 days. For this experiment, three sampling sites(Sungpook bridge, Mutae bridge and Gangchang bridge) were selected. Sungpook bridge is located most down the Sin stream, Mutae bridge and Gangchang bridge are located on the lower Keumho river. The results were as follows. 1. The values of water pollution indicators measured at Mutae bridge were pH 8.7, TSS 51㎎/ℓ, TS 383㎎/ℓ, Cl^- 60.68㎎/ℓ, turbidity 32FTU, DO 8.58㎎/ℓ, oxygen deficit 2.02㎎/ℓ, COD 16.32㎎/ℓ, organic carbon 13.60㎎/ℓ. 2. At Gangchang bridge located down more than Mutae bridge, the values of these indicators were pH 8.0, TSS 26㎎/ℓ, TS 737㎎/ℓ, Cl^- 90.59㎎/ℓ, turbidity 37FTU,DO 3.49㎎/ℓ, oxygen deficit 7.11㎎/ℓ, COD 28.02㎎/ℓ, organic carbon 14.28㎎/ℓ. 3. At Sungpook bridge, the values of these indicators were pH 8.3, TSS 145㎎/ℓ, TS 344㎎/ℓ, Cl^- 32.51㎎/ℓ, turbidity 60FTU, DO 6.53㎎/ℓ, oxygen deficit 4.07㎎/ℓ, COD 43.79㎎/ℓ, organic carbon 11.03㎎/ℓ. 4. At Mutae bridge and Sungpook bridge of which initial DOs were high, DOs have decreased under the condition of stagnating for 7 days and increased after that time. On the contrary, at Gangchang bridge of which oxygen deficit was very high(7.11mg/l), DO have increased under the condition of stagnating for 13 days and decreased after that time. 5. All the samples showed the quick decrease of CODs and organic carbons under the condition of stagnating for 19 days. Nevertheless, at Sungpook bridge of which initial COD was very high (43.79㎎/ℓ), the value of COD measured at the last day of experiment was still high(21.35㎎/ℓ), because of a large quantity of reducing inorganic matters. 6. All the samples didn`t show the distinct decrease of turbidities because of a large quantity of nonbiodegradable inorganic solids.