사회복지와 영성의 연구동향을 보면 포스트모더니즘의 영향으로 지 금까지의 학문이 과학적인 연구에 치중해 왔음을 반성하고 영성적 접근 을 통해 과학과 영성의 학문적 통합과 융섭의 필요성을 제기하고 있다. 미국에서는 1990년도에 관련학회가 생기고 영국과 캐나다, 호주 등에서 도 지속적으로 연구결과가 나오고 있지만, 한국은 2012년에 영성과 사 회복지학회가 생기고 연구도 시작단계라고 할 수 있다. 종교계에서는 가톨릭 사회복지회가 3년 전부터 가톨릭 사회복지의 실 천을 위한 영성프로그램을 개발해서, 사회복지 실천현장에 적용시키기 위한 시도를 해오고 있다. 불교계도 관심을 갖고‘불교 사회복지의 영성 적 관점’을 주제로 포럼을 개최하기도 하였지만 사회복지 실천현장에 적용하기 위한 구체적인 계획과 시도가 필요하다. 이러한 시도의 일환으로 일터영성의 연구동향을 살펴보았으며, 실증 적 조사연구를 위해 사회복지기관 종사자들의 사회복지와 영성의 인식 정도, 사회복지사의 영성과 직무만족, 사회복지기관에서의 일터영성을 조사하여, 그 내용을 종교계와 일반 사회복지기관의 종사자들을 중심으 로 비교 분석하고자 하였다. 이렇게 도출된 결과를 통해 불교 사회복지 의 영성적 실천을 위한 실증적인 조사연구의 계기가 되었으면 한다. 연 구내용은 불교 사회복지의 영성적 실천을 위한 조사연구로 조계종·가 톨릭·서울시의 사회복지기관 종사자들을 중심으로 조사를 실시하여 그 결과를 비교 분석한 것이다. 불교계의 경우 비교적 저조한 평가가 나왔는데, 이러한 분석내용을 바탕 으로 불교 사회복지의 영성적 실천을 위한 관심을 제고하고 불교 사회복지 와 영성의 개념정립, 불교계 사회복지기관 사회복지사의 영성 교육과 훈련, 불교사회복지와영성프로그램개발의필요성을제안하고자하였다.
본 연구에서는 목회자의 리더십의 역할에 대해 교회 사회복지 관점에서 조명하고자 하였으며 구 체적으로 목회자의 사회복지인식이 교회 사회복지 활성화에 미치는 영향에서 리더십의 조절효과 여부를 검증하고자 하였다. 독립변수가 종속변수에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가에 대한 관련 요인을 목회자의 사회복지인식이 교회사회복지 활성화에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 목회자의 리더십이 사회복지인식과 교회 사회복 지 활성화의 관계에서 조절효과를 검증하고, 교회 사회복지 활성화를 위한 목회자와 교회의 역할 을 제시하여 교회사회복지의 활성화에 미치는 영향을 제언하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 수행하기 위해 서울 경기지역의 350명의 목회자에게 설문을 배부하였고, 회 수된 212부의 설문지를 코딩하였고, 본 연구가설에 대하여 과학적이고 객관적으로 검증하기 위하 여 통계패키지(SPSS for windows 18.0)로 분석을 실시하였다. 이는 사회복지인식이 교회 사회복지 활성화에 미치는 영향관계에서 변혁적 리더십이 정의관계인 조절효과가 유의미한 것을 의미한다. 즉, 변혁적 리더십이 높은 목회자 집단 일수록 교회 사회복 지 활성화에 미치는 영향을 주며, 목회자의 교회 사회복지인식이 높을수록 교회 사회복지 활성화 가 증가하는 영향관계의 정도가 더욱 향상되는 것을 알 수 있었다.
This paper is to study the missionary reflection of social service mission in Korea church after the 1945 liberation of Korea. When reflecting social service of Korea churches according to the historical features, it could be divided as before and after the 1945 liberation of Korea. The social service before the liberation could be summed up as ‘un-structural service period’ that had been conducted to Korean people in poverty, diseases and ignorance during the beginning of mission by the missionaries. The other could be summarized as ‘structural service period’ that is recognized the ideological conflict and the suffering from the division of Korea into north and south and the Korean war and ‘holistic service period’ that tried to avoid a crisis into social service mission as Korea churches in quantitative growth were experiencing stagnation. The mission before the l945 liberation was an education and a medical service as the approaching method in Korean society. But those services were one method for evangelism because they were based on conservatism theology of early missionaries. So, there was no missio-theological reflection for the extension of God’s Kingdom that Jesus Christ proclaimed in the world. Therefore early Korean churches are ‘un-structural service period’ that emphasizes only individual's spiritual salvation in the absence of society. During the Japanese colonial period social service of Korea church was ‘solidarity period’ that tried to find a clue of national problem solution from a rural community movement. Korean churches in the 1920s began to recognize social salvation and the world’s structural problems. The rural community movement also developed actively for about 10 years from the 1920s to the mid of 1930s, but it should be stopped due to the oppression in and out of church in the late 1930s. Even though there were many believers who died of dire persecution, many main religious associations in Korea found the way to live in sympathy with the visit of Japan’s shrine. After the 1945 liberation Koreans experienced both the joy of liberation from Japan and fratricidal war. In this period the duty of Korea churches was to save Clients in want and received financial support from the western churches because of economical poverty and impoverishment. And the April 19 pro-democracy movement in 1960 was happened due to the political corruption, but the democratization retreated because of the May 16 military coup in 1961. Industrialization and urbanization are promoted as focusing on the economic development, and UIM that helps the human rights abuses of workers origins. In this period Korean churches begin to open their eyes about the evil of social structure and illegality and corruption stemming from the huge gap forming between the rich and the poor, materialism and the negligence of humanity. So this is ‘structural service period,’ for Korean churches that are focusing on the individual’s spiritual salvation become to recognize the evil of social structure and injustice as mission work. Finally, since Korean churches after the 1970s are interested in the church’s growth and expansion, they are not into social service. The economic growth by the military regime caused trouble such as the gap between the rich and the poor, environmental disruption and materialism and formed urban slums. And also Korean churches that disregard these problems are contaminated by growth-oriented theology, but they surprisingly growed with the military regime. In this period the large scale gathering and revival are lively held, and churches closely cooperate in turning the concern about human rights and democratization into individual’s spirit salvation and blessing. As a result, Korean churches after the 1990s have been put aside in the society and stagnated constantly. Now Korean churches stand in between temptation of growth and responsibility of social service. The early Korean churches created the way to mission through social service building up many hospitals and schools as a method of evangelism. Therefore, Korean churches should revive a tradition of holistic mission with both evangelism and social responsibility.
This paper is to study historical characteristics of social service mission in Korea church before the 1945 liberation of Korea. The classification of an era for historical analysis about social welfare in Korea church is not only necessary, but also is dangerous. Because it could be depended on subjective classification of the researcher, simplified complicated historical processes, and there would be a possibility to classify it individually or selectively. Nevertheless, a missiotheological reflection about christianity society service in the Korea mission history will be meaningful to many people who study social service mission according to the classification of an era and important to Korea church which is in stagnation. In this context, the summingup to social service mission of Korea church before the 1945 liberation of Korea according to period features is necessary. There are two kinds of mission service characteristics in the protestant. One of these is Luther, Calvin and Knox as an ‘ecclesiastical’ type, and the other is sure salvation by individual experience of faith as a ‘nonecclesiastical’ type. Mission movement after Pietism mainly took the 'nonecclesiastical' type. The United States of America which preached the gospel to Korea also was offsprings of the ‘nonecclesiastical’ type. The faith of these people, as a type of pious Puritan, thought a concept of church is the same as an ark separated from the world. It shows at the constitutional law of the separation of religion and politics and the guideline of mission agency. Despite their spiritual salvation separated from the world, nonpolitical actions, and irrational and dualistic faith as what is called an ‘evangelist,’ these people began education and medical works as a starting point of mission at the beginning of Korea mission. These were based on the considerate help and charitable service by each missionary. This type of faith made emotional bond with Koreans in unhappiness as a method for propagating the gospel even though there was not an attempt grasping the underlying and structural problems which were causing miserable lives and political suppression to the pioneer missionaries. So, the local section was set up in ‘Christian Council’ in 1925 and the rural section was set up in 1930, but these were only recognized as ‘something for mission works.’ For example, the local section of ‘Christian Council’ in 1930 was limited only for the dormitory foundation, missionary sending, sewage factory demolition, temperance movement and combined execution of help works. This kind of early mission, which was an unstructural service has the same basis with pious ‘Mitleid’ to the lost souls. Pietism against protestant’s legitimism in the 17th century and illuminism in the 18th century was an important movement that awakened stagnated mission work newly, but focusing on an individual’s complacency and conversion it became the important motivation of mission and the important goal of mission only to save each person from corrupted world. Therefore, the mission of unstructural service has some limitations that restrict missionary works only as a province of converted spirit, given Missio Dei erecting the sovereignty of Jesus Christ and expending the kingdom of God in this world. It was from 1920 that Korea church started to recognize the basic cause of social problems systematically. And also this is originated from the development of international missiotheology. As the first World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 predicted the world evangelization hopefully, it was based on mission for a human being’s spirit salvation. Consequently, it did not develop the christianity's influence beyond individual spirit salvation. But after Edinburgh conference the world’s history was changing by contraries because of World War. So the World Missionary Conference after 1910 was not held. In Jerusalem conference in 1928 the recognition about the social responsibility of gospel, secularism and other religions was on the rise strongly. Thus, Korea church in the 1920s was interested in social welfare mission according to the stream of world missionary and the social change of Korea(Chosun). Since this was the creed copy of churches of the United States of America and Japan, this social welfare mission had a problem not to include independency and a demand of the times. Many social service movements such as roll back of tuberculosis, medical work, settlement work and moderation movement, and service for women and children’s welfare, therefore, showed the limitation. During the Japanese colonial period Korea church tried to find a clue of national problem solution from a rural community movement because it was based on a type of national church against Japan. The rural community movement also developed actively for about 10 years from the 1920s to the mid of 1930s. However, it should be stopped due to the oppression in and out of church from 1938, for it should choose either religious martyrdom or a conversion to rural community movement. Korea church have experienced a special period in which it practiced society service jointly with Korean people who were in poverty, diseases, oppression and discrimination under the Japanese colonial rule. Nevertheless, Korea church separated from the society due to the limitation of its conservative theology that could not catch fundamental social problems structurally and the faith that salvation is restricted within the individual spirit. This is why Korea church is experiencing its stagnation since the 1990s.
본 연구는 예수 그리스도의 공생애에 따른 구원사역에 있어서의 상담자의 모본을 보이신 몇몇 사례를 들어 구원사역의 증거, 구원의 순서 등과 상담 적용 관계를 살펴보고, 또한 지속적이고 체계적으로 한국적 교회사회복지 상황에 적용할 수 있는 예수 그리스도의 상담에 대한 이론적 자료나 실천적 개입방법에 관한 연구의 필요성을 제기하면서 문제 방향 제시적인 그 중요성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 사회복지학 중 교회사회복지, 기독교상담학, 조직신학 중 구원론, 목회학 분야의 문헌 연구를 토대로 하여 성경, 특별히 신약성경의 4복음서의 내용의 일부분을 중심으로 예수 그리스도의 구원사역의 내용과 증거, 적용 원리, 구원의 순서 등을 고찰하였고, 상담자로서의 모본이 되신 예수 그리스도의 자질 요건과 역할, 상담 방법을 살펴보았다. 그리고 4복음서 내용 중 예수 그리스도가 직접 개입한 상담 유형을 제시하면서 그 적용 측면을 교회사회복지 상담 분야와 전인적 관심에 대한 영향과, 구원사역의 완성에 따른 상담자의 모본의 적용의 두 측면으로 나누어 고찰하였다. 상기한 고찰을 통하여 후속 연구를 위한 설계 제안으로 예수 그리스도의 구원사역과 교회사회복지 상담과의 관계의 도식을 제시함으로써 성경에 나타난 예수 그리스도의 상담자의 모본의 교회사회복지의 적용적 가치를 실증적으로 연구할 수 있다는 가설을 제시하였다.
본 이론적 연구는 교회와 지역사회간의 관계들을 설명하여 교회사회사업으로서 노인을 위한 죽음, 임종, 그리고 사별에 관련하는 호스피스 프로그램의 실천적이고 위기개입적인 가치들을 정립하고자 시도하고 있다. 교회사회사업 접근에 기초하여, 본 연구의 이론적 근거는 교회들이 교회사회사업으로서 호스피스 프로그램들을 받아들일 수 있는지, 죽음과 사별에 관련된 욕구를 가진 노인을 위한 사회 서비스의 질과 양을 가질 수 있는지, 그리고 자원봉사자 서비스 프로그램을 활용함으로서 지역사회와 협력하는 사회 통합 기능들을 수행할 수 있을지의 여부를 가정하고 있다. 이 이론적 연구는 인간 자원 훈련 프로그램을 가진 교회와 연계함으로서, 노인을 위한 죽음, 임종, 그리고 사별과 관련하는 호스피스 프로그램의 실천적이고 위기개입적인 가치들이 입증되어질 수 있다는 것을 나타내고 있다. 노인을 위한 교회사회사업의 적용들은 지역사회와 가치 지향적인 서비스로서 호스피스 프로그램을 실천함으로 강조되어질 수 있다.