This study investigates changes in the mechanical behaviors, especially hardness and indentation load-displacement curves, of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) brought about by thermal shock. The TBCs on the Nickel-based bondcoat/superalloy was prepared with diameters of 25.4 mm and 600 μm thickness. The results of thermal shock cycling test from 1100 oC of the highest temperature indicate that the thermal shock do not influence on the mechanical behavior, but a continuous decrease in porosity and increase in hardness were observed after 1200 thermal shock cycles; these changes are believed to be due to sintering of thermal barrier coating materials. The results that no degradation in the indentation load-displacement curves indicate that the coating shows good thermal shock resistance up to 1200 cycles at 1100 oC in air.
Rare-earth zirconates, such as lanthanum zirconates and gadolinium zirconates, have been intensively investigated due to their excellent properties of low thermal conductivity as well as chemical stability at high temperature, which can make these materials ones of the most promising candidates for next-generation thermal barrier coating applications. In this study, three compositions, lanthanum/gadolinium zirconates with reduced rare-earth contents from stoichiometric RE2Zr2O7 compositions, are fabricated via solid state reaction as well as sintering at 1600oC for 4 hrs. The phase formation, microstructure, and thermo-physical properties of three oxide ceramics are examined. In particular, each oxide ceramics exhibits composite structures between pyrochlore and fluorite phases. The potential of lanthanum/ gadolinium zirconate ceramics for TBC applications is also discussed.
Lanthanum zirconate, La2Zr2O7, is one of the most promising candidates for next-generation thermal barrier coating (TBC) applications in high efficient gas turbines due to its low thermal conductivity and chemical stability at high temperature. In this study, bulk specimens and thermal barrier coatings are fabricated via a variety of sintering processes as well as suspension plasma spray in lanthanum zirconates with reduced rare-earth contents. The phase formation, microstructure, and thermo-physical properties of these oxide ceramics and coatings are examined. In particular, lanthanum zirconates with reduced rare-earth contents in a La2Zr2O7-4YSZ composite system exhibit a single phase of fluorite or pyrochlore after fabricated by suspension plasma spray or spark plasma sintering. The potential of lanthanum zirconate ceramics for TBC applications is also discussed.
The effects of coating thickness on the delamination and fracture behavior of thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems were investigated with cyclic flame thermal fatigue (FTF) and thermal shock (TS) tests. The top and bond coats of the TBCs were prepared by electron beam-physical vapor deposition and low pressure plasma spray methods, respectively, with a thickness ratio of 2:1 in the top and bond coats. The thicknesses of the top coat were 200 and 500 μm, and those of the bond coat were 100 and 250 μm. FTF tests were performed until 1140 cycles at a surface temperature of 1100 oC for a dwell time of 5 min. TS tests were also done until more than 50 % delamination or 1140 cycles with a dwell time of 60 min. After the FTF for 1140 cycles, the interface microstructures of each TBC exhibited a sound condition without cracking or delamination. In the TS, the TBCs of 200 and 500 μm were fully delaminated (> 50 %) within 171 and 440 cycles, respectively. These results enabled us to control the thickness of TBC systems and to propose an efficient coating in protecting the substrate in cyclic thermal exposure environments.
Lanthanum/gadolinium zirconate coatings are deposited via suspension plasma spray with suspensions fabricated by a planetary mill and compared with hot-pressed samples via solid-state reaction. With increase in processing time of the planetary mill, the mean size and BET surface area change rapidly in the case of lanthanum oxide powder. By using suspensions of planetary-milled mixture between lanthanum or gadolinium oxide and nano zirconia, dense thick coatings with fully-developed pyrochlore phases are obtained. The possibilities of these SPS-prepared coatings for TBC application are also discussed.
Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatings are fabricated via suspension plasma spray (SPS) for thermal barrier applications. Three different suspension sets are prepared by using a planetary mill as well as ball mill in order to examine the effect of starting suspension on the phase evolution and the microstructure of SPS prepared coatings. In the case of planetary-milled commercial YSZ powder, a deposited thick coating turns out to have a dense, vertically-cracked microstructure. In addition, a dense YSZ coating with fully developed phase can be obtained via suspension plasma spray with suspension from planetary-milled mixture of Y2O3 and ZrO2.
With increase in operating temperature of gas turbine for higher efficiency, it is necessary to find new materials of TBC for replacement of YSZ. Among candidate materials for future TBCs, zirconate-based oxides with pyrochlore and fluorite are prevailing ones. In this study, phase structure and thermal conductivities of oxide system are investigated. system are comprised by selecting as A-site ions and as B-site ion in pyrochlore structures. With powder mixture from each oxide, oxides are fabricated via solid-state reaction at . Either pyrochlore or fluorite or mixture of both appears after heat treatment. For the developed phases along compositions, thermal conductivities are examined, with which the potential of compositions for TBC application is also discussed.
As operating temperatures of engines or turbines continually increase for higher efficiency, significant amounts of researches have been focused on finding new materials, which would be alternatives to conventional yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) for thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). In this study, phase evolution and thermo-physical properties of pyrochlore systems are investigated for TBC applications. systems are comprised by selecting as A-site ions and as B-site ions in pyrochlore structures. For the developed phases in compositions, thermo-physical properties such as thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient are examined. The potential of these compositions for TBC application is also discussed.
플라즈마 용사법을이용하여 AISI 316 스테인레스 금속모재에 0.1mm 두께의 NiCrAlCoY2O3금속 결합층과 0.3mm 두께의 ZrO2(8wt%Y2O3) 세라믹층으로 구성된 이층 단열코팅층을 제조하였다. 코팅층의 미세조직, 금속결합층의 산화를 고찰하였으며, 900˚C에서 등은 시험과 열반복시험 후, 접합강도시험을 통하여 코팅층의 단사정 상은 열처리시간이 길어질수록 약간 증가하였다. 또한 비변태성 t'의 c/a는 용사상태에서 1.0099이였으며, 100시간 열처리 후에는 1.0115로 약간 증가하였다. 그리고 용사층의 접합강도는 열처리 시간이 길어질수록 감소하였다. 등온열처리 후에는 1.0115로 약간 증가하였다. 그리고 용사층 의 접합강도는 열처리 시간이 길어질수록 감소하였다. 등온열처리 후, 파괴는 주로 세라믹층에서 일어났으며, 반복 열처리되 시편에서는 10회 이후 대부분 금속결합층/세라믹층의 계면에서 일어났다.
Plasma 용사된 단열피복에 내재하는 기공의 크기, 형상 및 분포는 피복층 자체의 물성에 지대한 영향을 미치므로 이를 용사변수에 따라 조사하였다. MgO 안정화 지르코니아 피복시 도입되는 기공은 미세기공 외에 각각 생성기구가 다른 조대한 기공 즉 구형과 불규칙한 기공, 그리고 crack으로 구성되었다. 용사거리에 따라 기공의 생성과정과 특성이 변하였으며 Plasma 전류 및 가스 유량의 증가에 의해서 기공도는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. Plasma 가스가 N2인 경우가 Ar보다 더 높은기공도를 보였고 전체적으로 단열피복의 기공도는 10~18%였다. Scratch test로 측정된 단열피복층의 상대적인 경도는 기공도와 높은 상관관계를 보였다.