본 연구에서는 산림생태계 훼손 유형별 표토의 이화학적 특성 비교와 식재기반 조성 재료로서의 활용 여부를 평가하 였다. 표토는 산림생태계 훼손 유형별 훼손지역 12개 지역, 36개 지점과 각 훼손지 주변에 위치한 자연지역 12개 지역, 36개 지점, 총 72개 지점에서 채취하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 자연지역의 토성은 식양토~사양토, 용적밀도는 0.95~1.10 Mg/㎥, 고상률은 35.7~44.0 ㎥/㎥, 공극률은 56.0~64.3 ㎥/㎥, 내수성입단율은 8.4~35.8%, 토양경도는 5~13 ㎜, 토양산도는 5.3~6.1, 전기전도도는 0.14~0.65 dS/m, 전질소량은 0.28~0.42%, 양이온치환용량은 14~22 cmol+/㎏, 치환성칼륨함량은 0.15~0.31 cmol+/㎏, 치환성칼슘함량은 2.07~2.84 cmol+/㎏, 치환성마그네슘함량은 0.45~1.97 cmol+/㎏, 유효인산함량은 17~96 ㎎/㎏, 유기물함량은 3.2~5.6%의 범위를 나타냈으며, 훼손지역의 토성은 식양토~양질사토, 용적밀도는 1.54~1.75 Mg/㎥, 고상률은 52.8~58.0 ㎥/㎥, 공극률은 42.0~47.2 ㎥/㎥, 내수성입단율 은 4.2~22.5%, 토양경도는 13~25 ㎜, 토양산도는 4.8~5.5, 전기전도도는 0.13~0.62 dS/m, 전질소량은 0.02~0.12%, 양이온치환용량은 5~15 cmol+/㎏, 치환성칼륨함량은 0.11~0.18 cmol+/㎏, 치환성칼슘함량은 0.45~2.36 cmol+/㎏, 치 환성마그네슘함량은 0.39~0.96 cmol+/㎏, 유효인산함량은 15~257 ㎎/㎏, 유기물함량은 0.4~2.2%의 범위를 나타냈다. 자연지역과 훼손지역 표토의 이화학적 특성 비교를 통해 훼손지역 표토가 자연지역 표토에 비해 이화학적 특성이 악화되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이에 향후 표토 재활용을 위한 보전 및 관리 대책이 필요한 것으로 판단되었다.
This research aims to identify the possibility of developing A horizon resources that can be used for construction and civil engineering work. As such, the utility of A horizon resources was examined by establishing planting ground through a mixture of soil layers and by analyzing the growth and development of Pinus densiflora. The physicochemical and physical properties of the soil were as follows: the A horizon was sandy clay loam, B horizon was sandy loam, and the mixture of two layers appeared as sandy loam, which was identical to the B horizon. The experimental groups did not show any significant difference in their physical properties of porosity and degree of water-stable aggregates. With regards to chemical properties, the A horizon as well as the mixture of A and B horizon showed acidity while the B horizon showed alkalinity. The figures of organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphate, and replaceable potassium were greater as the A horizon content increased, whereas the figures of replaceable calcium, replaceable magnesium, and conductivity increased as the A horizon content decreased. As a result of the growth and development of Pinus densiflora in each planting ground, the final survival rates were all above 100%. However, the tree height and the rate of growth for the diameter of root were higher in the order of A horizon > A horizon + B horizon > B horizon,indicating that the increased A horizon content is related to the growth and development of Pinus densiflora. The treatment of soil with improvement agents, used to recover the functions of in-situ soil showing poor growth and development, did not have a clear impact on the soil texture and porosity. However, the degree of water-stable aggregates increased significantly when using O horizon as the soil improvement agent among the types of in-situ soil. In contrast, all items related to the chemical properties showed significant differences following the treatment by soil improvement agents. The survival rate according to the treatment of soil improvement agents for the growth and development of Pinus densiflora was higher in the order of organic horizon = no treatment > compound fertilizer > organic fertilizer + compound fertilizer > organic fertilizer; this result was statistically significant with a marginal significance value of the log-rank test(p < 0.05).
The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate stockpiling methods for revegetation by comparing the germination status of seed banks before and after preservation for 2 years. Soil temperature in stockpiled topsoil was higher in open treatment and at 1.5 m, whereas soil water content was maintained at lower levels (14.06-19.08%), than those in the control group. The seed banks in stockpiled topsoil had 48 species and 1,559 individuals, among which perennials showed the highest number in terms of life forms, whereas Compositae and Gramineae were dominant in terms of families. Based on seed bank type, persistent seed banks had the highest number of species, while transient seed banks had the highest number of individuals. By stockpiling period, the number of species in the seed bank started to increase after 24 months, while the number of individuals began increasing after 12 months and exceeded that of the control group after 24 months. Regarding the treatment of stockpiling methods, the number of species and individuals in open treatment were closer to those of the control group. When analyzed by height, the number of species and individuals were higher at 0 m, but still lower than those of the control group. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA ) showed that the optimal combination was obtained in open treatment and the number of individuals increased with the lengthening of the stockpiling period.
본 연구의 목적은 한국의 지역별 연평균 강우침식인자 값을 갱신하기 위한 것이다. 2012년 환경부는 표토의 침식 현황조사에 관한 고시를 공포하면서 전국 규모의 토양침식량을 추정하기 위한 모델로서 범용토양유실공식 모델을 채택한 바 있다. 이 고시에는 범용토양유실공식을 적용하기 위해 필요한, 158개 지점에 대한 지역별 강우침식인자가 포함되어 있으나, 이 값은 1997년 이전에 만들어진 데이터를 바탕으로 하고 있기에 개선될 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 전국 단위의 연평균 강우침식인자 데이터를 수집하고 분류, 통합하여 분석에 사용하였다. 연구결과 1961~2015 년 기간의 54개 지점에 대한 연평균 강우침식인자를 재산정하였으며 새로운 등강우침식도를 제시하였다. 또한 실무에서 활용이 용이하도록 국내 167개 시 ․ 군별 연평균 강우침식인자 데이터를 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 제시한 값은 표토침식량을 예측하기 위한 업데이트된 강우침식인자로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
This study was carried out to evaluate the physicochemical properties and perform a feasibility analysis of planting material composed of topsoil from river improvement and non-improvement areas. The results showed that the physicochemical properties of topsoil from river improvement areas were on the average sandy loam~loamy sand in soil texture, 5.6~6.8 in pH, 0.01~0.06 dS/m in EC, 0.9~2.1% in OM, 0.02~0.12% in T-N, 8~14 cmol+/kg in CEC, 0.01~0.08 cmol+/kg in Ex. K+, 2.55~11.11 cmol+/kg in Ex. Ca2+, 0.34~2.06 cmol+/kg in Ex. Mg2+, and 3~396 mg/kg in Av. P2O5. And non-improvement areas showed on average sandy clay loam~sand in soil texture, 5.7~6.7 in pH, 0.02~0.08 dS/m in EC, 0.9~4.4% in OM, 0.02~0.23% in T-N, 7~18 cmol+/kg in CEC, 0.01~0.08 cmol+/kg in Ex. K+, 3.81~12.67 cmol+/kg in Ex. Ca2+, 0.60~1.95 cmol+/kg in Ex. Mg2+, and 3~171 mg/kg in Av. P2O5. Meanwhile, the results of an applied valuation of topsoil- based planting were as follows. Ex. K+ levels were low grade in all survey areas. OM was low grade in 12 improvement areas and 11 non-improvement areas. Av. P2O5 levels were low grade in 10 improvement areas and 10 non-improvement areas. T-N was low grade in six improvement areas and four non-improvement areas. Ex. Mg2+ levels were low grade in two improvement areas.
Purpose of this study was to evaluate germination characteristics of soil seed bank in rural stream topsoil using seedling emergence method in order to provide data for future ecological restoration of stream utilizing topsoil. There were 24 families, 52 genera, 61 taxa of soil seed bank flora found in topsoil from 6 rural streams. The most frequently found taxa were Compositae (12 taxa) followed by Gramineae (8 taxa), Caryophyllaceae (5 taxa), Cruciferae (4 taxa), Scrophulariaceae, Labiatae, Polygonaceae and Cyperaceae. Plant with the most number of germination was Stellaria aquatica followed by Erigeron annuus, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, Poa annua, Cyperus microiria and Veronica undulata. Naturalized plants found were Erigeron annuus, Rumex crispus, Oenothera odorata, Cerastium glomeratum, Bidens frondosa, Erigeron philadelphicus, etc.
This study was carried out to evaluate the physicochemical properties of topsoil from forest development area. The results of physicochemical properties of topsoil from forest development area shown on the average loamy sand~sandy clay loam in soil texture, 5.3~7.1 in pH, 0.02~0.18 dS/m in EC, 0.7~1.8% in OM, 0.03~0.11% in T-N, 11~15 cmol+/kg in CEC, 0.02~0.04 cmol+/kg in K+, 4.51~8.18 cmol+/kg in Ca2+, 0.93~2.77 cmol+/kg in Mg2+, 6~49 mg/kg in available phosphate. And the results of physicochemical properties of topsoil from forest non-development area shown on the average sandy loam~sandy clay loam in soil texture, 4.4~5.3 in pH, 0.03~0.05 dS/m in EC, 3.1~4.6% in OM, 0.13~0.23% in T-N, 14~18 cmol+/kg in CEC, 0.02~0.04 cmol+/kg in K+, 0.78~3.82 cmol+/kg in Ca2+, 0.29~1.31 cmol+/kg in Mg2+, 3~31 mg/kg in Av. P2O5. On the other hand, forest development area of topsoil sand content higher than 8~18% sand content than the forest non-development area. This trend is thought to be the absence of topsoil management development projects. Consequently, the results suggested a high potential of recycling of the topsoil from forest non-development area for planting soil. Therefore, in construction of the conservation and management of topsoil from forest non-development area is very important.