
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2019.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a case study on aspect ratio behavior, Kaolin, zeolite, TiO2, pozzolan and diatomaceous earth minerals are investigated using wet milling with 0.3 pai media. The grinding process using small media of 0.3 pai is suitable for current work processing applications. Primary particles with average particle size distribution D50, ~6 μm are shifted to submicron size, D50 ~0.6 μm, after grinding. Grinding of particles is characterized by various size parameters such as sphericity as geometric shape, equivalent diameter, and average particle size distribution. Herein, we systematically provide an overview of factors affecting the primary particle size reduction. Energy consumption for grinding is determined using classical grinding laws, including Rittinger's and Kick's laws. Submicron size is obtained at maximum frictional shear stress. Alterations in properties of wettability, heat resistance, thermal conductivity, and adhesion increase with increasing particle surface area. In the comparison of the aspect ratio of the submicron powder, the air heat conductivity and the total heat release amount increase 68 % and 2 times, respectively.