한반도 남부 지역은 태평양(pacific)판의 섭입에 의한 화성활동이 매우 활발했던 지역으로 백악기 화강암류와 이와 성인적으로 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 추정되는 화산암류가 넓게 분포하고 있다. 여수 지역 백악기 화강암류를 형성시킨 마그마의 특성 및 지구조적 환경을 규명하고자 주성분 원소, 미량원소에 대한 지화학적 연구를 시도하였다. 연구 지역의 화성암류는 섬록암, 각섬석 흑운모 화강암, 미문상 화강암류로 구성되어 있다. 연구지역의 화강암은 칼크-알칼리(calc-alkaline) 계열로, A/NK vs. A/CNK 도에 점시해 본 마그마의 특성은 대부분 중알루미나(metaluminous)에 해당하고 I-type로 나타난다. 암석기재학적 특징으로 본역의 암석은 천소에 관입 정치된 화강암류의 암석으로, 지구조판 별도에 의하면 압축장이 작용하는 판의 경계부 즉, 화산호화강암(VAG)에 해당된다. 희토류원소의 패턴은 경희토류원소(LREE)가 중희토류원소(HREE)보다 부화된 ((La/Lu)cN=4.2-13.3) 백악기 화강암류의 전형적인 패턴과 일치하며 미문상화강암은 섬록암에 비해 Eu(-) 이상이 뚜렷하게 나타난다. 총희토류원소(σLREE) 함량은 76.2-235 ppm으로 본 연구지역의 화강암류들은 대륙연변부에서 나타나는 화강암류의 희토류원소 총함량 범위에 해당된다. 위의 지화학적 자료를 종합해 보면 여수 지역 화강암류들은 태평양판의 섭입에 의한 압축장이 작용하는 대륙 연변부에서 생성되었음을 알 수 있다.
The southern rough shrimp Trachysalambria curvirostris (Stimpson) was monthly sampled from the coastal area of Yeosu, Korea from June 2000 to May 2001 and its stomach contents were investigated. Mysids and amphipods were the most dominant prey, comprising
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between yearly variations of climatic elements and yearly variations of productivity in perilla. In addition, correlation coefficients among yield and yield components were estimated. The data of yield and yield components were investigated for 10 years from 1991 to 2000. The meteorological data gathered at the Yeosu Weather Station for the same period were used to find out the relationships between climatic elements and productivity. Yearly variation of the amount of precipitation in September was large with coefficients of variation(c. v.) of 11.1%, but the coefficient of variance(c. v.) in July and August were relative small with 1.8, 2.1%, respectively. Number of cluster per hill and weight of 1,000 grains were greatly with c. v. of 76.1, 79.3%, respectively, but the coefficients of variance(c. v.) of plant height and seed yield were more less with 9.58, 10.60%, respectively. Correlation coefficients between precipitation of September and seed yield were positively significant correlation at the level of 5.1%, respectively, but the duration of sunshine in September and seed yield were negatively significant at the level of 5.1%, respectively. Correlation coefficients of these, the plant height, number of branches per plant, cluster length, number of cluster per hill, weight of 1,000 grains and seed yield were positively significant at the level of 5.1% respectively.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between yearly variations of climatic elements and yearly variations of productivity in malting barley. In addition, correlation coefficients among yield and yield components were estimated. The data of yield and yield components were investigated for 10 years from 1991 to 2000. The meteorological data gathered at the Yeosu Weather Station for the same period were used to find out the relationships between climatic elements and productivity. Yearly varation of the amount of precipitation in December and January were large with coefficients of variation(c. v.) of 97.9, 51.3%, respectively, but the variation of the maximum temperature and minimum temperature in April were relative small. Yield, weight of 1,000 grains and culm length were greatly with c. v. of 37.3, 49.3 and 41.3%, respectively. spike length and number of spikes show more or less c. v. of 3.8, 24.7% respectively and number of grains per spike show still less variation with c. v. of 9.4%. Correlation coefficients between temperature of mean, maximum and minimum in February and seed yield and yield components were positively significant at level of 5.1%, respectively. Correlation coefficients between precipitation of April and seed yield were positively significant correlation at the level of 5.1 %, respectively, but the duration of sunshine in April and seed yield were negatively significant at the level of 5.1%, respectively. Correlation coefficients of those, yield components and yield, culm length, spike length, number of grains per spike, number of spikes per m2, weight of 1,000 grains and seed yield were positively significant at the level of 5.1 % respectively.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationships between yearly variations of meteorological elements and yearly variations of productivity in rice. In addition, correlation coefficients among yield and yield components were used to find out the relationships between meteorological elements and productivity. Yearly variation of the mean air temperature in May was large with coefficients of variation(C.V.) of 25.0%, but the variation of the duration of sunshine in May were relative small. No. of panicles per hill and 1,000 grains wt. of brown rice were great with C.V. of 21.1, 19.7%, respectively, brown rice yield show more or less C.V. of 5.5% and milled rice show still less variation. Correlation coefficients between temperatures in period of cultivation from May and yield were positive correlations. Correlation Coefficients between precipitation in period of cultivation from Sep. to Oct. and yield are positive correlations. Correlation coefficients amount the panicle length, no. of panicles, no. of spikelets, ratio of ripened grains, 1,000 grains wt. of brown rice, milled rice yield, brown rice yield and milled rice yield were positively significant at the level of 1 %, respectively.
This study was conducted to investigate the relationships between yearly variations of meteorological elements and yearly variations of productivity in hot pepper. In addition, correlation coefficients among the yields and yield components were used to find out the relationships between meteorological elements and productivity. Yearly variation of the mean air temperature in May and July showed large with coefficients of variation(C.V.) of 25.0,8.9%, respectively, but the variation of the duration of sunshine in May were relative small. Yield and plant height was greatly with C.V. of 7.14,11.6%, respectively, diameter of fruit showed more or less C.V. of 2.28% and length of fruit showed less variation. Correlation coefficients between maximum temperature in period of cultivation from May and yield are positively significant at the level of 1 %. Correlation Coefficients between precipitation in period of cultivation from May to August and yield are negative significant at the level of 5 and 1 %, respectively. Correlation coefficients amount the plant height, length of fruit, diameter of fruit per plant, and seed yield were positively significant at the level of 1 %, respectively.