1) 본 보고는 1965년 10월초 수도백엽고병이 격발한 전라남도내 담양읍, 대전면을 위시하여 천변인 영산포, 해안지대인 수포등 현재에서 피해상황과 그 원인 등을 조사해석하여 방제의 자료로 하고자 한 것이다. (2) 이앙기의 한발과 7월의 호우 등으로 인한 일부답의 침수는 본병이 조기다발하기에 알맞는 기상조건이었다. (3) 담양지방에서는 7월초순 호우가 있은 후, 일부 침수답에서 7월중순에 초발을 보게 되었으며, 농민들이 새로운 큰 병해라고 인식이 높아졌다. (4) 이앙기가 빠른 답일수록 피해가 많았다. (5) 침수지구의 피해가 심하였다. (6) 품종간의 차이가 확연하였으며, 특히, 전남풍, 천본욱이 약하고 농림 6호는 강한 편이었다. (7) 평야부가 고지대보다 피해가 많았다. (8) 휴한답이 이모작답에 비하여 피해가 심하였다. (9) 습답, 반습답에 피해가 심한 편이며 건답이 적은 편이었다. (10) 물고부근의 피해가 내부보다 많은 편이다. (11) 점형발생답을 많이 볼 수 있었다. (12) 발병하였을 때의 낙수가 병세를 조장시켰다는 농민이 다수였다.
Background: Recently, jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) has been attracting attention as a fruit, and its cultivation in rain shelter house is increasing to produce the high quality fresh jujube. This study was carried out to investigate the growth and fruit characteristics of jujube according to the types of rain shelter house.
Methods and Results: The characteristics of 5-year-old Bokjo cultivar cultivated in 3 types of rain shelter house, multi span rain shelter house with roof vent (Type I), single span house with a column in the center and roof vent (Type II) and single span house with a column in the center and without roof vent (Type III), and open field were examined. The sprouting and blooming period were different among the types of rain shelter house. The diameter of main stem was higher in rain shelter houses than in the open field. There was no a significant difference in fruit number per leaf stem among the types of cultivation. The incidence of fruit cracking in open field cultivation which was 51.2% was much higher than that in Type I 21.6%, Type II 19.3%, and Type III 25.5%. The fruit size and weight in rain shelter houses, especially in Type III rain shelter house were higher than those in the open field and the soluble solids content of fruit in Type I and Type II was higher than in Type III rain shelter house and the open field.
Conclusions: The results show that the growth and fruit quality of jujube were improved by cultivation in rain shelter house, and affected by the types of rain shelter house.
Background : Jujube (Zizyphus jujuba. Mill) is a broad-leaved shrub belonging to the family Seagull. Its origin is India and its height is about 5 m. The flowers are gathered in two to three in May-June, with five petals and yellowish green. Leaves are alternate, egg-shaped or long egg-shaped, with clearly visible three veins. The fruit, called jujube, is an elliptical nucleus with the seed wrapped in a solid nucleus. It is 2.5 - 3.5 ㎝ in length, green at first, ripened in brown or reddish brown in September-October. Jujube uses the bud mutation to breed and spreads through grafting. Therefore, there is little difference in phenotype between cultivars. However, because of the lack of research on jujube molecular biology, there is no standard to distinguish the variety at the DNA level. In order to overcome such difficulties and to create a research foundation of jujube, we have developed molecular markers from jujube.
Methods and Results : We collected 12 jujube varieties include Bogjo and extracted DNA using CTAB method. The DNA was diluted to 10 ng/㎕ and kept at -20℃. We designed the primer sets using CLC Main Workbench based on DNA InDel regions between the varieties. PCR and electrophoresis were performed to confirm the polymorphism. We designed 26 primer sets from 23 InDel regions. Eighteen of 26 primer sets amplified the amplicon from the primer screening. Eight primer sets were selected for polymorphism assays. All primer sets showed polymorphism. The domesticated cultivars were divided into two groups and the Japanese and Chinese varieties were separated.
Conclusion : The InDel markers developed in this study could be good tools to differentiate the jujube cultivars cultivated in Korea.