
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During PIV (Physical Inventory Verification), the IAEA has been inspecting the CANDU-Type spent fuels using an optical fiber-based scintillation detector. KINAC has developed a new verification instrument to deal with problems of the existing one such as low sensitivity, heavy and large dimension, and inconvenience-in-use. Our previous studies focused on how to develop the new instrument and had not included its performance tests. Field tests were carried out recently at Wolsung unit 4 to evaluate performance of the existing and new instruments. The objective of this paper is to discuss background noise produced in the optical fiber signal cable itself. The verification equipment for the CANDU-type Heavy Water Reactor spent fuels uses a scintillation detector to bond a scintillation material to the end of an optical signal cable. At this time, the radiation signal obtained by a data acquisition system is the signal generated from the scintillator (p-terphenyl organic scintillator) and the optical signal cable ; The signal produced in the optical cable itself is background noise to degrade the spent fuel verification equipment. To characterize the background radiation noise, the spent fuel bundles at Wolsung Unit 4 were measured using the optical fiber cable without the radiation scintillator. This signal is generated by reaction of the optical cable and the radiation emitted from the spent fuel. From experimental results, it was observed that the background noise signal of the optical cable increased as the optical cable went down in the downward direction, because the cable length irradiated by the radiation increased with the optical cable area in the spent fuel storage pool. Difference in the background noise signal was dependent on the location of the vertical direction and the signal of the new optical cable was up to about 5 times higher than that of the existing cable. While, the new cable has the cross-section area about 3.2 times larger than the old cable. Our past studies showed that total signal amplitude – sum of signals generated from the scintillator and optical fiber - of the new verification instrument was at least about 15 times greater than that of the existing one. Considering the total signal and background noise signal, from this measured results, it was confirmed that the scintillator characteristics – in particular, light output and decay time – has a dominant impact on the signal sensitivity of the newly developed instrument. More details will be discussed at the conference.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to develop the education and training program of dietitians and cooks in contracted foodservice management company. The instruments were developed by reviewing extensive literatures on education programs and by interviewing with dietitians and cooks who were working in contracted foodservice management company. A total of 400 questionnaires were hand delivered at the fourteen contracted foodservice management companies by designated coordinators. A total of 286 questionnaires were usable; resulting in a 70.0% response rate. Statistics data analysis was completed using the SPSS for frequency analysis, reliability, mean value, t-test and ANOVA. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The dietitians wanted to take a management course. The cooks wanted to take a culinary education. The dietitians and cooks took an emphasis on service education, foodborne illness & HACCP and sanitation & safety. Service as well as the taste of food and sanitation was emphasized according to the flow of customer satisfaction. 2. Contracted foodservice management company should provide dietitians and cooks with an education for the job to accomplish customer satisfactions.