
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        하브라켄(N. John Habraken) 교수는 2023년 10월 21 일에 별세했다. 그는 1928년 인도네시아 반둥에서 태어 난 네덜란드 건축가, 교육자, 이론가이다. 그의 이론적 공헌은 대량 주택에 대한 사용자 참여 및 사용자와 거 주자를 설계 프로세스에 통합한 것이다. 그의 이론이 추 구하는 시각적 결과물은 생동감 넘치는 다양성의 건축 이다. 하브라켄은 그의 􋺷주거대(Support)􋺸에서, 주거 설 계에서 주거대(住居帶: support = base building)를 ‘내 장품(內裝品: detachable unit = infill)’1)과 분리하여 주 민들이 설계 과정에서 의미 있는 참여 역할을 할 수 있 도록 제안했다. 하브라켄은 제2차 세계대전 중에 일본제국주의 강제 수용소에 3년간 억류된 경험을 했고, 그 후에 네덜란드 의 델프트 공대에서 건축을 공부했다. 그는 1965∼1975 년 SAR(Foundation for Architects Research)의 소장을 역임했으며, 1967년 아인트호벤 공대의 건축학과를 신 설하고, 초대 학과장의 중책을 맡았다. 1975∼1981년 하 브라켄은 MIT 건축대학의 학과장으로 재직했고, 1989 년 퇴임하고 명예교수로 은퇴할 때까지 MIT에서 학생 들을 가르쳤다. 2016년에 나는 그가 설계해 살고 있던 네덜란드 아펠도른(Apeldoorn)의 집을 방문했다. 당시 그는 노쇠했으나, 정신은 매우 명료했다. 이후 다시 가 보려고 했는데, 이젠 지난 소망이 되었다. ―하브라켄 교수님의 명복을 빕니다. 하브라켄의 서거를 접하고, 내게 특별한 의미가 있는 하 브라켄의 논문 한 편을 번역해 공개한다. 그는 MIT에 서 나의 석사과정과 박사과정의 지도 교수였으며, 여기 번역한 글은 박사과정 중에 출간되었다. 1991년에 나는 써머슨(J. Summerson)의 논문 「The case for a theory of modern architecture」를 그에게 소개했고, 우리는 그 내용에 대해 토의했다. 하브라켄은 4쪽, 각주 3에 써머 슨의 논문을 인용했다는 노트를 적은, 내가 번역한 영문 논문을 내게 주면서, “네가 즐겁게 읽어주었으면 좋겠 다”는 메모를 남겼다. 벌써 30년이 지났지만, 나는 이 글의 주장이 현재에도 유효하다고 생각한다. 나는 이 번 역이 하브라켄의 학문 세계를 이해하는데 작은 도움이 되기를 소망한다. 하브라켄의 글에는 현학적이거나 어려운 단어가 거의 없다. 포괄적 추상 개념을 지시하는 정신(Geist), 공간 (space), 표상(representation), 미학(Aesthetics) 등과 같 은 난해한 어휘도 없다. 그는 평이한 문장으로 자신의 주장과 논리를 전개하는 탁월한 능력을 가진 지적 거인 이다. 그리고 그는 특정 개념에 대해 동일한 명사를 일 관되게 사용한다. 영어 원문에 대한 이해와 참조를 위 해, 내가 일관되게 번역해 사용한 단어와 구는 다음과 같다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recognizing that the debate on the original form of the Seokguram Grotto is closely related to the mythologization of the Seokguram Grotto, which is far from factual understanding, this paper is prepared to restore the Seokguram Grotto based on scientific facts. To this end, we will first analyze its active meaning and fiction from three directions: the founding legend, the rediscovery story, and the concept and discourse of the Line of sight for Buddha statue (對佛像視準線), which have contributed to the mythologization of the Seokguram Grotto. The original restoration of the Seokguram Grotto should be based on a scientific understanding of the Seokguram space. However, past debates and restoration attempts have been based on imagination and not on scientific knowledge. Therefore, Chapter 3 attempts a scientific analysis of the light environment of thr Seokguram Grotto and critically examines the existing errors and realistic mythological images to correct the public's spatial perception of Seokguram's architecture and to propose a rational restoration of Seokguram's architectural space.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the original floor plan and wall design of Seokbulsa Grotto in Kyungju; commonly known as ‘Seokguram’. The paper presents an array of dimensional studies of the existing Seokguram to examine its architectural form, and infers the original floor plan and wall design of Seokbulsa Grotto. Seokbulsa Grotto is designed as a system of 'coherent modules' and was constructed using the dry stone method, which interlocks large stone modules into a whole that becomes the load-bearing structure itself. The design principles governing Seokbulsa Grotto are the spatial axis of symmetry, modular coordination, and the layout grid of a quarter Tang-Ruler(TR: 唐尺). Dimensional studies were conducted with these governing principles in mind and concludes the following about the original floor plan design. In the main chamber, Ansang-stone’s radius is 12 TR, and Flagstone’s radius is 121/4 TR. In the front chamber, the width between the two Ansang-stones facing each other is 22 TR and the longitudinal space depth is 12 TR, while the width between the two Flagstones facing each other is 221/2 TR and Flagstone’s depth is 12 TR. In the passageway, the width between the two Ansang-stones facing each other is 111/2 TR and longitudinal space depth is 9 TR, while the width between the two Flagstones facing each other is 12 TR and Flagstone’s depth is 73/4 TR. The distance from the center to the entrance line of the main chamber is 101/2 TR. Therefore, the total longitudinal length of the Grotto is 431/2 TR at the level of the Ansang-stones, and 44 TR at the level of the Flagstones.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find framework schema of early Jusimpo-style Buddhist halls (Geungnakjeon Hall of Bongjeongsa Temple, Muryangsujeon Hall of Buseoksa Temple, and Daeungjeon Hall of Sudeoksa Temple ). Though the halls are known as built in the late Goryeo Period, they show the influence of the architectural style of the early Unified Silla Period. To find the adopted modules and proportions of these halls, this study conceived a schematic diagram based on the whole frame structure taking reference from the Cai-Fen system in Yingzao Fashi . In these three halls, the heights of each cross-beam (Dori ) are made up by the layers of member and member units. This study computes the values of Cai, Zhi, and Fen which can apply to both the section and the plan. The vertical section structure is determined by combining the standard member heights (Cai ) and the standard unit heights (CaiZhi ). The bays of columns are made by multiples of the standard member width (Fen).
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the wooden frame structure of Buddhist temple, Kumdang in Youngamsaji which assumed to be built in the 9th century of Unified Silla Dynasty. The remaining site of Kumdang in Youngamsaji is investigated thoroughly with a particular attention to bay size and column distribution. The five ancient Buddhist temples which were built in the same period also have the same frame type as Youngamsaji Kumdang. These five ancient Buddhist temples and Kumdang in Youngamsaji are meticulously investigated in terms of their bay sizes and measuring modules. The framework schema is devised as a conceptual tool to conjecture wooden frame structures of Buddhist temple. A theoretical differentiation between frame type and frame structure is attempted to formulated a wooden frame structure as a stepping-stone for the reconstruction of traditional wooden building. The wooden frame structure of 9C Kumdang in Youngamsaji mainly follows the oldest Korean wooden pavilion, Muryangsujeon in Busuk temple, with a hip and gable roof. The wooden frame structure of 9C Kumdang in Youngamsaji is reconstructed through 3D computer modeling to such an extent that every wooden components of the structure can be 3D printed. The reconstruction also takes reference from the Cai-Fen system in Yingzao Fashi.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles was an experimental project that Le Corbusier had been waiting for since 1920s in order to explore his ideals and visions in mass housing and city planning. As a leader of the first generation members in CIAM, Le Corbusier tried to give a new form and an order to the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles in both building design and city planning level. The purpose of this research is to investigate the design characteristics of the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles in three different levels of built environment with a particular emphasis on the process through which an original form is derived from its contextual settings. In the level of city planning, Le Corbusier aimed to reshape traditional low-rise urban housing by deploying several Unites spaciously. Le Corbusier believed that the spacious deployment of Unites would bring us both the functional economy in the city and the natural amenity in the suburbs. As Unite d'Habitation would be called frequently as vertical garden city, the influence of suburban garden city on Unite d'Habitation is apparent. In the building level, the binomial harmony of individual-collectivity was pursued by providing three different public floors and by combining 23 different family unit types in the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles. In order to visualize the concept of object-type, family units were prefabricated and inserted into the structural frame of the Unite d'Habitation at Marseilles. Two family units are combined to make a three-story section with street corridor in the middle. This three-story section unit is very original as it has access corridor every third floor and each unit could have considerable depth with the help of the living space of two story height. In consideration of formal and plan similarity as well as contextual edivdence, it is concluded that the three-story section of the Unite d'Habitation is derived more from Narkomfin Apartments than from the monastery at Ema or Immuble Villas.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저 분자량(Mw=1970)의 poly(styrene)(PS)와 poly(vinylmethylether)(PVME)의 블렌드를 열 산화시킬 때 저 분자량의 PS의 첨가량이 증가할수록 유도기간이 증가하며 열 산화속도는 감소함을 알 수 있었다. 열 산화과정 동안 저 분자량 PS와 PVME 블렌드는 상 분리를 보이지 않았다. 저 분자량을 갖는 PS와 PVME 블렌드에서 PVME의 산화 속도는 높은 분자량을 갖는 PS와 PVME 블렌드에서 PVME의 열 산화 속도보다 훨씬 느려짐을 보였다.