
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is a demand for introducing a challenging and innovative R&D system to develop new technologies to generate weapon system requirements. Despite the increasing trend in annual core technology development tasks, the infrastructure expansion, including personnel in research management institutions, is relatively insufficient. This situation continuously exposes difficulties in task planning, selection, execution, and management. Therefore, there is a pressing need for strategies to initiate timely research and development and enhance budget execution efficiency through the streamlining of task agreement schedules. In this study, we propose a strategic model utilizing a flexible workforce model, considering constraints and optimizing workload distribution through resource allocation to minimize bottlenecks for efficient task agreement schedules. Comparative analysis with the existing operational environment confirms that the proposed model can handle an average of 67 more core technology development tasks within the agreement period compared to the baseline. In addition, the risk management analysis, which considered the probabilistic uncertainty of the fluctuating number of core technology research and development projects, confirmed that up to 115 core technology development can be contracted within the year under risk avoidance.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The concrete structure of a nuclear power plant is a major safety structure that performs shielding functions to block radioactive materials and radiation, heat removal, and isolation functions. Therefore, concrete structures of nuclear power plants must prove structural safety from immediately after construction to dismantling, and a representative method for this is to investigate compressive strength. The compressive strength and specimen standards of concrete structures are specified in ASTM C 42/C 42M, and samples must be obtained through core drilling in order to collect samples according to this standard. However, commercial equipment requires anchor installation work causes radiation dust generation. Even commercial products have developed equipment that does not require anchor installation work, but it can only be applied to flat walls and cannot be applied to curved walls such as bioshields. To solve this problem, a method of fixing to the scaffolding pipe was designed. The equipment developed based on this method fundamentally blocks the generation of radioactive dust. The vertical position can be adjusted using guide shafts and jack screws, and the horizontal position can be adjusted using scaffolding clamps. In addition, the distance between the installation location and the wall can be adjusted by adjusting the scaffolding clamp location of the device. Lastly, it can be rotated to the left and right, so that even on a curved wall, the sampling position can be performed perpendicular to the wall. Core drills that take specimens for measuring compressive strength use the wet type. Core drilling by wet type in radioactively contaminated concrete leads to the disposal of sludge as radioactive waste. Water supplied during core drilling is scattered in all directions by the rotation of the core drill bit, which causes radiation exposure to workers, so measures must be taken to ensure that the water does not splash and gather in one place. Nileplant Co., Ltd. has developed a sludge collection device that can be used with a core drilling device. It can be inserted into a 4-inch core drill bit to meet the specimen regulations of ASTM C 42/C 42M, and nylon resin was used as a material to withstand friction with water, and the wall of the drainage part was thickened to increase durability. Based on these results, it is expected to be able to work more quickly and safely when collecting core drilling samples of radioactively contaminated concrete or radiation and concrete.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to discuss possibilities of applying growth curve models, such as Logistic, Log-Logistic, Log-Normal, Gompertz and Weibull, to three specific technology areas of Fishery Science and Technology in the process of measuring their technology level between Korea and countries with the state-of-the art level. Technology areas of hazard control of organism, environment restoration, and fish cluster detect were selected for this study. Expert panel survey was conducted to construct relevant panel data for years of 2013, 2016, and a future time of approaching the theoretical maximum technology level. The size of data was 70, 70 and 40 respectively. First finding is that estimation of shape and location parameters of each model was statistically significant, and lack-of-fit test using estimated parameters was statistically rejected for each model, meaning all models were good enough to apply for measuring technology levels. Second, three models other than Pearl and Gompertz seemed very appropriate to apply despite the fact that previous case studies have used only Gompertz and Pearl. This study suggests that Weibull model would be a very valid candidate for the purpose. Third, fish cluster detect technology level is relatively higher for both Korea and a country with the stateof- the-art among three areas as of 2013. However, all three areas seem to be approaching their limits(highest technology level point) until 2020 for countries with the state-of-the-art. This implies that Korea might have to speed up her research activities in order to catch up them prior to 2020. Final suggestion is that future study may better apply various and more appropriate models respectively considering each technology characteristics and other factors.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 산학협력단의 리더십역량, 전략역량 등 핵심역량이 기술이전과 교육 성과에 미치는 영향을 분석한 연구이다. 우선, 산학협력단과 관련한 문헌연구를 실시하였고, 전국 산학협력단을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 산학협력단 주요 경영 성과인 기술이전성과와 교육성과를 종속변수로 설정하였다. 독립변수로는 리더십역량, 전략 역량, 인적자원역량, 연구개발 역량을 설정하고 각각에 대한 조작적 정의를 부여 하였다. 변 수간 인과관계분석을 위한 연구모형을 제시하였으며, 설문대상 간의 차이 분석을 위해 국공 립 대학과 사립대학을 조작변수로 연구모형에 포함하였다. 실증분석 결과, 독립변수로 적용 한 리더십역량은 기술이전성과와 교육성과에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 조사되었으며, 마찬 가지로 전략역량은 교육성과에만 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되었다. 인적자원역량의 경우에 도 종속변수에 미치는 영향이 없었으며, 연구개발 역량의 경우에는 기술이전성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과가 산학협력단의 경영성과 개선에 도움이 되기를 기대한다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, efficiencies of core technology development projects, conducted by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, are compared. In the process, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) is utilized as a main technique for comparing efficiencies. For DEA, input oriented BCC Model is adopted with government grant, recipient expenditure, the number of participating institutions, and project duration as input factors, and the number of patents, the number of papers, and occurred sales as output factors. As a result, next generation mobile communication project turns out to be the most efficient project of all. Therefore, next generation mobile communication project should be benchmarked for the other projects to follow. However, these results should be used only for reference data since every project has a different objective and, of course, is run under a different environment.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As people pays more attention to remodeling as a method to effectively improve, maintain, and manage building properties, it is important to ensure the economic feasibility of remodeling compared to reconstruction, instead of focusing on systematic regulations. In order to identify core technologies, the study set criteria to survey cost of a remodeling project by analyzing current status of remodeling projects. Based on the criteria, the study calculated average construction cost for two remodeling projects that were conducted recently, compared the cost with new construction projects, and examined major level works that are essential in a remodeling project. Based on the major level works, the study conducted interviews with construction experts to draw core technologies in design, structure and construction of a remodeling project.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The next generation small satellite-1 (NEXTSat-1) program has been kicked off in 2012, and it will be launched in 2016 for the science missions and the verification of space core technologies. The payloads for these science missions are the Instrument for the Study of Space Storms (ISSS) and NIR Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history (NISS). The ISSS and the NISS have been developed by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute (KASI) respectively. The ISSS detects plasma densities and particle fluxes of 10 MeV energy range near the Earth and the NISS uses spectrometer. In order to verify the spacecraft core technologies in the space, the total of 7 space core technologies (SCT) will be applied to the NEXTSat-1 for space verification and those are under development. Thus, the operation modes for the ISSS and the NISS for space science missions and 7 SCTs for technology missions are analyzed for the required operation time during the NEXTSat-1’s mission life time of 2 years. In this paper, the operational concept of the NEXTSat-1’s science missions as well as the verification of space core technologies are presented considering constraints of volume, mass, and power after launch.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For genetic mapping studies, biparental segregating populations are often useful, however recombination is limited, giving rise to large genomic regions under QTL, and one can only study alelles present in both parents. In Wageninegn UR, a core collection is being developed representing all Brassica rapa morphotypes and geographic origins. As most B. rapa accessions are heterozygous and heterogeneous, we started a project to fix the collection through microspore culture. The resulting Diversity Fixed Foundation Set will be an interesting resource for association mapping studies, which have as advantage that they present the allelec variation present in the collection, and for mapping studies recombination is increased. Nineteen accessions of eight subspecies of Brassica rapa were used for microspore culture to developdoubled haploid lines. Eight morphotypes were represented: 3 Chinese cabbage, 2 Chinese turnip cabbage, 3 Pak choi, 5 Turnip, 3 Broccolleto, 1 Mizuna, 1 Komatsuna and 1 Turnip greenfrom the 19acessions examined, embryos were obtained for 13, representing six subspecies (Komatsuna and Turnip Green had no response). The embryo yields differed significantly between these 13 accessions. We regenerated normal plants from 10 accessions that survived more than 4 weeks in the soil using microspore culture. Nine accessions flowered after 4 weeks vernalization at 5℃ and seeds were harvested from 5 accessions. From a Mizuna, we obtained 3791 seeds from one plant and total 7318 seeds were harvested from 5 accessions representing 4 subspecies(Chinese cabbage, Chinese turnip cabbage, Pak choi, Mizuna). At present, we carry out experiment for obtain more seeds and induce embryos from the other plant materials.