서비스기업에게 있어서 고객은 부분적 종업원으로서 중요한 인적자원이다. 이때, 서비스접점에서의 중 요한 고객의 역할로 종업원의 역할내 행동과 유사한 개념으로 고객참여행동과 종업원의 역할외 행동과 유사한 개념으로 고객시민행동이 언급되고 있다. 고객참여행동은 필수적인 반면, 고객시민행동은 자발적 인 특성을 지니고 있다. 이에 접점종업원의 직무에 미치는 이 두 고객역할의 영향이 다를 수 있음을 비교 분석함으로써 접점종업원의 직무와 관련한 고객의 영향을 보다 명확하게 이해하고자 한다. 연구의 결과, 기술적 측면으로 이해될 수 있는 접점종업원의 직무성과는 고객시민행동보다 고객참여행 동에 의해 상대적으로 더욱 크게 영향을 받는 반면, 기능적 측면으로 이해되는 접점종업원의 직무만족은 고객참여행동보다 고객시민행동에 의해 더욱 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 이는, 고객에 의한 접점종업원의 직무성과 및 만족을 관리하기 위해서, 서비스기업이 필요한 가치공동창출 역할로서의 고객행동 을 명확히 이해하고 관리할 필요성을 제기한다.
Purpose - Customer loyalty and citizenship behavior are key success factors of franchise system. They make the management of franchisee more effective and efficient. Prior studies, however, mainly dealt with only acquisition utility of customer, such as perceived product/service quality and brand reputation to explain customer loyalty and citizenship behavior, which explains only on one side. We tried to investigate the effect of exchange utility of customer, such as relationship strength and psychological obligation together with the acquisition utility. In addition, we tried to investigate the relationship between customer loyalty and citizenship behavior in franchise context.
Research design, data, and methodology - This study used data collected from the dining franchisee managers of 342 franchisors in South Korea. The franchisors consist of more than ten franchisees, the majority of which participated directly in the transaction with franchisor and have worked for more than six months. To test the hypotheses, the study used structural equation model analysis.
Results - H1-1, 1-2, 1-3 predicted that acquisition utility would increase customer loyalty to franchisee. In support of H1-1, 1-2, 1-3, the results indicated that acquisition utilities such as perceived product value, perceived service value, and franchise brand reputation had positive effects on customer loyalty. H2-1, 2-2 predicted that exchange utility would increase customer loyalty to franchisee. In support of H2-2, the result indicated that psychological obligation had positive effects on customer loyalty like other acquisition utilities. However, H2-1 was not supported. Relationship strength had no significant effect on customer loyalty. H3 predicted that customer loyalty would increase customer citizenship behavior. In support of H3, the results indicated that customer loyalty had positive effect on customer citizenship behavior. Overall, the evidences generally supported the hypotheses.
Conclusion - The results of the study show that not only acquisition utility but also exchange utility increases customer loyalty to franchisee and also show that customer loyalty increases customer citizenship behavior. Interestingly, however, relationship strength has no significant effect on customer loyalty. These results have two implications. The one is that increasing exchange utility can improve customer loyalty as acquisition utility can. The other one is that both of customer utilities can improve customer citizenship via customer loyalty.