
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        착색단고추 비닐하우스 토경재배시 품종별 온도조건에 따른 열과 발생원인을 구명코자 하였다 열과발생률은 품종간에는 Fiesta가 Jubilee보다 높았고 온도처리간에는 34℃ 고온구에서 높았다. 그리고 환경조건이 좋아지는 4월 이후에 급격히 증가하였다. 과육특성 조사결과 Fiesta품종과 고온처리구에서 과육경도와 건물률이 낮았으나 과육두께는 경향이 일정치 않았다. 과육의 무기성분 함량은 품종간, 온도처리간에 차이가 없었다. 수확시 뿌리상태는 Fiesta품종이 Jubilee보다 좋았고, 온도처리간에는 차이가 없었다. 이상의 결과로 과육의 경도, 건물률, 치밀도 및 뿌리상태 등이 열과발생에 직접적인 영향을 미치고 과육두께나 과육의 무기성분 함량등은 열과발생과 상관이 없는 것으로 나타났다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to climate change, the occurrence of abnormal weather conditions has become more frequent, causing damage to vegetable crops grown in Korea. Hot pepper, Chinese cabbage and radish, the three most popular vegetables in Korea, are produced more in the field than in the greenhouse. It has been a trend that the time for field transplanting of seedlings is getting earlier and earlier as the spring temperatures keep rising. Seedlings transplanted too early in the spring take a longer time to resume the normal growth, because they are exposed to suboptimal temperature conditions. This study examined the influence of air temperature during seedling growth on the time required to reach the first fruit maturity and yield of hot pepper. Seedling plants of ‘Super Manita’ hot pepper was grown in temperatures 2.5℃ and 5.0℃ lower than the optimum temperature (determined by the average of temperatures for the past 5 years). Seedlings were transplanted into round plastic containers (30-cm diam., 45-cm height) and were placed in growth chambers in which the ambient temperature was controlled under natural sunlight. The growth of seedlings under lowered temperatures was reduced compared to the control. The mineral (K, Mg, P, N) concentrations in the leaf tissues were higher when plants were grown with the ambient temperature 2.5℃ lower than the optimum, regardless of changes in other growth parameters. Tissue calcium (Ca) concentration was the highest in the plants grown with optimum temperature. The carbohydrate to nitrogen (C/N) ratio, which was the highest (18.3) in the plants grown with optimum temperature, decreased concomitantly as the ambient temperature was lowered 2.5℃ and 5.0℃. The yield of the early harvested fruits was also reduced as the ambient temperature became lower. The first fruit harvest date for the plants grown with optimum temperature (June 27) was 13 days and 40 days, respectively, earlier than that in plants grown with 2.5℃ (July 10) and 5.0℃ (Aug 6) lower ambient temperatures. The fruit yield per plant for the optimum temperature (724 g) was the greatest compared to those grown with 2.5℃ (446 g) and 5.0℃ (236 g) lower temperatures. The result of this study suggests that the growers should be cautioned not to transplant their hot pepper seedlings too early into the field, since it may delay the time of first harvest eventually reducing total fruit yield.