The ecosystem provides a diverse array of environmental conditions for organisms, and only those that are capable of successfully adapting to these conditions within their habitats can endure, thrive, and proliferate. Further, the environmental conditions within these habitats can significantly affect the bioavailability of chemicals that are introduced therein, thus resulting in varied adverse impacts on the organisms. The present study aims to evaluate the sensitivity of Yuukianura szeptyckii - a species adapted to riparian - to heavy metals following ISO guideline 11276, with the objective of assessing its potential as an indicator species for ecotoxicological evaluations in riparian habitats. The findings revealed that cadmium and copper both had significant toxic effects depending on their concentrations. For cadmium, the LC50 was 280 mg kg-1, EC50 was 66 mg kg-1, and NOEC and LOEC were 25 and 50 mg kg-1, respectively. For copper, the LC50 was 911 mg kg-1, EC50 was 151 mg kg-1, and LOEC was 50 mg kg-1. Comparative analysis with previous results for the international standard species Folsomia candida and the domestic standard species Allonychiurus kimi indicated that Y. szeptyckii exhibited even greater sensitivity to toxicity values. The adverse effects on survival and reproduction were closely associated with the influx concentration of heavy metals in their bodies. Altogether, the results suggest that Y. szeptyckii is a sensitive species for ecotoxicological assessments in riparian habitats, thus making it suitable as an indicator species, particularly in riparian ecosystems that are characterized by relatively high humidity conditions.
Euglena agilis의 운동성 반응을 자동으로 측정하는 장치 인 E. agilis 시스템 (E-Tox)을 이용하여 8종의 중금속 (Ag, Cd, Cr(VI), Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn)에 대한 독성시험을 실시하 였다. E. agilis 운동성 시험 (biomonitoring test)으로부터 도 출된 EC50과 문헌상의 자료 조사로 얻은 기존 생태독성 시 험 생물 종들(D. magna, V. fischeri, 그리고 E. gracilis)의 EC50을 비교하여 시험물질에 대한 E. agilis의 독성 민감도 를 평가하였다. 또한 축산폐수 방류수, 도금폐수 방류수, 도 금폐수 1차 처리 시료에 대해 D. magna 급성 독성시험과 E. agilis 운동성 반응 시험을 수행 후 TU를 비교하여 E. agilis 운동성 시험의 현장 적용 가능성을 평가하였다. E. agilis는 시험 중금속에 대해 D. magna보다 독성민감도가 전반적으 로 낮았으나 V. fischeri 또는 E. gracilis와 유사하거나 좀 더 민감하였다. E. agilis는 D. magna test로 유독성으로 판명된 도금폐수 1차 처리수에 대해 신속한 독성반응을 나타내었 다. E-Tox 시스템은 기존의 생태독성시험장비에 비해 빠르 고 작동이 간편한 자동화 기기라는 장점이 있다. 본 연구의 결과 E-Tox 시스템을 이용한 E. agilis 운동성 시험은 향후 독성폐수에 대한 조기경보를 위한 생태독성시험법으로 적용 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
Ecological toxicity testing of the whole-effluent from the ozone ballast water treatment system was conducted as specified in the quality assurance project plans (QAPP). The growth inhibition test with microalgae, acute aquatic toxicity test with the Rotifer reproduction, toxicity test (or population growth) with the Rotifer, survival and growth toxicity test with larval fish and sediment toxicity test with amphipod were carried out to evaluate ecological toxicity on the movile test barge.