한국에 분포하고 있는 개구리 속에 대한 염기서열을 결정하고 상호 비교하여 종간 유전적 변이 정도를 밝히고자 한국산 개구리 속 6종과 일본산 개구리 속 1종에 대한 미토콘드리아 165 rDNA를 분석하였으며, Gene-bank에 수록된 일본산 산개구리류 3종도 함께 비교 분석하여 총 437 bp의 염기서열을 결정하였다. 산개구리류 7종에 대한 similarity는 91.3∼97.3%이며, 참개구리류는 96.1∼97.3%로 나타났다. 또한, 참개구리류와 옴
The author has investigated four Manila clam populations of the family Veneridae, belonging to the order Veneroida. The clam is also indigenous to some parts of the sandy regions of the West Sea in the Korean Peninsula, as well as in several areas in China. Clams are the most popular marine products in Korea because of their taste and nutritional value, and Koreans consume them in large quantities. However, in spite of their economic and scientific consequences, a little information currently exist regarding the physiological and ecological levels only of clam species in Korea. This study attempt is to elucidate the genetic distances within and between clam populations from the West Sea. Four populations of Manila clam (R. philippinarum) were obtained in adjacent district to the West Sea in Korea. Four populations of clam muscle was collected in sterile tubes, placed on ice immediately, and stored under refrigeration until needed. Genomic DNA was extracted and purified under the conditions described previously (Yoon and Kim, 2004). The degree of variability was calculated by use of the Dice coefficient (F), which is given by the formula: F=2 nab / (na+nb), where nab is the number of bands shared between the samples a and b, na is the total number of bands for sample a and nb is the total number of bands for sample b (Jeffreys and Morton, 1987; Yoke-Kqueen and Radu, 2006). Euclidean genetic distances within- and between-species were also calculated by complete linkage method with the support of the hierarchical dendrogram program Systat version 10. The genomic DNA isolated from four Manila clams populations in the West Sea, were amplified several times by PCR reaction. The dendrogram obtained by the six oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic clusters. The hierarchical dendrogram indicates four main branches: cluster 1 (GOCHANG 01, 02, 04 and 05), cluster 2 (SEOCHEON 06, 07, 08, 09 and 10), cluster 3 (TAEAN 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) and cluster 4 (ANMYEON 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and GOCHANG 03). Multiple comparisons of average bandsharing values among Manila clam populations from four sections were generated according to the bandsharing values and similarity matrix. Ultimately, individuals from SEOCHEON clam population (0.637±0.227) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did individuals from GOCHANG clam population (0.402±0.115) (P<0.05).
This study was carried out to find relationships of genetic distance and heterosis expression degree in the developed CNU waxy corn lines. The used material were developed in Corn Breeding Laboratory, Coll. of Agri. & Life Sci., CNU. Total 10 primers used for SSR maker analysis. In genetic distance, the used lines divided into four groups; A group has two lines, B group has one line, C group has ten lines and D group has eleven lines, respectively. Among used lines, CNU427 and CNU588 were very closed as a 74, while CNU451 and CNU429 were remote as a 40 inbred coefficient, respectively. While heterosis degree were very variable not only hybrids but also cross parents. Average heterosis of most cross-parent was high in plant height, ear height, flowering day and ear length. Especially, CNU H09-23 hybrid was high as 79.4% than other hybrids. Here, we gained the fact has closely relationship between genetic distance and heterosis.
Hairtails (Trichiurus lepturus) are the most popular marine products in Korea because of their taste and nutritional value, and Koreans consume them in large quantities. Hairtail, ecologically important warm water fish species, belonging to family Trichiuridae, widely distributed on the coast of the West Sea, South Sea and Jeju Island in the Korean Peninsula and the several sea areas in China under the natural ecosystem. However, in spite of their economic and scientific consequences, a little information currently exist regarding the physiological and ecological levels only of hairtail species in Korea (Koo et al., 2004). Simply the biological fisheries feature, distribution and migration of hairtail (T. lepturus) in Korean waters were surveyed (Park et al., 2005). Currently, imported hairtail have been altered into endemic hairtail because of high edge. In the present study, to explicate the genetic distances and differences among geographical hairtail populations, we accomplished a clustering analysis of three hairtail populations collected from Atlantic, Korea and Chinese site. Muscle tissues were obtained separately from individuals from Atlantic hairtail population (AHP), Gunsan hairtail population (GHP) and Chinese hairtail population (CHP), respectively. The muscle was collected in sterile tubes, immediately placed on dry ice, and stored at -40℃ until the genomic DNA extraction. Genomic DNA was extracted and purified under the conditions described previously (Yoon and Kim, 2004). Seven primers (BION-02, BION-03, BION-04, BION-08, BION-09, BION-13 and BION-17) were shown to generate the shared loci, specific loci, unique shared loci to each population and shared loci by the three populations which could be obviously scored. The degree of variability was calculated by use of the Dice coefficient (F), which is given by the formula: F = 2 nab / (na+nb), where nab is the number of bands shared between the samples a and b, na is the total number of bands for sample a and nb is the total number of bands for sample b (Jeffreys and Morton, 1987; Yoke-Kqueen and Radu, 2006). Euclidean genetic distances within- and between-population were also calculated by complete linkage method with the support of the hierarchical dendrogram program Systat version 13 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Here, the seven decamer primers BION-02, BION-03, BION-04, BION-08, BION-09, BION-13 and BION-17 were used to generate the shared loci, specific, unique shared loci to each population and shared loci by the three populations. In the present study, averagely, a decamer primer generated 64.7 amplified products per primer in the AHP population, 55.7 in GHP population and 56.4 in CHP population. The number of unique shared loci to each population and number of shared loci by the four populations generated by genetic analysis using 7 decamer primers in AHP, GHP and CHP population. 119 unique shared loci to each population, with an average of 17 per primer, were observed in the AHP population, and 28 loci, with an average of 4 per primer, were observed in the CHP population. Many researchers studied the sizes of DNA fragments in the PCR profiles of five species of Eastern Pacific abalone (genus Haliotis) (Muchmore et al., 1998), black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) (Tassanakajon et al., 1998), shrimp populations (Yoon and Kim, 2003) and deep sea lobster (Puerulus sewelli) (Park et al., 2005). The hierarchical dendrogram point out three main branches: cluster 1 (ATLANTIC 01 ~ ATLANTIC 07), cluster 2 (GUNSAN 08 ~ GUNSAN 14) and cluster 3 (CHINESE 15 ~ CHINESE 21). The shortest genetic distance displaying significant molecular difference was between individuals’ CHINESE no. 16 and CHINESE no. 18 (0.045). In the long run, individual no. 01 of the AHP population was most distantly related to CHINESE no. 19 (genetic distance = 0.430). The genetic distance between the Indian Ocean lobster and the Korean Slipper lobster species ranged between 0.040 and 0.612 (Park et al., 2005). Consequently, PCR analysis generated on the genetic data displayed that the geographic AHP population was widely separated from CHP population. From what has been said above, the potential of genetic analysis to identify diagnostic markers for the identification of three hairtail populations has been demonstrated. Generally speaking, using a variety of arbitrary primers, PCR has been applied to identify polymorphic/specific markers particular to line, species and geographical population, as well as genetic diversity/polymorphism in diverse species of organisms (McCormack et al. 2000; Yoon and Kim 2004).
The turtle leg (Pollicipes mitella), which belongs to the family Pollicipes, is widely distributed in the rock along the shore areas of the southern sea, Jeju island and Ulleungdo island of Korean Peninsula. Generally, the size, type, stripe pattern, and color of this species vary in accordance with water depth, turbidity, nutrition, growth period, water temperature, and other environmental aspects. Genomic DNAs were isolated from 21 individuals of three turtle leg (P. mitella) populations of Tongyeong, Yeosu and Manjaedo located in the southern sea of the Korean peninsula. After incubation, we added 300 l of 3 M NaCl, and gently pipetted for a few minutes. 600 l of chloroform was then added to the mixture and inverted (no phenol). The DNA pellets were then incubation-dried for more than 10 hours, maintained at -40℃ until analysis, then dissolved in the ultra-pure water. The concentration of the extracted genomic DNA was measured by its absorbance ratio at 260 nm, with a spectrophotometer (Beckman DU 600 series, UK). Seven primers were exposed to generate the unique loci to each population and number of shared loci by the three populations of turtle leg which could be clearly scored. The hierarchical clustering tree was analyzed by the similarity matrices to generate a dendrogram using pc-package program Systat version 10. As regards average bandsharing value (BS) results, the higher fragment sizes (>1,200 bp) are much more observed in the Yeosu population. The number of unique loci to each population and number of shared loci by the three populations generated by PCR using 7 decamer primers in the turtle leg (P. mitella) population of Tongyeong, Yeosu and Manjaedo. Genetic distances among different individuals of the Tongyeong population of the turtle leg (lane 01~07), Yeosu population of the turtle leg (lane 08~14) and Manjaedo population of the turtle leg (lane 15~21), respectively, were generated using the CLASSIFICATION option in Systat version 10 according to the bandsharing values and similarity matrix. Tongyeong population could be evidently discriminated with the other two Yeosu and Manjaedo populations among three populations. The longest genetic distance (0.305) was found to exist between individuals' no. 02 of the Tongyeong population and no. 13 of the Yeosu population. It seems to the author that this is a result of a high degree of inbreeding in narrow region for a long while. Three turtle leg (P. mitella) populations can be clearly distinguished, especially, by their morphological characters and PCR-based approach.
The gDNA isolated from Cyclina sinensis from Gochang (GOCHANG), Incheon (INCHEON) and a Chinese site (CHINESE), were amplified by PCR. Here, the seven oligonucleotide decamer primers (BION-66, BION-68, BION-72, BION-73, BION-74, BION-76, and BION-80) were used to generate the unique shared loci to each population and shared loci by the three cyclina clam populations. As regards multiple comparisons of average bandsharing value results, cyclina clam population from Chinese (0.763) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did clam from Incheon (0.681). In this study, the dendrogram obtained by the seven decamer primers indicates three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (GOCHANG 01~GOCHANG 07), cluster 2 (INCHEON 08~INCHEON 14), cluster 3 (CHINESE 15~CHINESE 21). The shortest genetic distance that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals 15 and 17 from the Chinese cyclina clam (0.049), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-one cyclina clams that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals GOCHANG no. 03 and INCHEON no. 12 (0.575). Individuals of Incheon cyclina clam population was somewhat closely related to that of Chinese cyclina clam population. In conclusion, our PCR analysis revealed a significant genetic distance among the three cyclina clam populations.
The authors have investigated three species of Clupeidae such as herring, Korean anchovy and large-eyed herring, belonging to the order Clupeiformes. The fish is also indigenous to some parts of the southern regions of the West Sea. Fishes are the most popular marine products in Korea because of their taste and nutritional value, and Koreans consume them in large quantities. Especially, Korean anchovy and large-eyed herring are widely distributed in the entirety of brackish-water habitats and seawater areas of the West Sea in the Korean Peninsula, as well as in several areas in China. However, in spite of their economic and scientific consequences, a little information currently exist regarding the physiological and ecological levels only of crab species in Korea. During the last two decades, environmental contamination and various environmental disruptions by industries and city sewage, have threatened the coastal fisheries, and then reduction of individual number of this fish is an increasing trend in the 2000s. This study attempt is to elucidate the genetic distances within and between herring, Korean anchovy and large-eyed herring population from the West Sea. Three species of herring (C. pallasii), Korean anchovy (C. nasus) and large-eyed herring (H. zunashi) were obtained in close vicinity to the West Sea in Korea. Three species of fish muscle was collected in sterile tubes, placed on ice immediately, and stored under refrigeration until needed. Genomic DNA was extracted and purified under the conditions described previously (Yoon and Kim, 2004). The degree of variability was calculated by use of the Dice coefficient (F), which is given by the formula: F = 2nab / (na+nb), where nab is the number of bands shared between the samples a and b, na is the total number of bands for sample a and nb is the total number of bands for sample b (Jeffreys and Morton, 1987; Yoke-Kqueen and Radu, 2006). Euclidean genetic distances within-and between-species were also calculated by complete linkage method with the help of the hierarchical dendrogram program Systat version 10. The genomic DNA isolated from herring (C. pallasii), Korean anchovy (C. nasus) and large-eyed herring (H. zunashi) in the West Sea, were amplified several times by PCR reaction. The dendrogram obtained by the seven primers indicates three genetic clusters as shown in Fig. 1. The hierarchical dendrogram indicates three main branches: cluster 1 (PALLASII 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 and 07), cluster 2 (NASUS 08, 09, 10 and 11), and cluster 3 (NASUS 12, 13 and 14, ZUNASHI 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, PALLASII 05). The genetic distance among the three fish species ranged from 0.018 to 0.318. In three fish population, the shortest genetic distance displaying significant molecular difference was between individual PALLASII no. 03 and PALLASII no. 02 (0.018). Ultimately, individual no. 05 of the PALLASII herring was most distantly related to PALLASII no. 06 (genetic distance = 0.318). From what has been said above, the potential of this PCR analysis to identify diagnostic markers for the identification of three fish populations has been demonstrated. Generally speaking, this PCR analysis method has been applied to identify specific markers particular to line, species and geographical population, as well as genetic diversity/polymorphism in diverse species of organisms (McCormack et al. 2000; Yoon and Kim 2003).
Identification of compatible parental line is of great importance in introduction of useful characters to onion breeding program, beyond the severe hybridization barrier. Phylogenic analysis of Allium section Cepa was conducted through PCR by URPs, repeated sequences of A. fistulosum, and microsatellite markers. Totally 76 accessions originated from 21 countries were clustered into five groups at a 0.84-similarity level: group I;A. cepa and its wild relatives and A. cepa ssp. ascalonicum, group II; A. cepa ssp. wakegii, A. cepa ssp. proliferum and Samcheung-pa group III; A. fistulosum and A. altaicum, group IV; A. galanthum, group V; Soeckkori-pa. Samcheung-pa and Soekkori-pa, Korean local varieties, shared band type of both Cepa group and Altaicum group, indicating that those are derived from interspecific hybridization between A. fistulosum and A. cepa.