In the trend of globalization, global citizenship, social responsibility,and sustainability are seen as the benchmark for assessing the sociology of schools. However, there are few formal definitions or concepts of global citizenship and convincing evidence of how global citizens engage in cultural activities at universities. Therefore, it is essential to research extensively and accurately to create concepts about global citizens in higher education. International higher education, social sciences,and business materials are considered to have integrated a deep understanding of global citizenship in the context of universities in general and business schools in particular. The recognition of the concept of global citizens through the moral and transformative lens is considered a practical solution when approaching this new and full of problems. This paper describes the learning of global citizens through social imagination, relationships,and reflexes. These qualities will help students develop complex and ambiguous global business thinking. The materials and knowledge considered in this paper are the basis for establishing ethical reasoning, sensitivity and value-based teaching in universities. These aspects will create new ways to integrate the concept of global citizens into training programs at business schools. Global citizen learning will create the necessary links of social responsibility with sustainable development and ethical principles when implementing the curriculum at business schools. Besides, the paper also outlines how to learn from global citizens and apply that learning method to teaching practice.
Internet represents an increasingly relevant marketing channel for reaching foreign countries (Sinkovics, Sinkovics, & Jean, 2013). The aim of this paper is to understand how Western firms can exploit digital platforms to enter and sell their products in the contradictory market of China: more advanced than the Western one but also with many restrictions. Drawing from a literature about Internet as communications (Bilby, Reid, & Brennan, 2016) and sales channel (Bai, McColl, & Moore, 2017; Deng & Wang, 2016; Petersen, Welch, & Liesch, 2002), we develop three propositions to be tested in China. We carry out a qualitative research based on interviews with seven key informants operating in the Chinese market. Findings discuss the peculiarities of the Chinese digital environment. We confirm that dealing with Internet in China is different from other countries, therefore even if companies already have competences related to web marketing, they need to (re)learn how to use it and adapt their marketing strategies. Moreover, despite the growing role of the Internet as retailing channel in the Chinese market, we find that digital platforms do not substitute local distributors because of their primary in guanxi established. Internet has not substituted existing channel intermediaries but it has been rather added to them in a omnichannel strategy
Over the last decades, the global luxury business has become dominated by large conglomerates. Backed by the financial power of their parent companies, formerly small and often family-owned brands have expanded their presence around the globe. They have established themselves in some of the most expensive shopping districts, acquired illustrious testimonials, and sponsored prestigious events. Almost overwhelmed by the omnipresence of luxury, consumers are said to have begun looking for the “genuine” and “unique,” favoring smaller, less homogenized and more intimate luxury brands not necessarily known to the larger public. This study thus looks beyond the well-known players in the luxury market and explores the differentiating strategies used by independent niche luxury companies. It aims to identify factors contributing to their success in a global market otherwise dominated by ever-growing luxury giants.
This study is investigated the process of calculating the support service cost for the oversea plants which are rapidly increasing from domestic automobile companies and removing the corresponding value from the cost of the domestic production products. In order to calculate the service cost for oversea support cost, survey methods was used among various options and The rate of contribution to individual work was obtained through revision works. We conclude that about 25% of the indirect processing costs of domestic production products should be eliminated and replaced with the cost of overseas support services.
This study aims to observe effects of global R&D cooperation outcomes and global business abilities of small businesses by a national aid program. This study selected a program, Industry Technical Global Cooperation Project launched from Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT). Also, small businesses CEOs’ roll and efficiency are very important to increase outcomes and improve abilities of their companies. In this study, CEO’s global level or ability is regarded of small businesses’ global level. Then, this study shows positive effects between a national aid program and global R&D cooperation outcome and between global R&D cooperation outcome and global business abilities.
본 연구의 목적은 다국적기업의 글로벌 친환경혁신전략에 영향을 미치는 요인과 해당 결정요인들을 바탕으로 실행된 글로벌 친환경혁신전략이 다국적기업의 경영성과에 직접적인 영향을 미치는지 고찰해보기 위함이다. 제도적 이론을 활용하여 연구의 이론적 모형을 제시했으며 이를 바탕으로 글로벌 규제적 압력과 글로벌 경쟁자 압력이 다국적기업의 글로벌 친환경혁신전략에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설을 제시하였다. 이와 함께 다국적기업의 친환경혁신전략과 경영성과 간 직접적인 관계가 있음을 나타내는 가설도 함께 제시함으로써 기업의 의사결정에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 모든 주체들의 특성을 고려하여 다국적기업의 글로벌 친환경혁신전략 프로세스를 설명하는 통합적인 모형을 나타내보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 연구모형은 PLS를 이용한 경로분석을 바탕으로 검증 되었으며 자료는 한국증권거래소에 상장된 다국적기업의 본사 중 식품가공 및 처리를 제외한 제조업만을 한정하여 실시한 설문조사를 통해 수집되었다. 또한 경로분석에 앞서 수집된 자료의 편의를 없애기 위해 무응답편의 및 동일방법편의 진단을 위한 분석을 실시하였다. 이를 바탕으로 자료를 분석한 결과 모든 제도적 압력 요인들이 다국적기업의 친환경혁신전략에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그와 더불어, 본 연구결과는 다국적기업 의 친환경혁신전략이 기업의 경영성과 개선에도 직접적인 영향을 미친다는 것을 보여준다.
This study aims at observing effect of global R&D cooperation outcome and global business ability of small businesses by national aid program. Also, this study aims to observe between national aid program and global R&D cooperation outcome. As a result, the national aid programs can be used to get global level technique and develop global markets. Also, the programs can positive effects to the small businesses for making global network and ability. They can be good methods for growing as global small businesses in the world.