For effective control of Frankliniella occidentalis, one of polyphagous pests with resistance to insecticides, necessitates the implementation of an integrated pest management strategy. Therefore, estimation of pest density is essential and this is achieved through the application of spatial statistical analysis methods. Because traditional methods often overlook the correlation between sampling locations and data, geostatistical analysis using variogram and kriging is introduced. Variogram provides information on the independent distance between data points. Kriging is a spatial interpolation technique for estimating the values at unsampled locations. For assessing model fitness, cross-validation is used by comparing predicted values with actual observations. This study focuses on the application of geostatistical techniques to estimate F. occidentalis density in hot pepper greenhouse, thereby contributing to making decision.
 ,  , The effect of natural enemies on four major pests of hot pepper was tested in greenhouses. The aphids were successfully controlled by introducing three Aphidius colemani-banker plants, and releasing 23.3 wasps per m<, SUP>, 2<, /SUP>, on April 16 and 23 wasps per m<, SUP>, 2<, /SUP>, in a greenhouse of 660 m<, SUP>, 2<, /SUP>, . To control thrips, Orius laevigatus was released twice, 3.0 bugs per m<, SUP>, 2<, /SUP>, at a time(May 11<, SUP>, th<, /SUP>, and June 12<, SUP>, th<, /SUP>, ). The thrips population was controlled within 0.3 thrips per flower during the growing season. To control two species of mites, Tetranychus kanzawai and Polyphagotarsonemus latus, and the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a total of 113.7 individuals of Amblyseius swirskii were released twice(May 11<, SUP>, th<, /SUP>, and 30<, SUP>, th<, /SUP>, ). The densities of B. tabaci and T. kanzawai were kept within 171.0 individuals/trap and 0.8 individual/leaf, respectively. P. latus was suppressed completely twelve days after release. The cost of the released natural enemies to control the four arthropod pests in this study was 420,000 Won per 660 m<, SUP>, 2<, /SUP>, .
To evaluate the influence of Meloidogyne incognita on hot pepper, hot pepper seedlings (Capsicum annuum cv. Supertankang) were planted in wooden box microplot (30×40×15cm, L×W×H) and growth and fruit yield were measured in a greenhouse condition from June to Nov., 2010. The initial population densities(Pi) of root knot nematode in the microplots were adjusted to 0, 10, 30, 100 and 300 second-stage juveniles (J2) in 100cm3 of soils. The fruit yields were inversely correlated with Pi and the relationship of total fruit yield to Pi could be adequately described by a linear regression equation, Y=0.18-0.039×LOG10(Pi+1), R2=0.49**. The Pi of 30 J2/100cm3 root knot nematode before planting caused yield loss exceed the economic threshold of non-fumigant nematicide application compared. Non-fumigant nematicides for M. incognita should be applied level around 30 J2/100cm3 soil for proper cultivation.
Orius strigicollis Poppius를 이용한 총채벌레의 생물적 방제 방법을 구명하기 위하여 하우스 고추에서 천적제거구(CNT), 약제처리구(PAT)와 천적방사구(NRT)의 세처리를 하여 처리구별로 총채벌레와 O. strigicollis의 밀도변동 및 고추 열매의 피해도 조사를 실시하였다. NRT에서 O. strigicollis의 약충은 최초 방사일로부터 13일후에 고추의 하부 잎에서 조사되었으며, 총채벌레의 밀도는 정식 15일후부터 급격히 낮아진 후 CNT보다 매우 낮은 밀도로 유지되었다. 총채벌레와 O. strigicollis가 꽃에 더 많이 분포하기 때문에 포식자 탐색을 증진시키는 결과를 가져왔다. CNT, PAT와 NRT에서 고추 열매의 피해도 지수는 각각 0.31, 0.05와 0.08이었고, 피해과율은 각각 80.0, 17.1과 24.8%로 NRT의 피해도 지수와 피해과율은 PAT보다는 높았으나 CNT에 비해서는 매우 낮아 고추에서 O. strigicollis를 이용하여 총채벌레를 방제할 수 있을 것으로 조사되었다.