This study was conducted to investigate cucumber plants response to greenhouse environments by solar shading in greenhouse in the summer. In order to estimate heat stress reduction of cucumber plants by solar shading in greenhouse, we measured and analyzed physiological conditions of cucumber plants, such as leaf temperature, leaf-air temperature, rubisco maximum carboxylation rate, maximum electron transport rate, thermal breakdown, light leaf respiration, etc. Shading levels were 90% mobile shading of full sunlight, 40% mobile shading of full sunlight and no shading(full sunlight). The 90% shading screen was operated when the external solar radiation is greater than 650 W·m-2. Air temperature, solar radiation, leaf temperature, leaf-air temperature and light leaf respiration in the 90% shading of full sunlight was lower than those of 40% shading and no shading. Rubisco maximum carboxylation rate, arrhenius function value and light leaf respiration of the 90% shading were significantly lower than those of 40% shading and no shading. The thermal breakdown, high temperature inhibition, of 90% shading was significantly higher than that of 40% shading and no shading. Therefore, these results suggest that 90% mobile shading made a less stressful growth environment for cucumber crops.
생육온도가 증가함에 따라 CO2(ppm/hr/㎥/병)농도는 증가하였고, 생육단계별로는 생육후기에 가장 높은 경향을 나타내고 있으며, 품종별로 춘추2호<수한2호<청풍<진미<흑백 순으로 호흡량이 많은 경향을 나타내었다. 또한 생육온도가 높아짐에 따라 O2(ppm/hr/㎥/병)소비량은 증가하는 경향이었으며, 생육단계별로 생육후기에 가장 많이 소비되는 경향을 보이고 있고, 품종별로 춘추2호<수한2호<청풍<진미<흑백 순으로 소비된 O2량이 많아지는 경향이었다. 그리고 느타리버섯의 생육적정 온도인 15℃에서의 호흡지수는 춘추2호가 500일 때, 수한2호 528, 청풍 573, 진미 617, 흑백 634로 신품종의 호흡지수는 춘추2호 보다 높은 경향을 나타내었다.
To understand the postharvest characteristics of soybean sprouts, 5-day-old sprouts were harvested, packed in PE film, and stored at 4, 12, and 20~circC for up to 4 days. In addition, the sprout respiration rate was measured after storage at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24~circC for up to 20h. During the first day of storage at 20~circC , the sprouts maintained temperature-dependent longitudinal growth, especially of hypocotyl length; hypocotyl and root grew 0.8cm and 0.2cm, respectively. The hypocotyl thickness decreased by 11, 13, and 18~% after 4 days of storage at 4, 12, and 20~circC , respectively. No temperature-dependent differences in fresh weight, dry weight, or water content were found, despite decreases of 3~% over the 4 days of storage. A significant postharvest decrease of 50~% in vitamin C content was observed in the sprouts stored at 20~circC for 3days. Based on the CO2 production rate, the soybean sprouts exhibited an increase in respiration in proportion to the storage temperature; sprouts stored at 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24~circC showed approximately 2, 5, 6, 11, and 17 times, respectively, than the respiration rate of sprouts stored at 4~circC . These results indicate the importance of low temperature storage during market circulation for minimizing the postharvest morphological and nutritional degradation of soybean sprouts.
질소 및 인산시용이 수도의 지상, 지하부 생육에 미치는 영향을 검토하고 산소전극으로 측정한 근호흡과 지상, 지하부 생육과의 관련성을 알기 위하여 1978년 인공기상실에서 pot 실험을 수행하였으며 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 질산시용량 증가에 따라 근호흡 및 지상부중은 증가되나 근중은 감소되었다. 2. 인산의 시용은 인산과 동량의 질소병용하에서만 근호흡을 증가시켰으며 근중 및 지상부중은 인산적량시비시에 증가되었다. 3. 저온하에서는 근호흡에 미치는 인산시비효과가 크지 않았으며 인산만의 단독증비는 근호흡을 크게 감소시켰다. 4. 근호흡은 근중과는 부의 상관을, 그리고 지상부중 및 양분흡수와의 정의 상관을 보였으며 단위면적당호흡 의미가 없고 단위근중당호흡만이 유효하였다. 5. 원연교잡종인 수원 258호는 일본형 품종인 진흥보다 저온에서의 인산반응이 낮은 경향이었다.