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        검색결과 59

        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The functional cardiovascular system is comprised of distinct mesoderm-derived lineages including endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells and other mesenchymal cells. Recent studies in the human embryonic stem cell differentiation model have provided evidence indicating that these cell lineages are developed from the common progenitors such as hemangioblasts and cardiovascular progenitor cells. Also, the studies have suggested that these progenitors have a common primordial progenitor, which expresses KDR (human Flk-1, also known as VEGFR2, CD309). We demonstrate here that sustained activation of BMP4 (bone morphogenetic protein 4) in hESC line, CHA15 hESC results in KDR+ mesoderm specific differentiation. To determine whether the KDR+ population derived from hESCs enhances potential to differentiate along multipotential mesodermal lineages than undifferentiated hESCs, we analyzed the development of the mesodermal cell types in human embryonic stem cell differentiation cultures. In embryoid body (EB) differentiation culture conditions, we identified an increased expression of KDR+ population from BMP4-stimulated hESC-derived EBs. After induction with additional growth factors, the KDR+ population sorted from hESCs-derived EBs displays mesenchymal, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle potential in matrix-coated monolayer culture systems. The populations plated in monolayer cultures expressed increased levels of related markers and exhibit a stable/homologous phenotype in culture terms. In conclusion, we demonstrate that the KDR+ population is stably isolated from CHA15 hESC-derived EBs using BMP4 and growth factors, and sorted KDR+ population can be utilized to generate multipotential mesodermal progenitors in vitro, which can be further differentiated into cardiovascular specific cells.
        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Techniques to evaluate gene expression profiling, such as sufficiently sensitive cDNA microarrays or real-time quantitative PCR, are efficient methods for monitoring human pluripotent stem cell (hESC/iPSC) cultures. However, most of these high-throughput tests have a limited use due to high cost, extended turn-around time, and the involvement of highly specialized technical expertise. Hence, there is an urgency of rapid, cost-effective, robust, yet sensitive method development for routine screening of hESCs/hiPSCs. A critical requirement in hESC/hiPSC cultures is to maintain a uniform undifferentiated state and to determine their differentiation capacity by showing the expression of gene markers representing all three germ layers, including ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. To quantify the modulation of gene expression in hESCs/hiPSC during their propagation, expansion, and differentiation via embryoid body (EB) formation, we developed a simple, rapid, inexpensive, and definitive multimarker, semiquantitative multiplex RT-PCR platform technology. Among the 9 gene primers tested, 5 were pluripotent markers comprising set 1, and 3 lineage-specific markers were combined as set 2, respectively. We found that these 2 sets were not only effective in determining the relative differentiation in hESCs/hiPSCs, but were easily reproducible. In this study, we used the hES/hiPS cell lines to standardize the technique. This multiplex RT-PCR assay is flexible and, by selecting appropriate reporter genes, can be designed for characterization of different hESC/hiPSC lines during routine maintenance and directed differentiation.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pluripotency and self-renewal capacity of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are retained by hESCs related genes as OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG. These genes are shown high expression level in diverse cancer cells and have potential role in the carcinogenesis. On the contrary to this, several genes which are up-regulated in the differentiated hESCs are involved to suppress the carcinogenesis or proliferation of cells. We discovered several genes in immortalized lung fibroblast (WI-38 VA13) by suppression subtractive hybridization. Among them, we focused chromosome 6 open reading frame 62 (C6orf62) which is uncharacterized, mapped to 6p22.3 and generated to Hepatitis B virus X-transactivated proteins (HBVx-transactivated proteins, XTP). Aim of this study was to characterize C6orf62 through analyzing of expression pattern in various cell lines. Expression of C6orf62 was significantly up- regulated in diverse normal cell lines than cancer cell lines. And C6orf62 was up-regulated in differentiated hESCs (endothelial cells, neural cells) compared to those of undifferentiated hESCs. Also, C6orf62 in WI-38 cells was highly up-regulated during G1/S transition of the cell cycle. Taken together, C6orf62 is shown expression pattern similar to differentiated hESCs-associated genes which down-regulated in cancer cells. Therefore, we assume that C6orf62 may participate to suppress the proliferation and to induce differentiation through regulating the cell cycle.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Embryoid bodies (EBs) generated from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) include spontaneously induced endodermal lineage cells (ELCs). Activin-A plays important roles in the endoderm differentiation of hESCs. Despite studies on the generation of ELCs from hESCs with treatment of Actvin-A, it was unclear for localization and pattern of ELCs by Activin-A during differentiation of hESCs. Accordingly in this study, we knew that Actvin-A increased the cystic EBs formation, including the highly enriched AFP (endoderm lineage specific marker)-expressing cells in the surface of cystic EBs. To induce the EBs formation from undifferentiated hESCs, cells were transferred onto petri-dish and cultured in suspension condition without bFGF removed hESC media (EB media) for 3 days. Next to investigate the effect of Activin-A, EBs were subsequently cultured in EB media supplement with 100 ng/ml Activin-A for 3 days. After 5~7 days of Activin-A treatment, cystic EBs began to appear which increased in numbers reaching ~60% of initially formed EBs over 5 days. Endoderm lineage marker, AFP were highly expressed and specifically localized at the surface region of cystic EBs comparison with normal EBs. We next attached the cystic EBs onto gelatin-coated plates and cultured for 5 days. In the results of real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry analysis, AFP-expressing cells migrated and localized at the outgrowth region of attached cystic EBs. To obtain the AFP-expressing cells of the outgrowth region, we manually isolated by using micro- dissection and cultured them. These cells strongly express AFP over 70% of isolated cells post re-plating. Here, we first showed an expression pattern of specifically localized ELCs by Activin-A during differentiation of hESCs. From this observation, we could highly purified ELCs from undifferentiated hESCs. Taken together, our system will provide a novel and efficient option to generate ELCs from hESCs.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the most cause of death around the world and fields of interest for cardiac stem cells. Also, current use of terminally differentiated adult cardiomyocytes for CVDs has limited regenerative capacity therefore any significant cell loss may result in the development of progressive heart failure. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) derived from blastocyst‐stage embryos spontaneously have ability to differentiate via embryo‐like aggregates (endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm) in vitro into various cell types including cardiomyocyte. However, most effective molecule or optimized condition which can induce cardiac differentiation of hESCs is rarely studied. In this study, we developed both spontaneous and inductive cardiomyocyte‐like cells differentiation from hESCs by treatment of induced‐factors, 5‐azacytidine, BMP‐4 and cardiogenol C. On the one hand, spontaneous and inductive cardiomyocyte‐like cells showed that cardiac markers are expressed for further analysis by RT‐PCR and immunocytochemistry. Interestingly, BMP‐4 greatly improved mogeneous population of the cardiomyocyte‐like cells from hESCs CHA15 and H09. In conclusion, we verified that spontaneously differentiated cells showed cardiac specific markers which characterize cardiac cells, treated extrinsic factors can manage cellular signals and found that hESCs can undergo differentiation into cardiomyocytes better than spontaneous group. This finding offers an insight into the inductive factor of differentiated cardiomyocytes and provides some helpful information that may offer the potential of cardiomyocytes derived from hESCs using extrinsic factors.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human embryonic stem (ES) cells retain the capacity for self‐renewal, are pluripotent and differentiate into the three embryonic germ layer cells. The regulatory transcription factors Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 play an important role in maintaining the pluripotency of human ES cells. The aim of this research was to identify unknown genes upregulated in human ES cells along with Oct4, Nanog, and Sox2. This study characterizes an unknown gene, named chromosome 1 open reading frame 31 (C1orf31) mapping to chromosome 1q42.2. The product of C1orf31 is the hypothetical protein LOC388753 having a cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIb (COX6b) motif. In order to compare expression levels of C1orf‐ 31 in human ES cells, human embryoid body cells, vascular angiogenic progenitor cells (VAPCs), cord‐blood endothelial progenitor cells (CB‐EPCs) and somatic cell lines, we performed RT‐PCR analysis. Interestingly, C1orf31 was highly expressed in human ES cells, cancer cell lines and SV40‐immortalized cells. It has a similar expression pattern to the Oct4 gene in human ES cells and cancer cells. Also, the expression level of C1orf31 was shown to be upregulated in the S phase and early G2 phase of synchronized HeLa cells, leading us to purpose that it may be involved in the S/G2 transition process. For these reasons, we assume that C1orf31 may play a role in on differentiation of human ES cells and carcinogenesis.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The endogenous retrovirus-like elements (HERVs) found on several human chromosomes are somehow involved in gene regulation, especially during the transcription level. HERV-H, located on chromosome Xp22, may regulate gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) in connection with diverse diseases. By suppression subtractive hybridization screen on SV40-immortalized lung fibroblast (WI-38 VA-13), we discovered that expression of HERV-HX2, a clustered HERV-H sequence on chromosome X, was upregulated in immortalized lung cells, compared to that of normal cells. Expression of HERV-HX2 was then analyzed in various cell lines, including normal somatic cells, cancer cells, SV40-immortalized cells, and undifferentiated and differentiated human embryonic stem cells. Expression of HERV-HX2 was specifically upregulated in continuously-dividing cells, such as cancer cells and SV40-immortalized cells. Especially, HERV-HX2 in HeLa cells was highly upregulated during the S phase of the cell cycle. Similar results were obtained in hES cells, in which undifferentiated cells expressed more HERV-HX2 mRNA than differentiated hES cells, including neural precursor and endothelial progenitor cells. Taken together, our results suggest that HERV-HX2 is upregulated in cancer cells and undifferentiated hES cells, whereas downregulated as differentiation progress. Therefore, we assume that HERV-HX2 may playa role on proliferation of cancer cells as well as differentiation of hES cells in the transcriptional level.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the preimplantation embryo and have the capacity to differentiate into various types of cells in the body. Hence, these cells may potentially be an indefinite source of cells for cell therapy in various degenerative diseases including neuronal disorders. For clinical applications of human ES cells, directed differentiation of these cells would be necessary. The objective of this study is to develop the culture condition for the expansion of neural precursor cells derived from human ES cells. Human ES cells were able to differentiate into neural precursor cells upon a stepwise culture condition. Neural precursor cells were propagated up to 5000-fold in cell numbers over 12-week period of culture and evaluated for their characteristics. Expressions of sox1 and pax6 transcripts were dramatically up-regulated along the differentiation stages by RT-PCR analysis. In contrast, expressions of oct4 and nanog transcripts were completely disappeared in neural precursor cells. Expressions of nestin, pax6 and sox1 were also confirmed in neural precursor cells by immunocytochemical analysis. Upon differentiation, the expanded neural precursor cells differentiated into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. In immunocytochemical analysis, expressions of type III β-tubulin and MAP2ab were observed. Presence of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes were also confirmed by expressions of GFAP and O4, respectively. Results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of long-term expansion of human ES cell-derived neural precursor cells in vitro, which can be a potential source of the cells for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Embryonic stem (ES) cells are known to have an infinite proliferation and pluripotency that are associated with complex processes. The objective of this study was to examine expression of genes differentially regulated during differentiation of human ES cells by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Human ES cells were induced to differentiate into neural precursor cells via embryoid body. Neural precursor cells were isolated physically based on morphological criteria. Immunocytochemical analysis showed expression of pax6 in neural precursor cells, confirming that the isolated cells were neural precursor cells. Undifferentiated human ES cells and neural precursor cells were subject to the SSH. TPX2 (Targeting Protein for Xklp2 (Xenopus centrosomal kinesin-like protein 2)) was identified, cloned and analyzed during differentiation of human ES cells into neural lineages. Expression of TPX2 was gradually down-regulated in embryoid bodies and neural precursor cells relative to undifferentiated ES cells. Targeting Protein for Xklp2 has been shown to be involved in cell division by interaction with microtubule development in cancer cells. Taken together, result of this study suggests that TPX2 may be involved in proliferation and differentiation of human ES cells.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have developed a new passaging technique for the expansion of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) that involves simply pipetting portions of hESCs acquired from colonies, reducing the laborious and time-consuming steps in the expansion of hESCs. Compared to general mechanical methods of passaging, our pipetting method allowed hESCs colonies to be broken into small fragments, which showed significantly higher attachment rates onto feeder cell layers. This technique produced three times the number of hESCs colonies than conventional mechanical methods. In addition, this pipetting method allowed us to distinguish differentiated hESCs from undifferentiated hESCs during hESCs colony pipetting. The hESCs cultured by pipetting method displayed normal human chromosomes for over 60 passages. According to RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analysis, the hESCs successfully maintained their undifferentiated state and pluripotency which was also confirmed by teratoma formation in vivo. Therefore, the pipetting method described in this study is a useful tool to efficiently and quickly expand hESCs on a large scale without enzyme treatment.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vitrification has been suggested to be an effective method for the cryopreservation of human ES cells. However, the efficiency of vitrification with different vehicles remains a matter of ongoing controversy. The objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of cryopreservation in human ES cells by vitrification using different vehicles. A human ES cell line and a variety of vehicles, including microdroplet (MD), openpulled straw (OPS) and electron microscopic grid (EMgrid), were employed in an attempt to assess vitrification efficiency. In order to evaluate the survivability and the undifferentiated state of the postvitrified human ES cells, we conducted alkaline phosphatase staining and characterization via both RTPCR and immunofluorescence assays. The survival rates of the postvitrified human ES cells using MD, OPS and EMgrid were determined to be 61.5%, 66.6% and 53.8%, respectively. There also exist significant differences between slowfreezing and vitrification (p<0.01). However, no significant differences were detected between the vehicle types. Finally, the pluripotency of human ES cells after thawing was verified by teratoma formation. Cryopreservation using vitrification is more effective than slowfreezing, and the efficiency of vehicles proved effective with regard to the preservation of human ES cells.
        2005.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts have the ability to renew themselves and to differentiate into cell types of all lineage. The present study was carried out to investigate whether the Wnt signaling pathway is related to maintaining self-renewal of hESCs. Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK-3) inhibitor, BIO ((2''Z,3''E)-6-Bromoindirubin-3''-oxime) was treated to Miz-hES1 line for activation of Wnt signaling pathway. BIO-nontreated hESCs (control) and BID-treated hESCs were cultured for 5 days in the modified feeder-free system. During the culture of hESCs, differences were observed in the colony morphology between 2 groups. Controls were spread outwards whereas BIO-nontreated hESCs were clumped in the center and the differentiated cells were spreading outwards in the edges. The results of stem cell specific marker staining indicated that control were differentiated in large part whereas BIO-treated hESCs maintain self-renewal in the center of the colony. The results of lineage marker staining suggested that outer cells of the hESC colony were differentiated to the neuronal progenitor cells in both control and BIO-treated hESC. These results indicate that Wnt signaling is related to self-renewal in hESCs. In addition, control group showed higher composition of apoptotic cells (23.76%) than the BID-treated group (5.59%). These results indicate that BIO is effective on antapoptosis of hESCs.
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