
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The blossom midge, Contarinia maculipennis Felt(Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)originated in Southeast Asia and is present in Japan, the continental USA, and Hawaii. Recently, C. maculipennis was intercepted in Japan, USA and the Netherlands by using orchid flowers imported from Southeast Asian countries. This pest is designated as a quarantine pest in Korea because of its potential damages to vegetables and ornamental plants. In Korea, similar symptoms of damage, which mighty be caused by C. maculipennis, have been investigated in western orchids, especially on Dendrobium phalaenopsis, from Mid-2000s. Official recognition was given to C. maculipennis in 2007, followed by an investigation on the occurrences of C. maculipennis and its damages, mainly on D. phalaenopsis, in 2008~2009. We emphasize caution concerning the possibilities that C. maculipennis could infest flower buds of orchids and carry out management strategies for this pest in the future.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Blossom midge, Contarinia maculipennis Felt (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is originated in Southeast Asia and has been present in Japan, USA and Hawaii. Recently, C. maculipennis was intercepted in Japan, USA and Netherlands with orchid flowers imported from Southeast Asian countries. This pest is designated as quarantine pest in Korea because of its potential damages to vegetables and ornamental plants in case when this pest introduced in Korea. C. maculipennis has known to feed inside unopened flower buds, causing deformed, discolored buds and blossoms. And, in severe infestations, cause premature bud or blossom drop. In Korea, similar damage symptoms have been reported in western orchids which mighty be caused by C. maculipennis from Mid-2000s, especially on D. phalaenopsis. An official recognition to C. maculipennis was given in 2007. And, the occurrences of C. maculipennis and its damages were investigated mainly on D. phalaenopsis in 2008~2009. We emphasize caution about recognizing the possibilities that C. maculipennis could infest flower buds of an orchids and carry out management strategies for this pest in the future.